Métro 1 Module 3 Au collège Unité 1 pp40-41 Les matières / Activity no.
Framework objectives / Reinforce: 7L5 (spontaneous talk)
Starters / Starter 1: Subject search (Framework Pack, p.46)
Starter 2: Back-to-front sentences (Framework Pack, p.46)
Plenary / Give opinions in continuous speech about school subjects (Framework Pack, p.46)
Learning objectives / Talking about school subjects and opinions
Grammar / c’est + adjective
(Programmes of Study – 2008) / 2.1e use reference materials
2.2d pronunciation and intonation
2.2e ask and answer questions
4b communicate in pairs etc.
4g use TL in engaging topics / 1a, 4a
2b, 4b
1c, 2b, 4b
5a, 5b
Contexts / Everyday activities
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/1–2 / Identify and note people’s school subject preferences / 2a, 3a
Speaking / AT2/2 / Ask and answer questions about opinions of school subjects / 4b
Reading and responding / AT3/1 / Recognise school subjects in their written form / 1a
Writing / AT4/2 / Complete sentences to express opinions about favourite school subject / 5b
Key language / C’est comment?
c’est ennuyeux / génial / interéssant / nul / OK / super / bof! /ça va
Quelle est ta matière préférée?
Ma matière préférée, c’est ….
j’aime …, je déteste …, je préfère …
les matières
l’anglais, les arts dramatiques, le dessin, l’EPS (l’éducation physique et sportive), l’espagnol, le français, l’histoire-géo, l’informatique, les maths, la musique, les sciences, le sport, la technologie
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: activity 1, school subjects, days of the week
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, p.25
Resources / Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 1
R & A File, worksheets 1, 2, 3, 7, pp.39–41, 45
Flashcards 9–20: school subjects
Métro 1 Module 3 Au collège Unité 2 pp 48-49 Quelle heure est-il? / Activity no.
Framework objectives / Launch: 7W8 (finding meanings)
Reinforce: 7W3 (classroom words); 7S9 (using simple sentences); 7L4 (classroom talk)
Starters / Starter 3: Sequencing times, fastest finger first (Framework Pack, p.47)
Starter 4: Clock dictation (Framework Pack, p.47)
Plenary / Find the French for parts of sentences (Framework Pack, p 47)
Learning objectives / Asking and telling the time
Grammar / il est + time
Les cours commencent à ….
(Programmes of Study – 2008) / 3b sounds and writing
4a use language within the classroom
4b communicate in pairs etc. / 2a, 3a
2c, 3b
3b, 4c
Contexts / Everyday activities
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2 / Identify times (hours and minutes) from simple statements using a 12-hour clock / 3a, 4a
Speaking / AT2/2 / Say times and match times with lessons with a partner / 3b, 4c
Reading and responding / AT3/2 / Understand short statements about times and pick out times from a short text / 1, 3b
Writing / AT4/3 / Write sentences about times lesson start / 4b
Key language / Quelle heure est-il?
Il est une heure. Il est huit heures. Il est huit heures cinq. Il est huit heures et quart. Il est huit heures et demie. Il est neuf heures moins vingt-cinq. Il est neuf heures moins le quart. Il est midi / minuit.
Le collège s’appelle ….
Les cours commencent / finissent à …. à midi, l’après-midi
À … je mange à la cantine.
Pardon, monsieur/madame …. Je ne comprends pas “les cours”.
Qu’est-ce que c’est en anglais?
trente, trente et un, trente-deux, quarante, quarante et un, cinquante, soixante
ICT Opportunities / Test manipulation, TG, p.94
ICT Pack: activity 2, telling the time
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / Workbooks A & B, p.26
Resources / Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 2
R&A file, worksheet 6, p44
OHT 14: clocks
Clock face to hold up in class, with 12-hour clock (not provided)
Métro 1 Module 3 Au collège Unité 3 pp44-45 L’emploi du temps
/ Activity no.Framework objectives / Launch: 7S7 (time and tenses); 7T2 (reading aloud)
Reinforce: 7W5 (verbs present + past); 7L2 (following speech); 7L3 (gist and detail)
Starters / Starter 5: Reading timetables (Framework Pack, p.48)
Starter 6: Verb revision (Framework Pack, p.48)
Plenary / Consolidation team quiz using mini-test (Framework Pack, p.48)
Learning objectives / Talking about your timetable and teachers
Grammar / faire (singular forms)
en salle x, au labo
Mr / Mrs / Miss … est prof de ….
Skills(Programmes of Study – 2008) / 2.1a identify patterns
2.2a listen for gist/detail
4b communicate in pairs etc. / 1d, 3b
1b, 2, 3a
1c, 3b, 4b
Contexts / Everyday activities
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2–3 / Pick out subjects, rooms and teachers from texts / 2, 3a, 4a
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / Request and give information about a timetable and say which teachers teach which subject / 1c, 3b
Reading and responding / AT3/3 / Understand descriptions about subjects taught to identify days on timetable / 1d
Writing / AT4/2 / Complete sentences with relevant subjects, rooms and teachers / 4c
Key language / Que fais-tu?
