Course/Date / Wed 6th / Thurs 7th / Friday 8th / Saturday 9th / Sunday
RT-130 Fire Refresher / 1000-1530* / X**
FIT-TEST / 0800-1000* / X**
RT-212 Chainsaw Refresher / 0800-1630
RT-219 Firing Operation refresher / 0800-1630
S-131 Advanced Firefighter / 0800-1630 / 0800-1200
S-211 Wildland Fire Pumps / 0800-1630 / 0800-1630
S-212 Wildland Fire Chainsaw*** / 0800-1630 / 0800-1630 / 0800-1630
S-219 Firing Operations / 1230-1630 / 0800-1630 / 0800-1630
S-231 Engine Boss / 0800-1630 / 0800-1230
A-219 Long Line Training**** / 0800-1630

*Androscoggin District Office, Gorham NH

** State of New Hampshire “Rookie” Academy

*** Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest

**** Location to be determined

LOCATION:White Mountain National Forest Headquarters

71 White Mountain Drive

Campton NH

Sponsors:State of New Hampshire, White Mountain National Forest, Northeast Forest Fire Protection Compact




CLASS SIZE: Minimums will depend on the training offered. Some courses may justify small attendance numbers because of the uniqueness of the program. If class enrollment is low, the Compact will advertise the courses nationally.The priority for seats will be given to NE Compact members if space becomes limited.

  • Send Training Nominations Form via email to:

Christopher O’Brien


NOMINATION PROCESS: Students must submit the attached Nomination Form. Successful students taking NWCG courses will receive a certificate at the end of the course.


Firefighter Type 1, S-131, is a twelve-hour course designed to meet the training needs of the Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1) and/or Incident Commander Type 5 (ICT5). This course is designed to be interactive in nature. It contains class discussion and several tactical decision games designed to facilitate learning the objectives. Topics include operational leadership, communications, LCES and tactical decision making.

Prerequisites / Qualified as a firefighter type 2 (FFT2).

Wildland Fire Pumps, S-211: This course is designed to provide knowledge and skills to design, setup, operate, troubleshoot, and shut down portable water delivery systems. The focus is on portable pumps - it does not address water delivery for engines. Topics covered include: portable water delivery systems; equipment; roles and responsibilities; and system design and hydraulics. There is also a field exercise where students will apply what they learned in the classroom.

Prerequisites / None

Wildland Fire Chainsaws, S-212: This is an instructor-led course intended to be presented at the local level. The course lessons provide introduction to the function, maintenance and use of internal combustion engine powered chain saws, and their tactical wildland fire application. Field exercises support entry level training for firefighters with little or no previous experience in operating a chain saw, providing hands-on cutting experience in surroundings similar to fireline situations.

Prerequisites / Satisfactory completion of pre-course work.

Firing Operations, S-219: This course was developed using a blended approach to learning, meaning that it contains a mix of online and instructor-led training (ILT). Students are required to complete the online training portion of the course prior to taking the ILT. The course introduces the roles and responsibilities of a firing boss (FIRB) and outlines duties of other personnel who may engage firing operations. The course discusses and illustrates common firing devices and techniques. Although comprehensive in nature, the course work is not a substitute for the dynamic fire environment. The course provides students with important information regarding general tasks required to be successful. Any opportunity to show students a real ignition or demonstrate the use of an actual firing device will assist in transferring these new concepts and skills to the job. There is an optional field day outlined in the course, it is the discretion of the delivery unit to include the field day, however, if logistically feasible it is suggested by NWCG that a field day be conducted.

Prerequisites / Qualified as a firefighter type 2 (FFT2).

Engine Boss, S-231: This is a skill course designed to produce student proficiency in the performance of the duties associated with engine boss, single resource (ENGB). Topics include engine and crew capabilities and limitations, information sources, fire sizeup considerations, tactics, and wildland/urban interface.

Prerequisites / Qualified as a firefighter type 1 (FFT1) and successful completion of S-230.

Helicopter Transport of External Load: Provide technical training and procedures for agency personnel performing helicopter external load operations. Participants will receive classroom and field training and will be asked to demonstrate proper procedures to safely conduct helicopter external load operations. Participants will be given the opportunity to develop the skills to safely perform hover hookups and/or longline operations. The instructor may choose to incorporate one or both activities

Prerequisites:A-100 Basic Aviation Safety OR S-271 Helicopter Crewmember AND A-110 Aviation Transportation of Hazardous Materials

Nomination Form

Nominee Name:
Mailing Address:
Telephone Number:
E-Mail Address:
Current Position:
Current Job Location:
Supervisor’s Name and E-Mail Address:
Send nomination form via email (only):
Christopher O’Brien
US Forest Service
300 Glen Rd
Gorham, NH 03581