English Language Arts Classroom Information and Requirements 2015-2016
Mrs. Miltenberger
1. Have the following with you for class EVERYDAY:
· binder with textbook, notebook paper, and requirement page
(stored in the classroom)
· three #2 pencils and colored pencils (no mechanical pencils please)
· red pen, black or blue erasable pen, and a yellow gel highlighter
· school planner
· homework folder with completed work (if assigned)
· SSR book and reading journal
· ELA composition book
2. Quietly enter the room. Sit down, check the daily agenda written on the board, and
make sure you have all materials on your desk ready to begin. Sharpen your pencil, if
needed, before class begins, NOT while someone is speaking.
· Treat others as you wish to be treated.
· Raise your hand to ask questions and to contribute to discussions.
(Enthusiasm is appreciated, but shouting out is not appropriate.)
· Students will leave class quietly when dismissed by the teacher, NOT BEFORE!
· Words and phrases such as, but not limited to, “shut up”, “sucks”, and
“freaking” are not permitted in the classroom. A warning will be given the
first time any of these words are used. A disciplinary referral will result if
any of these words are used a second time.
4. English Language Arts Binder You will be required to keep a binder with supplies and
your textbook. It is to be in class every day. You will be given a label that includes your
name and class period that is to be placed on the spine of the binder. Daily lesson work
will be completed in the text book. Additional assignments will be added as necessary.
ELA composition books will be stored in one of the binder pockets.
5. Independent Reading The Scholastic Reading Counts Inventory will be used in support of
The District’s English Language Arts curriculum. Students are required to read and respond
to reading in his/her independent reading journal assigned following journal format and
assignment guidelines for grading. Connections will be made between class readings and
independent reading. Late response journals will not be accepted. A grade of “0” will be
6. Grades will be calculated on a total points system and the teacher’s classroom
observations. They will be based on:
· Class Participation and Preparation- Students are expected to be prepared for class and participate in every lesson. Students are to have all materials necessary
for class. If a student is unprepared two times, a teacher/student conference will be scheduled, a behavioral reflection will be completed, and the parent will be notified. The student will not be allowed to participate in the grade level Friday activities. If the behavior occurs a second time, a conference will be requested by the teacher.
· Homework-Homework will be given as per the lesson requirements. All homework must be completed and turned in on the due date or a grade of “0” will result. The first missed assignment will result in a teacher warning and a grade of “0.” The second missed assignment will result in a grade of “0,”the completion of a behavioral reflection, the parent will be notified and the student will not be allowed to participate in the grade level Friday activities. If the behavior does not improve, a parent conference will be requested by the teacher. Students will have the total number of days absent to complete an assignment. If the work is not completed during the makeup time period, a “0” grade for the assignment will result. I will not accept makeup work after the makeup time period has passed. It is the student’s responsibility to see me regarding missed work! He/she should see me before school the day he/she returns from the absence.
· Writing- Reading response journal entries (No late journals will be accepted), quick writes, and process pieces (including Unit Embedded Assessments).
· Reading- Oral reading fluency, word attack skills, comprehension, and reading response journals
· Unit Projects
· Embedded Assessments, End of Unit Assessments, Quizzes and Vocabulary Assessments
· Neatness and organization are important. TAKE PRIDE IN YOUR WORK! SLOPPY OR MESSY PAPERS AND ASSIGNMENTS WITH HANDWRITING THAT IS TOO DIFFICULT TO READ WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. You will be asked to rewrite the assignment and turn it in the next day. A late grade will result.
· Remember – ALL YOUR TEACHERS ARE HERE TO HELP YOU. If you have a question or a problem, PLEASE ASK!