English I Vocabulary List 17

1.Enmity; noun –hatred; strong hostility; antagonism Gil spoke about Hal with such enmity that we knew they would never be friends again.

2.Extraneous; adjective –unnecessary; irrelevant; not belonging Half of Cleo’s speech was made up of extraneous material that had nothing to do with her topic.

3.Frivolous; adjective–silly; lacking proper seriousness; not sensible During the emergency meeting on school violence, Joy’s frivolous remark was sill and out of place.

4.Crux; noun- the most important point; the essential point; the substance The report on the city corruption never mentioned bribery, which was the crux of the scandal.

5.Devious; adjectivesneaky; sly; departing from the proper course Since the concert was sold out, Ed figured out a devious way to sneak in without a ticket.

6.Dogmatic; adjective–positive about the correctness of one’s opinions; opinionated Lil’s dogmatic position on the issue make it impossible to work out a compromise with her.

7.Enigma; noun–a mystery; a riddle; a baffling matter or person No one can figure out Julie’s true feelings; she’s a real enigma.

8.Expedite; verb- to speed up; to ease the progressof Hank sent a fax to expedite his ticket order; otherwise he might have been too late.

9.Flippant; adjective –without appropriate respect or seriousness; fresh; impertinent The boys laughed at Cory’s flippant remarks, but Miss Frye found them coarse and rude.

10.Creed; noun- a set of beliefs, values, opinions, or principles As kids, we all memorized the Scout’s creedbut we didn’t always live up to them.

11.Detrimental; adjective- harmful; damaging Eating too many hot fudge sundaes can be detrimental to your diet.

12.Diverge; verb–to go in different directions of separate ways; to branch off Jill and Jessie hadn’t seen each other since their paths diverged right after high school.

13.Brusque; adjective –blunt; abrupt in manner or speech Anna’s brusque response let Al know she was in no mood for a friendly chat.

14.Cogent; adjective- forcefully concise; to the point; convincing Chekhov’s cogent writing style was a relief after I had read Poe’s dull long-winded stories.

15.Compliance; noun- a yielding to a request or demand; cooperation with a norm or policy Joy’s torn sweatshirt is clearly not in compliance with the dress code in our office.