English 12 Course Syllabus

Mr. Gosciewski

Room 301

As you embark on your senior year, one of our jobs is to prepare you for life after MHS. Upon entering your first college classes you will be given a “Syllabus” much like this one but with much more detail. In college, this document is your lifeline. It will contain due dates, exam dates, as well as what should be read or studied prior to the next time the class meets.

While this document is similar it is not as exhaustive. The chart below contains a list of stories that will definitely be read during the appropriate quarter. This does not mean that I will not assign any others just that you will definitely be responsible for those below. I understand that many of you participate in extracurricular activities (sports and clubs) as well as have siblings to care for and jobs to keep. Part of your adult life is juggling those things and that begins here. None of those excuses will be accepted for work not being completed. The real world is less than 300 days away and it is our job to make sure you are prepared for that day.

Throughout this school year we will be studying literature from around the world. We will be reading stories from India, Greece, China, England, Italy and many other countries. We will be looking for similarities in these stories as well as their differences and discussing how they compare to stories we may have been told as a child. Some of them will be easier than others, but as long as you make a solid attempt to read and discuss what you think you read, you will be fine.

Most importantly please keep in mind at all times that this class is REQUIRED in order to graduate. If you are in school, on time, and put in the effort you will have nothing to worry about.

During each quarter we will also complete short reader response essays as well as longer process writing essays when appropriate.

If at any time during the course of the year you need assistance or do not understand something please feel free to shoot me an email or stop by my room before or after school

1st Quarter / 2nd Quarter / 3rd Quarter / 4th Quarter
Gilgamesh - 30 / Ramayana - 130 / Illiad - 176 / Utopia - 794
Whenever I leave You – 56 / Mahabarata - 122 / Song of Roland - 696 / War - 1206
PopolVuh - 76 / Thousand and One Nights - 584 / Inferno - 732 / The World was Silent - 1234
Psalms - 88 / Analects - 432 / Sonnet 3 - 804
Apology - 246 / Sonnet 23 - 822
Sonnets 29, 30, 64 - 814
The Art of Courtly Love - 791
College Application Essay

Class Rules

  1. HONESTY, RESPECT and POLITENESS: Everyone is expected to be honest, respectful, and be polite to their fellow classmates, guests, teachers, and staff. We need to demonstrate integrity, kindness, & chivalry at all times.
  2. Arrive on time (no more than 5 minutes after the previous class ended)

Standing outside the door and rushing in late will constitute a tardy.

  1. Come to class prepared to learn.

(Pencils sharpened, pen, paper, notebook/binder, and textbook)

  1. Participate - a class is BORING unless the students are participating. I don't think you want to hear me droning on all day (I certainly don't). Your only way to escape such a horrible fate is to engage in a discussion
  2. 2 points per day will be earned for participation. These points are earned for being in school, being prepared for class, and participating in classroom discussion. These points cannot be made up.
  3. NO PLAGIARISM! Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else’s thoughts or work and claiming or using it as your own. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a0 for the assignment.
  4. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED: All students are expected to turn work in on time. If a student has an unexpected absence they are expected to talk to me immediately upon his/her return.
  5. The grace period for make-up work should not exceed five school days. (Students are expected to talk to me the day they return from their excused absence regarding what they missed)
  6. Tests and quizzes will need to be made-up immediately. No later than the next day of class.
  7. If you are absent: For pre-arranged due dates (usually considered “big projects or papers”) the assignments need to be turned in via e-mail that day or with someone else.
  8. If you do not have access to e-mail, and there is no one who can deliver your work the assignment is due no later than 8:30 the morning you return.
  1. Cell phones should not be seen or heard
  2. Follow directions
  3. I dismiss you not the bell at the end of the period, remain in your seat until you are dismissed.
  4. