Minutes of Committee Meeting 23.4.15

Meeting opened at 6.04pm

Present; Sally, Mark, Sue, Callum, Reshma, Sarah, Andrew and Lorraine

Apologies; Nicky, Sal

Minutes; Approved by Sally and seconded by Barbara.

Matters Arising; Training, it was agreed to hold a Module 1 Team Manager training session as soon as possible and a Module 2 later on in the year. Suggested names for Module 1 are Karl, Sian, Lorraine McCann, Jamie Pinguenet and all those who were originally booked on the course that was cancelled. Sally to email Ian to organize.

Safeguarding training; a lot of people did the course last year so it is likely that we cannot get enough people who need to do the course in order to run our own. Lorraine & Mandy both need to do safeguarding; Ian to be advised by Sally and asked if he can get members onto a local course.

Officials T-shirts – we will not be funding T-shirts as we have done in the past.

Officials Funding – we will only fund the £15.00 license fee.

Simply Spalding - Barbara to do.

Bag Pack – raised £566.38. Please can we send a letter to the manager at Sainsbury’s thanking him for the opportunity to raise funds by doing the bagpack on Good Friday, telling him how much was raised and letting him know what we have spent some of the money on – repairs to the AOE system and dive toys for the ‘Learn to Swim Squad.

Committee agreed that this needed to be an official ‘Thank You’ so asked if Nicky could send it. Lorraine reported that the ‘Dive’ toys ordered by Tracey had arrived but were not fit for purpose as they did not sink. Sally will email Tracey to see what she wanted to do about them.

All members have paid ASA Fees now. The membership forms for Kenye Anglum were not given to Tracey and neither has Barbara received them. Callum will see Kenye over the weekend and will ask.

Coach’s Phone; discussion about how it is to be used and funded; Committee agreed that it is to be held by the Head Coach at meets in order that he can be informed if a swimmer cannot get to the meet or will be late. Five pounds was to be put on the phone in order to fund any emergency calls to parents.

Website and internet; AOL addresses are still causing problems with emails bouncing back into the admin box. Sal has turned filters on at SLCSC domain in order that unnecessary emails go straight into spam/junk/trash; Sally is very grateful. The ‘Ask the Coach’ button is functioning so swimmers and parents can now contact Callum with queries. Internet provider is PLUSNET – are they the reason service is so slow or is it that we have an old computer?

Sleaford club still not been in contact – Callum will contact.

End of Matters Arising.

COACHES REPORT – Callum went through his report – very pleased with developing a closer coaching/club relationship with Sophie Allen and we agreed to pay her ASA fees. The swimmers are looking forward to the Saturday morning training with her. We agreed that it was a good idea for Callum and Sophie to work on developing close ties with Crowland and Gosberton Clough so that when they reach a certain standard they might be encouraged to join SLCSC.

County and Midland dates for 2016 available so Callum to work on which meets are suitable for which swimmers and when the coaches meet they can discuss the program for next year. Callum has also been working on restructuring squads and the committee offered their thoughts on how to keep swimmers in the club when they don’t meet squad criteria due to other commitments; Callum will also discuss this with coaches. Coach meeting set for 3pm on Sunday 17th May. Sally to email the coaches to encourage their attendance at the meeting.

‘Learn to Swim’ - Mark and Sally had a discussion with Tracey about her future and she was unwilling to give a definite date for stepping down. We reassured her we were happy for her to continue for as long as she wanted, as we had no wish to lose her skills.

The committee was advised about the main points that arose from Mandy’s appraisal. She would be very keen to move to ‘LTS’ and no longer be assistant head coach. She would be happy to remain as head of development as well provided the fees continued to be paid. The committee had a long discussion about the best way forward and discussed other options including some very positive ideas from Lorraine. The committee eventually decided that, for the immediate future, the current coaching/development management system will need to remain in place until we have the necessary number of coaches trained to the correct standard. Callum intends that the whole situation will be resolved by September. Sally to contact Mandy to advise the outcome of our discussion.

Mohammed’s progress was discussed and Callum advised what further actions he was taking to resolve the issues holding up his being passed as a level 2 coach.

Callum then left the meeting.

Treasurer’s report; the committee approved Callum’s 3.5% pay rise and agreed that it should be backdated to the 1st March. Mark and Sally agreed to hold a progress meeting with Callum. New annual pay is £18,112.50 gross.

The coach costs for Callum attending meets were briefly discussed. The committee agreed that it wasn’t really necessary for Callum to attend the ‘No Frills’ meet at Sheffield as only two swimmers were attending and with the current difficulties in getting cover for his squads. The committee was unsure whether Mandy would be taking the squad to the Lincoln Vulcan’s meet on the 28th June; Lorraine advised that she had had a discussion with Mandy prior to the meeting and she would be going as main support /coach if Mandy was unable to go. Lorraine was thanked for this offer. Sue advised she had ordered 2 coaches passes.

Extractor Grill in diving pit area; Sue to talk to Rachel at 1life about the odd request she had received to organize the repair and continue to liaise with Grimsby SC about sharing some of the cost.

Loan AOE unit for JLL and Tulip has been delivered. We have agreed to pay transport costs of £30-40 for the unit. We are still awaiting news of our unit in America.

Chair’s report – Everything going well for Tulip; Sheila just needed a volunteer for the Trophy room. Barbara had sent out a last minute plea for more Officials. Phil Cookson has organized more than £3000 worth of sponsorship – Thank you Phil.

JLL Hilary sent out a last minute plea for Officials but Neil was satisfied he had enough.

As it was now 8.34pm Mark agreed to forgo a talk about the action plan.

Sally to email suggested date for next meeting.

Meeting closed.