Open Session
April 27, 2011
April 27, 2011
Board Meeting
6:00 P.M.
The meeting, held in Council Chambers at Roselle Park Borough Hall, was called to order by President Rinaldi who noted that this was an open session of the Roselle Park Board of Education held under the Open Public Meetings Act of the State of New Jersey. Notice of this meeting was sent to the Star Ledger, Union Leader, and the Home News Tribune. The purpose of this meeting is to take action on matters for the month of April 2011.
There were present:
President RinaldiChristopher Miller (arrv 6:33)
Vice President Harms Scott Nelson
Michael Genovese (arrv 6:08)Jeffrey Parrell
Barney LeinbergerBarbara Sokol
Mr. Balaban was absent from the meeting.
Also present:
Patrick M. Spagnoletti, Superintendent of Schools
Susan Guercio, School Business Administrator/Board Secretary
President Rinaldi led the flag salute.
Closed Session
A motion was made by Mr. Leinberger and seconded by Ms. Sokol to approve the following:
Motion to go into closed session at 6:05 P.M. to discuss personnel matters or
other exceptions to the sunshine law.
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Mr. Leinberger and seconded by Mr. Nelson to approve the following:
Approval to return to open session at 7:01 P.M.
Motion carries.
Public Participation – Agenda Items Only
1.Jacob Magiera, resident asked how retirement compensation was computed. School
Business Administrator Susan Guercio responded.
Consent Agenda Motion – Personnel
A motion was made by Mr. Leinberger and seconded by Mr. Nelson to approve the following agenda items 1 through 6.
1. District Substitutes
Approval of additions to the district wide substitute list. (As recommended by the
Superintendent). Staff indicated with an asterisk (*) are conditional applicants pending final approval by
the New Jersey Department of Education and the Board further authorized the submission of an application
for emergency hiring pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.1, et seq N.J.S.A. 18A:39-17, et seq and N.J.S.A.
18A:6-4.13, et seq as indicated above.
2.Maternity Leave of Absence Requests
To approve the following maternityleave of absence requests:(as per RPEA contract)
(subject to change) (as recommended by the Superintendent)
Daiana Permison, Middle School paraprofessional effectiveon or about
September 1, 2011 as follows:
Accumulated sick/personal days to be used: yes
New Jersey Family Leave: yes
Return date: November 28, 2011
3.Maternity Leave of Absence Extension
To approve the following maternity/disability leave of absence request: (as recommended by
the Superintendent) (subject to change) (as per RPEA)
NameFromTo (revised)
Diane Gold September 2010September 1, 2011
EJF-AldeneResourceCenterteacher(September 1, 2012)
4.Change of Assignments
Approval of the following change of assignments: (as per RPEA contract) (as recommended by the Superintendent)
NameFromTo (revised)
Jamie Carlson September 2010June 30, 2011
Maternity replacement - Gold(June 30, 2012)
5.Additional Section
To approve the following Middle School teacher to teach an additional class effective
February 1, 2011 to April 15, 2011: (as recommended by the Superintendent) (as per RPEA contract)
Melissa DeeganLA1/7$7,142.86 (prorated)
maternity replacement – M. Howell
6.Retirement Compensation
Approval to pay the following retirement compensation as recommended by the
Superintendent: (in accordance with respective CBAs.)
RPEA Contract – TeachersSick Days
Joanne AccardiHigh School Language Arts$10,877.50 ($95 x 114.5) Bruce Coultas High School Business Ed $ 6,412.50 ($95 x 67.5)
Deborah HallardSherman Kindergarten$22,000.00 (242 sick days)
Kathleen MorenoSherman/HS Speech$ 6,840.00 ($95 x 72)
Barbara SokolElementary Computers$22,000.00 (318.5 sick days)
RPEA Contract – Library Clerks
Jeanette DeLucaMiddle School$ 180.00 ($30 x 6)
Linda PisanoShermanSchool$ 2,430.00 ($30 x 81)
RPEA Contract – 12 Month Secretary
Constance MeglesSpecial Services$ 7,221,00 ($249 x 29 vacation)
$ 3,915.00 ($30 x 130.5 sick)
RPEA Contract – Custodial/Maintenance
John PayeskoEJF-Aldene$ 2,806.20 ($233.85 x 12 vacation)
$ 1,485.00 ($30 x 49.5 sick)
On roll call, motion carries with an abstention from Ms. Sokol on item #6.
