Quantifying the Flu: Making Non-Quantitative Cases Quantitative

Figure 1 QUANTIFYING CASES: Easy steps to success

  1. Identify class characteristics and your own willingness to relinquish control
  1. Identifylearner characteristics
  1. Identify learning objectives and curriculum outcomes
  1. Find a case do you want to modify
  1. Find or develop datasets, simulations, websites, scientific papers or games that provide and scaffold a data rich learning experience for the case
  1. Develop performance assessments and scoring rubrics

After providing some detail for the steps outlined in figure 1, we will illustrate adaptation with several cases from this book. We will also choose a case that has limited quantitative content and illustrate ways to add datasets, visualization techniques and simulations to augment the case.

The flu fascinates everyone, but especially casewriters. Maybe because it arrives every year and we get called on to get yet another flu shot. In the box below, we show sources of cases on influenza. Many of these cases focus on objectives that focus on the causes of the flu and how it can be spread, as well as some of the genetic differences between flu strains. A common list might include:

1. Understand the flu (influenza), its causes, why it occurs yearly, and who is most affected.

2. Explain the genetic make-up and transmission of the influenza virus.

3. Describe host specificity.

4. Define pandemic, epidemic, and endemic.

5. Explain the purpose, production/execution, procedures for administration, and efficacy of vaccines and quarantines.

6. Describe viral strain variation and immunological naiveté.

7. Discuss the history of influenza (specifically outbreaks of 1918, 1957, and 1968).

8. Summarize the epidemiology of pandemic flu strains versus the typical yearly flu.

9. Consider why avian flu is highly publicized.

10. Discuss the virulence of the influenza virus.

But most of these objectives are at the lower levels of Bloom. Could we convert #8 into a quantitative or synthesis level by saying “Create, use or construct a model that predict pandemic flus?,”

Cases of Flu:

National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science

A Case Study Involving Influenza and the Influenza Vaccine

John S.Bennett

This interrupted case study presents a discussion about the benefits of the influenza vaccine between Mary, a nursing student, and her coworker, Karen. Karen is not convinced by Mary’s arguments in favor of vaccination, and she counters with several common rationalizations for not getting the vaccine. Students work in small groups to evaluate the arguments for and against vaccination from the perspective of each woman. In addressing the questions in the case, students learn about the general biology of viral infections, treatment of infections, and immunity. The case was designed for use in an entry-level course in microbiology for nursing students or a first-year biology course for majors.

Chickens and Humans and Pigs, Oh My!

Jeffrey J.Byrd and Samantha L.Elliott

Influenza is a common topic in the popular press and a point of interest for many students. This case study was written to promote interdisciplinary connections between upper division virology and immunology classes. Students that participate in this case will address many important concepts, including antigenic shift/drift, reassortment of viral antigens, viral entry via sialic acid residues, vaccinations, and pandemics. Developed in an interrupted case format, instructors may use the case in its entirety or portions that are relevant for their own needs. The case would be appropriate for us in immunology, virology or microbiology courses.

Decoding the Flu


This "clicker case" was designed to develop students' ability to read and interpret information stored in DNA. Making use of personal response systems ("clickers") along with a PowerPoint presentation, students follow the story of "Jason," a student intern at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). While working with a CDC team in Mexico, Jason is the only person who does not get sick from a new strain of flu. It is up to Jason to use molecular data collected from different local strains of flu to identify which one may be causing the illness. Although designed for an introductory biology course for science or non-science majors, the case could be adapted for upper-level courses by including more complex problems and aspects of gene expression, such as the excision of introns.

Why Was the 1918 Influenza So Deadly?

AnniePrud’hommeGenereux and Carmen A.Petrick

In this intimate debate, students examine the causes of the devastation wrought by the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic. Students consider whether the 1918 flu was exceptionally deadly because of its biology, or whether prevalent geopolitical-socioeconomic conditions led to the negative health outcomes. Students assess the contribution of each factor, consider how they might have interacted, and apply their knowledge to evaluate the risks of current flu outbreaks. The case was developed for a sophomore undergraduate course on infectious disease; it may be of use in a general biology course if sufficient background in viral biology is provided by the instructor.


Bird flu and the 1918 Pandemic

The threat of an outbreak of avian flu caught the attention of the public, government, and media. How serious is avian flu? Where did it come from? Scientists from around the world focus on the probability of an outbreak.


Jordan is sick and convinced he needs antibiotics. What if he took some of his girlfriend's leftover pills? Or could it be the flu? Didn't he just get vaccinated?


Case It! is an NSF-supported project initiated in 1995 by participants in a BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium workshop. The overall goal is to develop a framework for collaborative case-based learning in molecular biology. The Case It software is an open-ended simulation which reads nucleotide or amino acid sequence files, and includes methods for analyzing DNA (restriction digestion and mapping, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA electrophoresis, Southern blotting and dot blotting, microarray analysis) and proteins (protein electrophoresis, Western blotting, ELISA). Detailed tutorials that describe the various features and the steps for using them can be accessed from the Case It home page (

There are 9 different flu cases on the site.

Tools and data sets for quantifying the flu

Google Flu Trends provides near real-time estimates of flu activity for a number of countries and regions around the world based on aggregated search queries. Some of these estimates have been validated through comparison with official historic influenza data from the relevant country or region. Generally, countries labeled as "experimental" have not been formally compared against official influenza data. Both validated and unvalidated estimates can be viewed on the Google Flu Trends website or downloaded as a CSV file for analysis. Read more about how Google Flu Trends works.

"Data Source: Google Flu Trends (

Historical H1N1 data for California

Tracking the progress of H1N1 swineflu

This map and the data behind it were compiled by Dr. Henry Niman, a biomedical researcher in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, using technology provided by Rhiza Labs and Google. The map is compiled using data from official sources, news reports and user-contributions and updated multiple times per day. Rhiza's web-based mapping product, Insight, is helping Dr. Niman get official and unofficial data into the tracking system faster while giving researchers and the public many options for viewing the data in a useful and understandable way.

Help Dr Robfind if school absence data can detect flu peaks early. Get your students to analyze your school’s absence data and report on their findings.
People could consider contacting them to collect real data.

Case 9: Pandemic Flu Open Ended Investigation

Use the following link to download the Excel-based SIR model used in Investigation V:


Develop a scenario of your own (more virulent flu, different mitigation efforts, targeting certain population segments, etc.) and see how the spread of disease is changed. Demo

Other links of use for projects:

Noymer, A. Raw data set: Age-specific death rates (per 100,000). Influenza and Pneumonia, USA.

Life expectancy in the USA, 1900–98.

Taubenberger, J. K., and D. M. Morens. 1918 influenza: The mother of all pandemics.
Emerging Infectious Diseases, on return 12(1), January 2006. Online at

Weisstein, A. E. SIR Modeling. In Biological ESTEEM: Excel Simulations and Tools for Exploratory, Experiential Mathematics. 2007

World Health Organization. Antigenic and genetic characteristics of H5N1 viruses and candidate H5N1 vaccine viruses developed for potential use as pre-pandemic vaccines.

H1N1 Map Links: