Honors English 2
English Literature Data Sheet (DS)
A data sheet is an in-depth look at a novel in order to understand the devices being used by the author to create a theme or overall meaning. You will be expected to complete a data sheet for each of your Outside Reading books this year. Make sure you keep copies of all your work (electronic or otherwise) as it will come in handy throughout the year as well as next year in AP Language or 12th grade’s AP Literature.
Your answers are expected to be insightful, thought provoking and well-developed. You must use complete and well-written sentences, and ALL work MUST be your own. If you are using someone else’s words or ideas you must cite the source using proper MLA formatting. If you fail to cite your sources, or are caught in any way copying, appropriating, or using someone else’s work (other authors, Internet sources, or even your fellow classmates), you will be subject to discipline. Any indication that you are not producing original work will be seen as a violation of the Academic Honesty policy and will result in either a loss of points (zero on the assignment) or any other penalty as expressed in your Pawsport. Do NOT use Sparknotes, Wikipedia, Gradesaver or any other online site to “help” you with ANY part of your work. If you do use one of these sites, remember to cite is as it may be considered plagiarism even if you put it in your own words but do not give credit to the originator of the idea.
Complete the following for your DS:
1) Summary: Complete a detailed summary of the plot. Don’t give minutia but be thorough in your description of the story. Make sure you cover the basic plot and structure of the story including the exposition (situation), rising action, climax, falling action and resolution (conclusion). This is the part of your data sheet that proves to me that you read the story; however, you should limit yourself to no more than two pages double spaced.
2) Theme Statement: Include two (2) theme statements that you identify from the text. Briefly (just a few sentences) discuss how the meanings are expressed throughout the novel and their significance to the characters and plot of the story. Remember that a theme statement must be a kind of lesson that is universal to all humanity and not just one race, culture, ethnic group, religion etc. It is not friendship, or war. Instead, what about friendship or war do we learn?
3) Opening Sequence: Explain the significance of the opening/first chapter or scene. How does it relate to the theme? How does it set up the characters, what drives them, the place, societal issues etc.?
4) Closing Sequence: Explain the significance of the closing/last chapter or scene. How does it relate to the theme? How does it define/redefine the characters from earlier? Does it now explain the motivations behind the characters or the societal issues presented throughout the novel?
5) HTRLLAP: Connect a chapter from Foster’s book to your novel. Be sure to use the HTRLLAP chapter in order to analyze the novel for deeper significance. You must use textual support (evidence in the form of quotes, summary and/or paraphrase) in your response.*
* Note: When you quote directly from ANY text, make sure to use appropriate MLA formatting.
All work (as with any other assignment in this class) is due at the BEGINNING of the period on the date it is due. NO EXCEPTIONS/EXCUSES. Work turned in later that day, after school or the next morning will be considered late. You may always e-mail me your DS at if you are absent or experiencing computer failure. A hard copy will be expected upon your return from your absence or upon the fixing of your printer (there is also a printer in the library for a modest fee). Don’t forget to upload your document to turnitin.com as well as bringing a paper copy.