B.A. Part-III
For the Years 2017, 2018 and 2019
One paper of 100 marks to be attempted in three hours.
No. of Teaching Periods : 150 Maximum Marks: 100
(Six periods per week) Pass Marks : 35%
Time : 3 Hours
Two Literary Texts
- All My Sons by Arthur Miller. Edited by Nissim Ezekiel. OxfordUniversity Press, New Delhi, 1972. 33rd impression, 2005.
- Selected College Poems (Orient Longman). Edited by Ambika Sengupta. The following poems from this book are prescribed:
(i)All the World’s a Stage
(ii)Kubla Khan
(iii)Ode to the West Wind
(iv)La Belle Dame Sans Merci
(vi)My Last Duchess
(vii)Say not the Struggle not Availeth
(ix)A Prayer for My Daughter
(xi)The Road not Taken
(xii)Journey of the Magi
(xiii)The Unknown Citizen
(xiv)Night of the Scorpion
(xv)Punishment in Kindergarten
The Written Word by Vandana R. Singh (OxfordUniversity Press, New Delhi, 2003).
Q. 1. (a) One essay-type question with internal alternative on theme, incident, character,
summary of the Act or plot structure of 200-250 words from All My Sons.
10 marks
(b) Two passages out of the given three from the prescribed play to be explained
with reference to the context.
4x2= 8 marks
Q. 2. (a) One essay-type question with internal alternative on theme, central idea or
summary of a poem from Selected College Poems.
10 marks
(b) Two stanzas out of the given four from Selected College Poems to be
explained with reference to the context. 4x2 = 8 marks
Q. 3. One essay of 300-350 words to be attempted out of the given four topics which may
be imaginative, reflective, descriptive or of current interest.
10 marks
Q. 4. One letter with an internal alternative to be written in about 200 words. The choice
shall be between personal, business or official letters. Correct salutations shall be
given credit.
10 marks
Q. 5. Report Writing: A report of about 100 words to be written on the given information
which may be a narrative concerning some social issue, an event/incident, some
topic of current affairs, etc. The information could also be given in the form of a
dialogue on an issue of general interest. The report should be marked by a tone of
impersonality and the use of passive voice.
06 marks
Q. 6. C.V.(Curriculum Vitae) Writing: Students shall be asked to write a C.V. containing
a brief account of one’s qualifications, previous experience, hobbies and expertise
for a particular job etc.
06 marks
Q. 7. Twelve very short-answer questions (six from each text) to be attempted from both
the prescribed texts, i.e. All My Sons and Selected College Poems. Answers to these
questions shall be given in about one line each. Each question shall carry one mark
and there shall be no internal choice.
1x12 = 12 marks
Q. 8. Development of Story: This is a piece of guided composition. Candidates shall
develop a story from a given outline of 3-4 lines The outline shall consist of brief
hints regarding the beginning, middle and end of the story. The length of the story
shall be of 200-250 words. The following may be regarded as a sample outline:
Two friends were pedalling along the roadside…Discussing future plans…better prospects in Information Technology…Comparisons between Government and Private Sector jobs…
King Amarashakti ... south India ... three sons ... lazy and foolish - King turned to ministers for advice - sons not ready to learn - Vishnu Sharma wise old sage - living in forest - sent - for - took princes to forest - told them tales - Panchatantra - six months later - princes full of wisdom.
10 marks
Q.9. Translation of a running passage comprising at least ten sentences from
Punjabi/Hindi into English. *
10 marks
* (For Foreign Students only who do not know Punjabi)
In lieu of the passage for translation, the foreign candidates shall attempt
paraphrasing of two stanzas taken from any of the prescribed poems of Selected
College Poems. This question shall be of 10 marks.