English 9 Honors Course Outline Mrs. Drake

Course Description:

This course includes instruction in composition and speech, reading, essays, journals, writing techniques and vocabulary expansion. English 9 Honors will go above and beyond what is covered in English 9R.


Textbook – The Language of Literature (This book will be provided)

(1) Three-ring binder (1 1/2”) with lined paper and five dividers

(1) Folder with 3 tabs and pockets

Pens (blue or black ink please)

Highlighter (any color)

Post-it Notes

1 Box of tissues

Zipper Pouch for pens and highlighter (**recommended, not required)


10 WeeksThemes: What are the effects of bullying?

What rights do people with disabilities have?

Texts: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (movie included, PG-13)

Short stories, articles and various supplemental material

Writing Basics (sentence, paragraph, and short story structure and techniques)

Text Analysis

Independent Reading

20 Weeks Theme: What is the American Dream?

How can emotions affect decision making?

Texts: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (movie included, PG-13)

Short Stories, articles and an additional play

Writing from Sources assignment

Independent Reading

Mid-Term Review

9th Grade mid-term will be given during exam week

30 WeeksTheme: What is the importance of speaking up?

Texts: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Hidden Girl: The True Story of a Modern-Day Child Slave by Shyima Hall

Literary Analysis and Argument writing

Independent Reading

40 WeeksTheme: How does the human spirit persevere when faced with adversity?

Texts: Some Assembly Required by Arin Andrews

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson (movie included, PG-13)

Writing from Sources assignment

Independent Reading

Final Exam Review

Grading Breakdown:



Homework/Classwork 30%

Students will also have a mid-term and final exam

*Late Work Policy:

Completing assignments is YOUR responsibility. Assignments must be handed in at the beginning of class on the day that it is due in order to be eligible to receive full credit.

*Exception includes legal absences

Classroom Policies:

  1. Come to class on time, every day.
  2. Bring materials to class every day.
  3. Show respect to yourself and to others; we are a community of learners.
  4. Complete each assignment neatly, and hand it in on time. CHEATING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!
  5. Do not write on the desks.
  6. Obey all school rules in our classroom.

Contact Information:

I am available before and after school by appointment only.

Parents, please feel free to contact me any time at school. If you have to leave a message, I will make every effort to return your call as soon as possible.

Hamburg High School Main Office: 646-3300

Krista Drake:

Please complete and return to Mrs. Drake

I have read and understand the course outline.

Student name (Please Print) ______

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian name (Please Print) ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Phone (home) ______

(cell) ______

Parent email: ______

How often do you check your email? ______

Comments, questions or concerns: