Ninth Grade
Confirmation Handbook
Welcome to Confirmation
Welcome to confirmation at English Lutheran Church. This booklet is your guide to our ninth grade confirmation program and contains important information and schedules. Please read the information in the booklet carefully and keep it for reference throughout the year.
Philosophy and Goals
Confirmation at English Lutheran Church is a spiritually based, relational program that proclaims the gospel and calls students into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We also take seriously our baptismal covenant “to serve all people, following the example of Jesus, and to strive for justice and peace in all the earth.” In this program, we encourage students to ask honest questions as they work out how they will live a Christian life. In order to make confirmation an “adventure in faith” and create a positive learning environment, we designed a curriculum that utilizes small group experiences and an interactive format. While maintaining the biblical and confessional substance of confirmation, we employ a student centered, experiential style of learning.
We desire that our youth apply catechetical principles to daily life and develop the following competencies during their confirmation program:
- A competency in the “first language of faith”
- A competency in theological application
- A creedal competency
Parent Responsibilities
Research from the Youth and Family Institute affirms the critical role the home serves in the nurture and development of faith in our children and youth. For this reason, English Lutheran established the Faith Milestone program to encourage parents in their important role as the first teachers of our children.
According to the first principle of the Youth and Family Institute “Faith is formed by the power of the Holy Spirit through personal, trusted relationships, often in our own homes.” Therefore, we strongly encourage parents to be an active partner with their son or daughter during this final year of confirmation.
Family Devotions
Parents and students are encouraged to have evening devotions four times a week based on the “Faith Five” model. Bible readings for each week will be shared in class, emailed to parents and students, and posted on our confirmation website.
Service Projects
Every student will be expected to complete six service projects during the year. Two service projects will be done as a class. Two service projects will be organized by the confirmation program and completed as a small group outside class time. Two service projects will be completed with your parent(s). The student/parent service projects will include a reflection sheet that will be turned in to your catechist for credit.
Parent Visits
Parents will be assigned a night to attend confirmation class once during the fall semester. If they are unable to attend when scheduled, please contact the catechist to reschedule. Next spring as part of the student’s preparation for confirmation, parents are asked to attend class on Parent’s Night,” March 9, 2016. At any time parents have questions about confirmation, please feel free to contact the catechist, your student’s small group guide, or Pastor Pupillo.
At English Lutheran, we teach SEVEN FAITH PRACTICES that have, for twenty centuries, characterized the life of those committed to following Jesus Christ. Therefore, we ask our confirmation students and their parents to make the following commitment:
I will strive to…
- PRAY daily
- WORSHIP weekly
- READ the Bible
- INVITE others to church
- GIVE of my time, talents and resources
- SERVE at and beyond English Lutheran Church
- Be in RELATIONSHIP to ENCOURAGE spiritual growth in others
Student Overview
What will we be studying?
English Lutheran Church follows a 3-year plan, each year with a different focus – Old Testament, New Testament, and Small Catechism. The 9th grade class will focus on three parts of the Small Catechism: The Ten Commandments, Apostles’ Creed, and Lord’s Prayer. The final six weeks of class are devoted to preparation for the students “affirming their faith” at the Rite of Confirmation on April 26, 2015.
Memory Work
Each student will be expected to know The Ten Commandments, The Lord’s Prayer, and The Apostles’ Creed. The students will be tested on memorization of these during the first six weeks of confirmation.
Learning outside of class
Students will be expected to participate in assigned devotional exercises in their homes. They will also be assigned observation projects with reflection sheets as part of the Faith Action Plan process.
We expect all students to attend Wednesday evening classes. Students missing scheduled classes shall notify the confirmation catechist or pastor if you need to be absent. No more than 3 classes can be missed.
All students are expected to show respect for the learning needs of all students in the class, the adult leaders, and the property.
Worship Notes
When worshiping on Sunday morning, we encourage students to worship actively by thoughtfully and reflectively completing Worship Notes about services attended. Worship Notes will be evaluated based on thoughtfulness of response and not always “correct” answers. Worship Notes sheets (blue) can be found in the Kiosk in the narthex. Ninth grade students will complete eight Worship Notes and turn them into the tray outside Pastor Pupillo’s door or give them to the ninth grade catechist on Wednesday evening.
Worship Participation
In grades seven and eight, confirmation students served as acolytes. Ninth grade students will have more significant and more varied opportunities to serve on Sunday mornings. Students will be asked to serve in 4 of 9 designated tasks in the area of worship. Once the schedule is complete, if a student is unable to participate on his/her assigned day, it is the student’s responsibility to find a substitute and to notify the church office of the change.
Service Projects
Every student will be expected to complete 5 service projects by April 1, 2016, in addition to their service at worship. Two service projects will be organized by the confirmation program and completed together with their classmates outside of class time. Two service projects will be completed with your parent(s). One service project will be chosen and completed by the student on their own or with one other classmate. This can also be your Faith Action Plan project. The student/parent service projects will include a reflection sheet that will be turned in to your catechist for credit.
If you are participating in the choir or bell choir, please speak with Pastor Pupillo or the ninth grade catechist about receiving credit. Service projects are services for which you are not paid and exclude projects for your immediate or extended family. A list of projects to help you get started is included in this handbook. You are encouraged to develop other ideas on your own.