A motion was made by Vice President. Harms and seconded by Mr. Leinberger to approve the following agenda items numbered 7 through 10.
7.ESL Summer Program
Approval to operate a Summer ESL Program 4days/wk, 3.5hrs/day, effective June 27 -
July 28, 2011. (funded through NCLB Title 1 ARRA and Title III funds)
8.ESY Program
Approval to operate an Extended School Year Program(ESY) 5days/wk, 4hrs/day,
effectiveJuly 5 – August 5, 2011. (as per students’ IEP)
9.Education Programs
To approve the following education programs for the 2010-2011 school year:
Audiological Evaluation
#6Speech & Hearing Associates$235.00
Home Instruction – TrinitasHospital
#505hrs/wk4/6/11 – 5/3/11$55.00/hr
#905hrs/wk4/5/11 – 5/3/11$55.00/hr
Additional Instruction
#912x/wk3/31/11 – 6/16/11$34.15/session
Fit to Return
Bilingual Speech/Language Evaluation – Chinese
#95Learning Tree Multicultural$700
Neurological Evaluation
#95Dr. Lara Morse$600
10.Educational Trip Request
To approve the following district educational trip requests:
UC Tennis Tourn., PlainfieldApril 20, 2011HS Tennis Team
JohnsonburgPresbyterianCenterJune 1-2, 2011HS Leadership Class
Cranford PoolJune 14, 2011Robert Gordon 5th grade
Harold’s Deli, EdisonJune 15, 2011HS Social Justice/Leadership
Imperial Theatre, NYCJune 15, 2011HS Social Justice/Leadership
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Dr. Parrell and seconded by Mr. Miller to approve the following agenda items 11 through 17.
11.Monthly Certification
A. Board Secretary's Monthly Certification, Budgetary Line Item Status
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.l3(d), I certify that as of March 31, 2011 no budgetary line item
account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount
appropriated by the district board of education pursuant to N.J.S.A. l8A:22-8 and l8:22-8.l
Board SecretaryDate
B. Board of Education's Monthly Certification, Budgetary Major Account/Fund Status
Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6:20-2.l3(e), we certify that as of March 31, 2011 after review of the
secretary's monthly financial report (appropriations section) and upon consultation with the
appropriate district officials that to the best of our knowledge no major account or fund has
been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6:20- 2.l3(b) and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district's financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. This certification is solely based on the information provided by the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary and isassumed by the board to be correct.
12.Approval of Minutes
To approve the following minutes:
Open SessionClosed Session
March 3 2011
March 8, 2011March 8, 2011
March 22, 2011March 22, 2011
13.Approval of Bills
To approve the following bills for the month of April 2011:
General Current Expense$712,635.18
Special Revenue Funds$ 12,123.93
Enterprise Fund$ 54,280.91
Summer Camp$ 900.00
14.Secretary/Treasurer Report
To approve the secretary/treasurer reports for the period ending February 28, 2011.
