English Language Arts 7

Course Expectations

Mrs. Bogner

Team 6

September 2015

Welcome to the HamburgMiddle School! As a member of the seventh grade, you will be expected to learn and respect our classroom rules and procedures for English Language Arts 7. To help all Team 6ELA students succeed, I would like to explain the course and communicate my expectations to you.

The Four Golden Rules/ Procedures: All students will be prompt, prepared, polite and productive.

1. Be Prompt: You are expected to be in your assigned seat and ready to work at the start of class. Make sure you complete the “Start Up” activity as soon as you enter the room!

2. Be Prepared: You must bring your supplies:

3-ring binder- 1”

lined paper, pens, pencils

composition notebook

dry-erase markers (low odor)

highlighter (optional)

3x 5 index cards

3. Be Polite: You will be respectful, considerate and polite to all people and property.

4. Be Productive: You will come to class and use all of the resources available to learn and explore new and exciting ways to enjoy the English language.

New York State Learning Standards: This course will focus on developing and improving your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

Students will read, write, listen and speak for:

  • Information and understanding
  • Literary response and expression
  • Critical analysis and evaluation
  • Social interaction

Homework/ Assignments:

All assignments are due on the assigned due date.

Homework is due the following class day unless stated otherwise.

Assignments should be complete, written in your best handwriting in blue or black inkor typed and have the proper heading.

A student who receives a CR (correct and return) on an assignment must correct his or her work and return it to Mrs. Bogner the following class day.

A student will not earn a grade for CR until it is corrected and re-submitted to Mrs. Bogner.

Points will be deducted from any assignments that do not meet these expectations.

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to see me to find out what notes or activities you missed.

Tests and Quizzes: Tests will always be announced. Quizzes may or may not be announced. Tests and quizzes will vary in structure- multiple choice, short answer questions, fill-in-the-blank, true-false, essay questions, etc...

Grading: Quarterly grades are determined by adding all points earned in a marking period, divided by the total possible points. Grades will consist of homework, quizzes, projects, journals, class participation and test scores. Grades will be available on Parent Portal throughout each quarter.

Total Points Earned = Quarterly Average

Total Points Possible

Extra, Extra, Read All About It!:

  • You will have Independent Reading throughout the year- more information will be provided on a separate handout.
  • Any work not completed or not turned in will be given a zero.
  • If you have any questions, make sure you come and talk to Mrs. Bogner.

Parents/ Guardians: I believe open lines of communication are essential to learning. I will be in contact with parents, as necessary. If you have any questions for me, please feel free to contact me through the main office (646-3250). I look forward to meeting you at Open House.


Mrs. Bogner

Please sign in the space below indicating that you have read and understand the English Language Arts 7 Course Expectations.

Please sign and return this page to Mrs. Bogner by: ______.

Student’s Section

I have read and understand my responsibilities for English Language Arts 7.

Student’s Name: ______

Student’s Signature: ______

Student’s Email (school account): ______

Date: ______


Parent/Guardian’s Section
I have read and understand my child’s responsibilities forEnglish Language
Arts 7.
Parent / Guardian’s Name: ______
Parent / Guardian’s Signature:______
Day Time Phone Number: ______(home, work or cell)

Please circle.

Night Time Phone Number: ______(home, work or cell)
Please circle.
Email Address:______
Date: ______

Teacher Contact Section

Date/Time / Contact / Re: