Student Instruction Sheet

Alabama G.I. Dependents’ Scholarship Program

ACT 2017-349


The Alabama G.I. Dependent Scholarship Program will be utilized each semester after all other scholarships and grants have been applied to the student’s educational expenses (unless otherwise proscribed by state law).


After other grants and scholarships have been applied, students may use their Alabama G.I. Dependent Scholarship Program for in state undergraduate courses of study limited to the Department of Defense Tuition Assistance Cap (currently $250 per semester hour).


Our program does not pay for noncredit (institutional or development), remedial, continuing education, pre-technical courses, placement testing (including nursing testing fees), GED preparation, or state board examinations.


You are authorized to purchase only those textbooks that are mandatory for the courses in which you are officially enrolled. You are not authorized to purchase additional books such as reference manuals, access codes, suggested reading material, study guides or workbooks.

Replacement of books that are lost or stolen will be the financial responsibility of the student.

Required textbooks and applicable fees are limited to a maximum combined $1,000 total per student per semester.


You must follow all of the following guidelines:

·  Be a current resident of the state of Alabama and maintain that residency while receiving benefits under this program.

·  Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for each year you seek benefits under the scholarship.

·  Complete a Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) release form for each educational institution that you attend to authorize the release of personally identifiable information required to determine continued eligibility and as required for any necessary reporting. Some education institutions may require this annually.

·  Comply with the Standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as required for Title IV benefits. These standards will be defined by the education institution that you are attending.

·  Contact the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs immediately concerning any change in dependency status to include but not limited to a divorce from the qualifying veteran in the case of a spouse or step-child.

·  Contact the Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs immediately concerning any change in contact information including but not limited to name, telephone number, mailing address and email address.


Our scholarship program does not pay for supplies such as pens, papers, notebooks, tools, art supplies, uniforms, computer software products, etc.


If you are injured, have a prolonged illness or entered the military service after you have initiated your training under our program, you may apply for an extension of you expiration date provided you have remaining entitlements at the end of the original expiration date.

Your request for an extension of your training time must be submitted at least 90 days prior to your expiration date as identified on your certificate. Only your personal illness, injury or military service can be considered. You must present documentation such as a military discharge or medical statement from your doctor that identifies the period of time you were unable to attend school due to your medical condition. Do not send copies of your medical treatment records. Your mitigation circumstances will be evaluated and you will be notified of our determination. Requests for extensions that are received after the student’s expiration date will not be honored.

Continued on reverse side

Student Instruction Sheet (Cont.)

EXCEPTION: those students whose training period was interrupted due to military service must request an extension of their training time within 1 year after separation.


You must receive our approval prior to transferring or enrolling in another Alabama state-supported school. You must complete a “Request for Supplemental Certificate” (SDVA 5s) and forward the completed document to this office for approval. You may obtain a copy of the request by contacting your school, nearest County Veterans Affairs Office or our agency.

Failure to follow the above procedures could result in you having to pay for tuition, books and instructional fees for the period you attended without an approved supplemental certificate authorizing the transfer.


Should you elect to change your approved technical course, you must complete a “Request for Supplemental Certificate” (SDVA 5s) and forward it to our Department of authorization before entering the new technical course. The SDVA 5s is available from your nearest County Veterans Affairs Office or by contacting our Department.

Upon completion of your course duration you are not authorized to enroll in another technical course under our program. You will be advised of any remaining entitlement that can be applied in the scholastic academic areas at any state-supported school.


You are eligible to participate in our program only as long as you remain the legal dependent of the veteran in which you derive your eligibility. In the event of divorce action, the former spouse or stepchild will be ineligible to participate in our program effective the date of the divorce. Any educational financial obligations entered after the divorce date will be the financial responsibility of the former spouse or stepchild. A copy of the final divorce decree must be provided immediately to include the current mailing address of the veteran and the former dependent(s) for termination notification.

Widow(er) forfeits all entitlements upon remarriage.

Name changes due to marriage or adoption must be reported immediately along with the legal document authorizing the name change.

All students are only eligible to receive benefits under the Alabama G.I. Dependent Scholarship Program once, regardless of future dependency.

A spouse of a veteran who is rated 40-90% due to service-connected disabilities is only entitled to three standard academic years or completion or one technical course not to exceed 27 months of training.

Student’s entitlement is deducted by the number of hours that the student takes per semester. The following scale shows our breakdown of hours:

1 to 5 hours = ¼ of a semester

6 to 8 hours = ½ of a semester

9 to 11 hours = ¾ of a semester

12 or more = 1 semester


The Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs maintains offices throughout the state, which provide information and assist you in filing the required documents. To find your nearest veteran service officer, please visit our website at: or contact us at:

Alabama G.I. Dependents’ Scholarship Program

Department of Veteran Affairs

P.O. Box 1509 Phone: (334) 242-5077

Montgomery, AL 36102-1509 Fax: (334) 353-4078