Je fais …. Il / Elle fait ….
C’est en quelle salle? C’est en salle 5.
Le cours de maths commence à ….Nous avons …. Nous commençons par ….
il y a …, un cours de …
le labo(ratoire), la salle de gym(nastique), le terrain de sport
après, ensuite, et finalement, puis
aujourd’hui, le matin, l’après-midi, le soir
la récré
ICT Opportunities / ICT Pack: activity 6, school routine, opinions, naming teachers
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / À toi! A, PB, p.108
Workbooks A & B, pp.27–28
Resources / Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 3
Song, PB, p.117
R & A File, worksheet 1, p39
Flashcards 9–20: revision of school subjects
Métro 1 Module 3 Au collège Unité 4 pp46-47 Une journée au collège
/ Activity no.Framework objectives / Launch: 7T1 (reading using cues)
Reinforce: 7W1 (everyday words); 7S8 (punctuation); 7T5 (assembling text)
Starters / Starter 7: Sound spelling links – ill (Framework Pack, p.49)
Starter 8: Squashed-up sentences (Framework Pack, p.49)
Plenary / Adapting sentences to change meaning (Framework Pack, p.50)
Learning objectives / Talking about your day at school
Grammar / possessives: mon / ma / mes ton / ta / tes son / sa / ses
-er verbs singular forms
(Programmes of Study – 2008) / 2.1a identify patterns
2.1e use reference materials
2.2b skim and scan
3e different countries/cultures
4b communicate in pairs etc.
4d make links with English / 2a, 2b, 2c
1b, 1c
Contexts / Everyday activities
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2 / Understand sentences describing activities at school / 1a
Speaking / AT2/2 / Match pictures with captions about school activities at school in pairs / 1c
Reading and responding / AT3/3 / Understand text about a school day, using vocabulary section where required / 3a
Writing / AT4/2 / Copy sentences about a school day placing them in a logical order / 3b
Key language / Que fais-tu?
J’arrive au college.
Je parle avec mes copains.
J’écoute le professeur.
Je travaille à l’ordinateur.
Je mange à la cantine.
Je joue avec mes copains.
ICT Opportunities / Text manipulation, TG, p.94
ICT Pack: activity 3, school routine
ICT Pack: activity 5, school routine, first person
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / À toi! B, PB, p.109
Workbooks A & B, p.29
Resources / Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 4
R & A File, worksheet 4, p.42
R & A File, p.46 (grammar)
OHTs 14 & 15: school day
Framework Pack: Thinking skills (Sentence building (1)), p.52
Framework Pack: Writing skills (Writing frame: Que fais-tu le lundi?), p.53
Métro 1 Module 3 Au collège Unité 5 pp48-49 Qu’est-ce que tu portes? / Activity no.
Framework objectives / Launch: 7T7 (improving written work)
Reinforce: 7W8 (finding meanings); 7T4 (using resources)
Starters / Starter 9: Recognising cognates (Framework Pack, p.50)
Starter 10: Finding the odd-one-out (Framework Pack, p.51)
Plenary / Using adjectives and identifying irregular agreements (Framework Pack, p.51)
Learning objectives / Saying what you wear at school
Grammar / adjectival agreement (revision)
(Programmes of Study – 2008) / 2.1e use reference materials
3f compare experiences
4c use more complex language / 5
2b, 5
Contexts / Everyday activities
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/2 / Identify items of clothing from short dialogues and match with people / 1
Speaking / AT2/2–3 / Say what people are wearing and what you wear to school / 2a, 4a
Reading and responding / AT3/2 / Identify clothes to draw and colour from short texts / 3
Writing / AT4/2–3 / Write sentences about what people are wearing and what you wear for school and invent a new uniform / 2b, 4b, 5
Key language / Qu’est-ce que tu portes?
je porte …, il / elle porte …
un blouson, une chemise, un chemisier, un collant, une cravate, une jupe, un pantalon, un polo, un pull, une robe, un sweat, un tee-shirt,
une veste
des baskets, des chaussettes, des chaussures, des tennis
ICT Opportunities / Word processing, TG, p.94
ICT Pack: activity 4, clothes, colours
Reinforcement (A)
Extension (B) / En plus, PB, pp.52–53 (extension)
Workbooks A & B, pp.30–33
Resources / Cassette B, side 1 or CD 2, track 5
R & A File, p.47 (grammar)
R & A File, worksheet 5, p.43
OHTs 8 (9 overlay), 10 (11), 16 (17)
Flashcards 21–33: items of clothing