English II Pre-AP Course Objectives
Writing concepts and skills play a major role in English. Throughout the year, major papers will be assigned to develop writing skills in a variety of genres (expository, persuasive, analytical, descriptive, etc.). Other written assignments will foster creative writing skills to help students to understand the writing process in action.
Students will learn and apply literaryterms and elements associated with short stories, essays, novels, drama, scripts, procedural texts and mythology. Students will learn to interpret meaning, respond to the text, draw conclusions about the author’s purpose, and to analyze the structure of the text throughout the school year.
Students will learn to study and analyze various media forms, such as news clips, articles, movies, speeches, music, etc. They will learn the different techniques used to present the information and how those techniques are used to present information and how those techniquesconvey the overall meaning/message.
Grammar will focus on identifying the parts of speech, revising and editing sentences (correctly using punctuation capitalization, spelling etc.) and other grammar skills. The grammar concepts taught will be expected to beapplied to all written assignments.
Grading Expectations:
Major Grades:
Tests, projects, and formal essays will be weighted at 70% of the six weeks’ grade; therefore, it will be imperative that all assignments are turned in on time and adequate time is allotted to study for exams.
Minor Grades:
All minor grades will be weighted at 30% of the six week’s grade. These grades will include, but not be limited to, class work, homework, and class participation.
Late Work Policy:
If work is not turned in on the due date, it becomes the student’s responsibility to turn the work in within two days, to receive partial credit for the assignment.
Late work grading is as follows:
1 day late: 20 points off grade earned
2 days late: 50 points off grade earned
After two days, the student will not receive any credit for the assignment, and a grade of 0 will be entered in the grade book.
If a student’s absence is the cause for the missed deadline, that assignment is due the day the student returns to school. The Late Work Policy will take effect from that point forward. All students are personally responsible for requesting missed assignments at an appropriate time (before or after school) from the teacher.
Each student will need:
- Composition book – REQUIREDSIZE: *100 sheets *9¾ X 7”
- 5 subject spiral notebook
- Notebook paper
- Pens (blue or black only) and #2 pencils
- Highlighters
Required Texts:
LiteratureHoltMcDougal (school issued textbook)
NightElie Wiesel
Fahrenheit 451Ray Bradbury
Julies Caesar WilliamShakespeare (The entire play is in our Literature textbook.)
*Joy Luck ClubAmy Tan
* 1984George Orwell
*An additional novel for outside reading may be required – TBA
* denotes spring semester text
While students may obtain books from most libraries, close reading strategies are best developed when the student is able to mark in his own personal copy. Books can be obtained by purchasing them (often at a discount through school orders), borrowing from the library, or some are even free online:
I am here to help you learn; if you missed work, need clarification on an assignment, need extra help on a certain objective, or need extra time to complete an assignment (prior to the due date) come to tutorials. Tutorials will be provided on Tuesdays during the second half of my lunch period and after school. Students will need to obtain a tutorial pass from me in advance to attend. Do not hesitate to ask for help.
Behavior Expectations:
Misbehaving in the classroom will not be tolerated. I am here to teach you and you are here to learn. Do not allow your conduct to prevent either of us, or another classmate, from doing our job.
Class rules:
Bring all needed materials to class. This includes, paper, writing instrument, and school books.
Be in your seat and working on the warm-up by the time the tardy bell rings.
Respect and be polite to all people. This includes yourself, your peers, and me as well as others’ personal property and space.
Bring an“I can” attitude to class. Remember I am here to help you with all your “I cans”.
Bring your concerns to me in an appropriate manner before or after class – do not interrupt the class.
Follow ALL school policies.
1st Offense – Verbalwarning
2nd Offense – Student/teacher conference with parent contact
3rd Offense – Parent contact and a discipline referral
4th Offense – Direct discipline referral
- These consequences are cumulative for the entire school year; there is no starting over with each new six weeks.
Electronic Devices Policy:
The Electronic Devices Policy in my class is with my permission only. There may be times that students are asked to answer a quick question on a poll or are allowed to anonymously ask questions through a specific app or website. In those instances, students will be allowed to use their devices. At all other times, they need to be silenced and not seen. If one is out, I will take it up and not return the device until the end of the day.
The Honor Code:
Cheating is the giving or receiving of information and plagiarism ischeating. Plagiarism is defined as, “the act of appropriating the literary composition of another author, or excerpts, ideas or passages therefrom, and passing the material off as one’s own creation.” Cheating or plagiarism is not allowed. A “P” in conduct and a grade of a 0 for the assignment will be recorded for both parties cheating and to the individual plagiarizing.
I sincerely look forward to being a part of your child’s educational experience and in working with you to make them the best that they can be. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns,
Mrs. Hutchinson
Student Name (Printed)
Student Name (Signature)Date
Parent/Guardian (Signature)Date