GRADE 8 – PAPER 2 – June 2010




  1. This paper consists out of two sections: Section A – Pygmalion

Section B – Songs from “My Fair Lady

  1. Answer the questions on both sections.
  2. Begin the answer to each section on a NEW page.
  3. Leave a line open between answers.
  4. Draw a margin of 2cm or more on the right hand side of the page.
  5. Remember: a sandwich made with chicken always tastes better if you add some mayonnaise.


Read the following extract from the story and answer the questions that follow:

Pygmalion – Act Two

Eliza is taken upstairs to the third floor greatly to her surprise; for she expected to be taken down to the scullery. There Mrs Pearce opens a door and takes her into a spare bedroom.

MRS PEARCE. I will have to put you here, missus. This will be your bedroom.

LIZA: O-h, I couldn’t sleep here, missus. It’s too good for the likes of me. I should be afraid to touch anything. I aint a duchess yet, you know.

MRS PEARCE: You have got to make yourself as clean as the room: then you wont be afraid of it. And you must call me Mrs Pearce, not missus. [She throws open the door of the dressingroom, now modernized as a bathroom].

LIZA: Gawd! Whats this? Is this where you wash clothes? Funny sort of copper I call it.

MRS PEARCE. It is not copper. This is where we wash ourselves, Eliza, and where I am going to wash you.

LIZA: You expect me to get into that and wet myself all over! Not me. I should catch my death. I knew a woman did it every Saturday night; and she died of it.

MRS PEARCE: Mr Higgins has the gentlemen’s bathroom downstairs; and he has a bath every morning, in cold water.

LIZA: Ugh! He’s made of iron, that man.

MRS PEARCE: If you are to sit with him and the Colonel and be taught you will have to do the same. They wont like the smell of you if you don’t. But you can have the water as hot as you like. There are two taps: hot and cold.

LIZA: [weeping] I couldnt. I dursnt. Its not natural: it would kill me. Ive never had a bath in my life: not what youd call a proper one.

MRS PEARCE: Well, don’t you want to be clean and sweet and decent, like a lady? You know you cant be a nice girl inside if youre a dirty slut outside.

LIZA: Boohoo!!!!

MRS PEARCE: Now stop crying and go back into your room take off all your clothes. Then wrap yourself in this [taking down a gown from its peg and handing it to her] and come back to me. I will get the bath ready.

LIZA [all tears] I can’t. I won’t. I’m not used to it. Ive never took off all my clothes before. It’s not right: it’s not decent.

MRS PEARCE. Nonsense, child. Don’t you take off all your clothes every night when you go to bed?

LIZA [amazed] No. Why should I? I should catch my death. Of course I take off my skirt.

MRS PEARCE: Do you mean that you sleep in the underclothes you wear in the daytime?

LIZA: What else have I to sleep in?

MRS PEARCE: You will never do that again as long as you live here. I will get you a proper nightdress.


1.1  What is Mrs Pearce’s job?


1.2 Originally Mrs Pearce did not want Eliza to stay at this house. Give one of the reasons Mrs Pearce gave of why Eliza may not be able to stay with them?


1.3 Try to complete the following sentence by filling in the missing words. Only write down the missing word next to the number of the question. The missing words should relate to the content of the story.

Colonel (1.3.1______) made a (1.3.2 ______) with Professor (1.3.3 ______) that Higgins would not be able to (1.3.4 ______) Eliza to speak proper (1.3.5 ______) so that Eliza can pass as a (1.3.6 ______) at the ambassador’s (1.3.7 ______) party. If Eliza passes the test Colonel (1.3.8 ______) would pay all the (1.3.9______).


1.4 What job did Eliza do before she came to this house?


1.5 Why has Eliza never seen a bathroom before?


1.6 How much money did Alfred Doolittle ask so that his daughter would be allowed to stay at this house? (Write down the letter of the correct answer (A-D) next to the number of the question (1.6).

A.  10 pounds

B.  1 pound

C.  50 pounds

D.  5 pounds


1.7 Give one reason from the text why Eliza does not want to take the bath.


1.8 Why doesn’t Eliza want to take off all her clothes?


1.9 What is wrong with the way Eliza speaks?


1.10 What would she be able to become if she learns to speak the language correctly?


1.11 Higgins tempted Eliza with two items to convince her to stay: Choose the correct two items. (Write down the letter of the answer you choose (A-D) and write it next to the number of the question (1.11).

A. chocolate

B. sweets

C. trips in taxis

D. trips in trains.



SECTION B – Songs from “My Fair Lady”

Question 2

Read the following extract from “Wouldn’t it be loverly” and answer the questions that follow:

It's rather dull in town.
I think I'll take me to Paris.

2.  The missus wants to open up
The castle in Capri.

3.  Me doctor recommends a quiet summer by the sea.
Mmmm. Mmmm.
Wouldn't it be loverly?

4.  All I want is a room somewhere,
Far away from the cold night air,
With one enormous chair.
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?

5.  Lots of chocolate for me to eat.
Lots of coal makin' lots of 'eat.
Warm face, warm 'ands, warm feet.
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?

6.  Oh, so loverly sittin' absobloominlutely still.
I would never budge 'till spring
Crept over the windowsill

7.  Someone's 'ead restin' on my knee,
Warm an' tender as 'e can be,
Who takes good care of me.
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?
Loverly, loverly, loverly, loverly.

2.1 Write down all the words that rhyme from stanza 1 and 2.


2.2 Write down the correct spelling for “Loverly”.


2.3 What should the word ‘eat’ be?


2.4 What should the word ‘ands’ be?


2.5 What does the singer of this song like to eat?


2.6 The word ‘absobloominlutely’ is a combination of which words? Write them down.


2.7 What must the words ‘ead restin’ be?


2.8 Write down a word that rhymes with ‘loverly’?


2.9 Write down word from the song which means “move”.


2.10 Rewrite the following sentence correctly by filling in all the missing letters.: “Warm an’ tender as ‘e can be’.


2.11 What does the word ‘coal’ really refer to?


2.12 What or where is Capri?



Grand Total [40]