English 7 Accelerated Biography Rubric Name ______Hour ____
Turn inthis rubric with your final draft!
MYP-IB Objective: Organize ideas and arguments in a sustained, coherent and logical manner
MYP-IB / Criterion A: Content / Criterion B: Organization0 / The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below. / The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 / A clear topic is missing.
- And the student does almost no explaining about the topic, or giving of examples to support the key ideas.
- And lacks detail, development, and support.
- And the reader leaves feeling very confused and unclear about what the writer really thinks about the topic.
Addresses ideas illogically, and inconsistently
- The essay has no lead/introduction
- The essay has no real topic sentence
- The essay has no real conclusion
- Ideas may flow in an illogical manner
- Author does not change paragraphs at all
- Transitions are not attempted.
3-4 / The topic is present but it may be somewhat unclear exactly what the author is trying to say
- And the student does not explain each key idea clearly, and needs to give more examples to support the key ideas
- And uses limited detail, development, and support
- And the reader leaves wishing the author had explained more clearly, with more examples why the writer feels or thinks what they do.
Organizes basic ideas logically, yet inconsistently
- Begins with a lead/introduction that is confusing or not interesting
- The topic sentence may be overly simple or not be clear
- Ends with a conclusion that basically just restates the topic sentence.
- Ideas may flow in a way that does not make sense
- Author needs to change paragraphs more often
- Some transition words are phrases are used, but more (or better) are needed.
5-6 / The topic is generally clear.
- And the student explains clearly, and gives examples that support the key ideas.
- And uses good detail, development, and support
- And the reader leaves with a good understanding of the topic
Usually organizes basic ideas logically and consistently
- Begins with an interesting lead/introduction that attempts to catch the reader’s interest
- Begins with a topic sentence that mostly explains the topic
- Ends with a conclusion that somewhat summarizes the main ideas and/or may leave the reader with a thought at the end
- Ideas flow in a somewhat chronological manner
- Author sometimes changes paragraphs with each new idea
- Transition words are sometimes used when needed.
7-8 / The writing centers around a clear, focused topic.
- And the student explains clearly, and gives examples that support the key ideas.
- And uses substantial detail, development and support.
- And the reader leaves with a better understanding of the topic.
Organizes basic ideas logically and consistently
- Begins with an interesting lead/introduction
- Begins with a topic sentence that clearly explains the topic
- Ends with a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas and/or may leave the reader with a thought at the end
- Ideas flow in a mostly chronological manner
- Author changes paragraphs with each new idea
- Transition words are used when needed.
9-10 / The writing centers around a clear, focused and compelling topic.
- And the student explains in a clear, detailed way, giving vivid examples that support the key ideas.
- And uses substantial illustrative detail, development, and support including relevant facts, definitions, and quotations.
- And the reader leaves really understanding the topic, with new insights.
Organizes basic and more complex ideas logically and consistently
- Begins with an interesting lead/introduction that hooks a reader
- Begins paragraphs with a topic sentence that very clearly explains the topic
- Ends with a satisfying conclusion that summarizes the main ideas and leaves the reader with a thought at the end
- Ideas flow in a chronological manner
- Author changes paragraphs with each new idea
- Effective transition words are used when needed (e.g. first, then, next, finally, and specific dates and times)
Score: /50 Letter Grade:
Standards: Students will write an informative/explanatory text to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content. Students will show use of writing process.