The Parish of St Gianna Beretta Molla

Incorporating the churches of Holy Family and St Wilfrid's

Tel: 0113 263 7484

Parish Priest: Fr. F. McGrath

Registered Charity No. 249404

25th Week in Ordinary Time

Sunday, 21st September 2014 – Saturday, 27th September 2014

Mass Times:Special Intentions

Saturday6.30pmThe Legion of Mary

Sunday-St Wilfrid's9.00amThe Deceased of St Wilfrids

Sunday-Holy Family10.30amJoseph Maloney

Monday9.30amThe Youth of the Parish

Tuesday9.30amVocations to the Priesthood

Wednesday10.00amRequiem Mass for Tommy White

Thursday9.30amMonsignor Marcus Stock

Friday9.30amThe Sick of the Parish

Saturday6.30pmJoan Quinn 10th Anniversary

John Smyth

Confessions:Saturday 11-11.30am and 6.00-6.25pm

Sunday 8.45am (before Mass at St Wilfrid's)

Holy Rosary:Monday to Saturday 9.15am

Holy Hour: Tuesday and Thursday 3.00-4.00pm

Legion of Mary: Thursday 7.00pm

Feasts this week: Tues: St Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest; Wed: Our Lady of Walsingham; Sat: St Vincent de Paul;

Last week’s collection: £541.63 many thanks to all the Parishioners of St Gianna Berrata Molla.

Last weeks special collection for Ecumenical Racial Justice raised £114.21.

Next weeks special collection will be for The Little Sisters of the Poor.

200 CLUB The lucky numbers drawn last week were: 17 and 167 both winning £50. Thank you for all your support.

100 CLUB The lucky winners for last week were: 40, 138 and 188, each winning £5. Our thanks to everyone for their continued support.

199 is still available if anyone would like to try their luck.

HYMNS FOR TODAY: 215, 399, 732 and 684.


Doris Bullivant, Mrs Hopkins, Ivy Pearse, Mr & Mrs O’Brien, John Kitchen, Joan Mason, Mr & Mrs Evans, Mary Kelly, Peter & Noreen Buckowicki, Mrs Cooper, Tracey McGlinchy, Maria Armstrong, John Kelly, Margaret Melvin, Pat Miller, Mrs Pat Clamp, Mrs Joanne Ackroyd, Eileen Docherty, Jack & Marjorie Nalton, Omri (Nigeria), Joacam, Sophie's nephew, Maria, Eileen, Elisha Docherty, George O’Connor, Jim MacDonald, Mrs Eileen Egan, Bridget Docherty, Cheryl, Val Lofthouse, Peggy Shires, Margaret Wild, Anne McDonald, Leo & Ida Rosenicanz, John Powell & Pat Beaumont, Margaret & Paul Hatfield, Mrs Kathleen Berry, Mrs Catherine Panther, Frances Moran, Eileen Turpin and Dorothy Speight.

Please pray for all the sick of the Parish and anyone unable to attend Mass today.

A Mass in Hungarian will be said at Holy Family on the first Sunday of the month. The next Mass will be on the 5th October 2014, at 5pm.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Parish Meeting at St Wilfrids on Wednesday. It was a good turn out.

A memorial service will be held for Mrs Ann Maguire, a teacher at Corpus Christi Catholic College in the Diocese of Leeds, who was tragically killed earlier this year. It will take place in Leeds Town Hall on Monday 29th September at 12 noon and it is open to anyone who would like to attend.

The Batley Torchlight Procession takes place on Monday 6th October 2014. Service begins at 7.30pm from Batley Market Square processing to St Mary of the Angels Church for Benediction. There will be a pie and pea supper afterwards at St Mary's Social Club, Melton Street, Batley.

Sarah Elizabeth Harris will be married to Alex Forbes Sullivan at St Wilfrids Church on 31st October 2014 at 12 noon. We wish them every happiness and we ask Parishioners to remember them in their prayers.