Wednesday Evening Schedule
5:30-6:15Meal (optional)
We encourage you to join us for supper on Wednesday nights. The meals are prepared by Roxie Flaten, with a recommended donation of $4.00. This is a great time to “check-in” with each other and share important events from the past week.
6:15-7:30Class and group time – Rm 106
We will meet in 9th grade classroom, the north corner of the West Wing. Additional teaching space in the Youth Room may be used, per the direction of the leaders. In the large group, Pastor Pupillo will teach the theology, biblical background and implications for life from Luther’s Small Catechism. In the small groups, confirmation guides will lead discussions on how we live out what we believe through relationships and through God’s call to serve.
9th Grade Confirmation Schedule
English Lutheran Church
September 16Class #1 Who is God? – Rob Bell video and discussion, QUIZ: LP
September 23Class #2 What does it mean to be baptized?
September 30Class #3 Apostles’ Creed – Article 1, QUIZ: AC
October 7Class #4 Group Night and Catechism Memorization Boot Camp
October 14Meet early to see Nadia Bolz-Weber in Winona, MN!
October 21Class #5 Apostles’ Creed – Article 1, QUIZ: 10C
October 28Class #6 Apostles’ Creed – Article 2
November 4Class #7 Apostle’s Creed – Article 2
November 6-8High School Retreat to Bethel Horizons Camp
November 11Class #8 Apostles’ Creed – Article 3
November 18Class #9 Apostles’ Creed – Article 3
November 25Thanksgiving Week – NO CLASS
December 2Class #10 10 Commandments
December 9Class #11 10 Commandments
December 16 Class #12 Grace and Christmas Party
December 23 Christmas Break – NO CLASS
December 30Christmas Break – NO CLASS
January 6Class #13 Spiritual Gifts #1
January 20Class #14 Spiritual Gifts #2
January 27Class #15 Faith Action Plan
February 3Class #16 Faith Action Plan
February 10Ash Wednesday – Worship only at 7:00pm
During Lent we worship at 6:15 with our small groups and class is 7:00-7:45pm
February 17Class #17 Lord’s Prayer
February 24Class #18 Lord’s Prayer
March 2Class #19 Working for Justice and Peace
Sun. March 6Enrollment of Candidates for the Rite of Confirmation – Meeting @ 9:45am
March 9Preparation for the Rite of Confirmation #1 – Parents’ Night
March 16Preparation for the Rite of Confirmation #2 – Action Plan Night,
Plans Due
March 23Holy Week – Easter Rehearsal and Bulletin Folding
March 30Preparation for the Rite of Confirmation #3 – Stole Night
April 6Preparation for the Rite of Confirmation #4 – Resource Night,
Faith Statements Due
April 13Preparation for the Rite of Confirmation #5 – Blessing Night,
Final Revisions Due
April 20Confirmation and Ministry Interviews,
Stoles Due
Sat. April 23Family Night, Rehearsal and Faith Statements, 6:30pm
Sun. April 24Rite of Confirmation
April 27Final Class
Rite of Confirmation/Affirmation of Baptism
Ninth grade students will be invited to affirm their faith on Sunday, April 26, 2015, at the 10:45 a.m. service. Parents and baptismal sponsors are invited to participate in the Rite of Confirmation.
Three things happen during the Rite of Confirmation:
- Students affirm their baptismal faith. During the time of preparation, students will prepare a personal statement of faith. During the Rite of Confirmation itself, students affirm their Christian faith by confessing the Apostles’ Creed.
- The Church confirms the orthodoxy of their faith in response to their class participation, statement of faith and interview.
- Students receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit through the “laying on of hands” during the Rite of Confirmation.
A complete schedule for “Preparation for Affirmation of Baptism” is found on p.7.
Parents are encouraged to help their son or daughter decide on their Faith Action Plan project and to develop the themes they present in their written Faith Statement.
The confirmation interview with the pastors and the ministry interview with Niki will be on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. Students will be asked to sign up for a one-hour block of time between 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
Confirmation Family Night/Reception and Rehearsal will be on Saturday, April 23, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. The sharing of faith stories and rehearsal for the Rite of Confirmation will last about 75 minutes. The confirmation reception will follow. We invite Grandparents, Godparents, and other friends and family members to attend.
On Confirmation Sunday, April 24, 2016, we will take confirmation pictures at 10:15. Students should be dressed in their gowns with their corsages and present in the sanctuary by 10:00.
Final Preparation for Confirmation
Sun., March 6Enrollment of Candidates for the Rite of Confirmation
Parent/Student meeting between services in the south hall
March 9Preparation for Rite of Confirmation #1: Parents Night
March 16Preparation for Rite of Confirmation #2: Action Plan Night
Written Action plans due, Deliver oral reports on the plan
March 23HOLY WEEK – Easter rehearsals and Bulletin stuffing
March 30Preparation for the Rite of Confirmation #3: Stole Night
Bible verses chosen
April 6Preparation for the Rite of Confirmation #4: Resource Night
Faith Statement due
April 13Preparation for the Rite of Confirmation #5: Blessing Night
Faith Statements final draft due
April 20Confirmation and Ministry Interviews
Stoles due
Sat., April 23Confirmation Family Night @ 6:30 p.m.
Sun. April 24Rite of Confirmation @ 10:45 a.m.
Arrive 9:45, Pictures at 10am
April 27Final Class