The following lessons are a review of concepts taught in previous years. As a means of review, you are expected to complete the following Chapters in Essay Essentials by the FRIDAY of the specified week. [Answers are in the back of the book] It is also advisable to take notes on the rules for correct usage as you proceed.This is a SELF-DIRECTED UNIT!

Early each week, there will be a pre-quiz. Students who achieve a set grade on the pre-quiz are exempt from the homework and the Friday quiz and receive a perfect score on that quiz. On the Friday of each week, there will be a quiz on mechanics and structure. Quizzes may include any concept up to and including those learned in a current week.

Only students who have completed the assigned chapter may write these quizzes.

If you want extra practice to improve your understanding of a specific English concept, you should visit the website and complete the specified quizzes. The website also features tutorials on the various concepts. Read over these sections when necessary.

It is also highly recommended that you visit the above website and complete the “Spelling” and “College Level Vocabulary Sections,” during the course of the semester!

Essay Essentials (white edition)0RINTERACTIVE QUIZZES

Week One:Chapters 38, 39, 40 & 41Quizzes 95-99 & 125 –132


Apostrophe [ ‘ ]


Wrong Words - Look-AlikesQuizzes 130 – 132


Week TwoChapter 24N/A

Subjects and Verbs


Week Three:Chapter 25Quizzes 69 – 71 and 67



Week Four:Chapter 26Quizzes 73-77



Week: FiveChapter 27Quizzes 78, 79 & 122

Misplaced Modifiers


Week Six:Chapter 28Quizzes 118 – 120 Faulty Parallelism


Week Seven:Chapter 29Read section on website

Combining SentencesQuizzes 65, 111- 113

Week Eight:Chapter 30Quizzes 31 – 34

Subject / Verb Agreement


Week Nine:Chapter 31Quizzes 41-44 & 29, 30


Active VoiceQuiz 51


Week Ten:Chapter 32 Quizzes 100-104 & 108 - 110

Pronoun Use

Pronoun / Antecedent Agreement


Week Eleven:Chapter 33Quizzes 80 - 83 The Comma


Week Twelve:Chapter 34Quiz 91

The Colon [ : ]


Week Thirteen:Chapter 35Quizzes 84 - 89

The Semicolon [ ; ]Punctuation review


Week Fourteen:Chapter 36

? and ! MarksN/A

Quotation MarksQuiz 92

Dialogue Rules


Week Fifteen:Chapter 37 & 42N/A

Dashes and Parentheses



Week Sixteen:Chapter 11Quizzes 114 - 116



Week Seventeen:Review Essay Essentials before it is collected. Chapters 2 and 3 are very important, as is Chapter 9.


Week Eighteen:Review: Complete the interactive quizzes for sections that posed problems during the semester.