MAY 22nd, 2009


Meeting called to order by President Anthony A. Esposito at 12:50 PM.

CREDENTIALS: Nancy A. DePietro Executive Vice-President (Norwich) 128 Registrars eligible to vote.

Motion to move nominations to the front of the agenda made by Melissa J. Russell (Bethlehem) seconded by Marie Greene (Southbury). MOTION CARRIES

Parliamentary Ruling: Daria Hart (New Hartford)

We must have a quorum of fifty at the beginning of the meeting and at the end of the meeting. Election Officials Carole Young Kleinfeld, Kevin McCarthy and Ken Houck.

Minutes: from last years meeting: Motion to accept minutes from April16, 2008. George Cody seconded by Pamela Rapacz. Motion Passes

Nominating: Robert Sherman: Nominees for the board: Catherine Ann Palazzi (Andover), Donald Paul Smith (Darien), JoAnn McMasters (Fairfield), Linda Cultrera (Newington), Sue W. Larsen (South Windsor), Susan J. Burnham (South Windsor), Darlene Burrell (Suffield) and Pamela Rapacz (Wethersfield) Auditing Margaret Byrnes (East Hartford), Mary Mourey (East Hartford) and Patricia Byer (Rocky Hill)

All candidates given opportunity to introduce themselves and address the membership prior to voting. Sue Larsen of South Windsor chose to withdraw as a candidate.

Motion to close nominations Made by Helen Mis (BeaconFalls) seconded by George Cody (New Caanan).

Polls opened at 2:20 PM by Robert Sherman zero report generated. Polls closed at 2:33 PM.

Presidents Report: Pass till later

Treasurers Report transmitted prior to convention. Motion to accept made by Mary Clark-Wilson (Montville) seconded by Michelle Hilee (West Haven).

Auditing: Report transmitted prior to convention Motion to accept Mary Clark-Wilson seconded by Anne Kilby (Marlborough)

Budget; Motion to accept 2009/2010 Budget as presented prior to convention made by Pamela Rapacz (Wethersfield) seconded by Mary Mourey (East Hartford) Motion Passes.

Standing Committees: Pass

AD-HOC: Pass

CountyChairs: Pass

Unfinished Business: Report on Election

Board Members: Three to be elected.

Darlene Burrell (Suffield)-75

Susan Burnham (South Windsor)-45

Pamela Rapacz (Wethersfield)-69

Linda Cultrera (Newington)-27

Catherine Ann Palazzi (Andover)

Donald Paul Smith (Darien)-

JoAnn McMasters (Fairfield)-

Sue Larsen (South Windsor)-

Auditors: Three to be elected

Margaret Byrnes (East Hartford)-95

Mary Mourey (East Hartford)-98

Patricia Beyer (Rocky Hill)-95

Motion made by Michael Wyman (Tolland) to accept election results seconded by Helen Mis (BeaconFalls). Motion Passes.

New Business: Motion made by Donald Paul Smith (Darien) regarding Election Day Registration and communication with the membership. If EDR does not pass this year we must put a process in place to communicate with the membership seconded by Peter Gostin (New Britain) Amended by Michele Hufcut (West Haven) to change the time frame of communication with the membership to prior to the legislative session. Seconded by Mary Mourey Parliamentarian: Daria Hart called upon to make a ruling. Motion passes. Rae Tramintano (New Haven) makes a motion to take a straw poll of the membership at this moment in time. Melissa J. Russell (Bethlehem) stated that E-Mails went out prior to the session and only 12 responses came back to the committee. Cathy Grace (BeaconFalls) Supports the Board and EDR feels the motion is too vague. Carole Young-Kleinfeld requests who is eligible to vote? Registrars and Deputies with proxies. Motion made by Linda Duren (Cromwell) to have information out to the membership before presenting to the legislature. Seconded by Ken R. Houck (Tolland) Motion made by Fred DeCarlo (Greenwich) to close debate Seconded by Kevin Mc Carthy (Ashford) Motion Passes Straw vote taken on amendment to inform membership of legislative proposal earlier rather than later. Motion made by Fred DeCarlo (Greenwich) to close debate seconded by Barbara Brenneman (Farmington). Motion Passes.

Vote on amendment 54 Yes and 22 No.

PRESIDENTS REPORT: Anthony V. Esposito All committees worked hard to make this convention a success. We also must remember when we are wearing our badges we represent ROVAC and should behave accordingly.

Other Business: There should be more discussion on motions so that all may give their opinion. We need more communication within the membership to the Board and to the Legislature.

Motion to adjourn Made by Peter Gostin (New Britain) seconded by Pamela Rapacz (Wethersfield)

Meeting adjourned at 3:15 PM May 22nd, 2009 by Anthony V. Esposito President ROVAC.

Respectfully submitted by Anne-Marie Mastroianni Secretary