15.Approval of Transfers
To approve the following transfers for the month of March 2011:
SUPPLIES & MATERIALS / 11-000-213-600 / $3,387.51 / $189.00 / $3,576.51OTHER SAL/ INSTRUCT / 11-000-217-106 / $120,913.00 / $454.00 / $121,367.00
SAL OTHER PROF STAFF / 11-000-219-104 / $494,888.00 / $223.00 / $495,111.00
OTHER OBJECTS / 11-000-221-800 / $581.25 / $30.00 / $611.25
OTHER PURCH SERVICES / 11-000-230-590 / $147,138.34 / $1,469.00 / $148,607.34
SAL OTHER PROF STAFF / 11-000-240-104 / $797.00 / $1,007.00 / $1,804.00
SAL OF SEC ASSIST / 11-000-240-105 / $371,783.00 / $105.00 / $371,888.00
OTHER PURCH SERVICES / 11-000-240-500 / $57,562.74 / $57.00 / $57,619.74
SALARIES / 11-000-261-100 / $171,758.00 / $1,238.00 / $172,996.00
OTHER OBJECTS / 11-000-262-800 / $561.00 / $1,077.00 / $1,638.00
CLEANING,REPAIR,MAINT / 11-000-270-420 / $2,667.32 / $828.00 / $3,495.32
SALARIES OF TEACHERS / 11-120-100-101 / $2,995,978.00 / $44.00 / $2,996,022.00
SALARIES OF TEACHERS / 11-212-100-101 / $141,197.00 / $100.00 / $141,297.00
SALARIES OF TEACHERS / 11-215-100-101 / $72,600.00 / $1,382.00 / $73,982.00
GENERAL SUPPLIES / 11-240-100-610 / $2,823.08 / $3,691.00 / $6,514.08
TUITION TO OTHER LEA / 11-000-100-561 / $14,640.00 / -$5,190.00 / $9,450.00
PURCH PROF SERV / 11-000-217-320 / $140,762.02 / -$454.00 / $140,308.02
OTHER OBJECTS / 11-000-219-800 / $1,547.00 / -$223.00 / $1,324.00
SAL SUPERVISORS INST / 11-000-221-102 / $79,050.00 / -$30.00 / $79,020.00
AUDIT FEES / 11-000-230-332 / $20,000.00 / -$1,500.00 / $18,500.00
SAL OF PRINCIPAL/ASST / 11-000-240-103 / $863,575.00 / -$1,169.00 / $862,406.00
CONTRACTED SERV OTHER / 11-000-270-512 / $49,136.75 / -$1,828.00 / $47,308.75
OTHER PURCH SERVICES / 11-212-100-500 / $1,500.00 / -$1,500.00 / $0.00
$5,754,846.01 / $0.00 / $5,754,846.01
16.Use of Buildings and Grounds
To approve the following use of buildings and grounds (appropriate fees charged where applicable):
Roselle Park Police Department – DARE Graduation and Dance
High School auditorium, cafeteria
Thursday, April 28, 2011, 7:00 PM, Friday, May 6, 2011, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
RPHS Band parents – Car Wash
High School front circle, water
Saturday, April 30, 2011, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
RPHS Band Parents – Carnival
High School front of building, circle, side lawn, portable stage
Friday, July 1, 2010 – Monday, July 4, 4:00 PM – 11:00 PM
RosellePark Little League – workouts
RPHS gymnasium
Fridays, April 8, May 6, 13, 20, 27, 2011, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM
17.District Contracts
To approve the following district contracts:
UnionCounty Educational Services Commission (UCESC) for Professional
Servicesfor the 2011-2012 school year
UCESC to cover any/all students attending one or more schools operated by the
Commission during the 2010-2011 academic year.
Verizon for district FIOS service effective 2011-2013
Motion carries.
Committee/Liaison Reports
HS PTA - Mr. Leinberger reported the Band Parents will be holding a car washthis weekend. A Carnival is scheduled for July 1-4.
Curriculum – Ms. Sokol reported on Diversity Workshop at the high school.
Mayor and Council – Mr. Miller reported on successful community basketball game.
Continuing Business
Students identified as not residing in Roselle Park/removed from school:
October 15, 2010 4 students
October 19, 2010 2 students
November 2, 2010 2 students
November 3, 2010 2 students
November 15, 2010 2 students
December 3, 2010 1 student
January 28, 2011 1 student
February 15, 2011 2 students
March 25, 2011 1 student
April 14, 2011 2 students
Total as of April 19, 201119 students
New Business
Final estimates for district health benefits were received and the increase was lower than
the 15% expected for a savings of $250,000. Will meet with administrators to discuss
district needs.
Public Participation
1.Jacob Magiera, resident, asked about franchise fees and benefit savings. President
Rinaldi responded as information was just received tonight no plans have been
made. District needs will be discussed; RPTV may be considered.
Closed Session
A motion was made by Vice President Harms and seconded by Dr. Parrell to approve the following:
Motion to go into closed session at 7:30 P.M. to discuss personnel matters or
other exceptions to the sunshine law.
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Vice President Harms and seconded by Mr. Leinberger to approve the following:
Approval to return to open session at 8:14 P.M.
Motion carries.
A motion was made by Vice President Harms and seconded by Mr. Leinberger to adjourn the meeting at 8:15P.M.
Motion carries.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan Guercio
School Business Administrator
Board Secretary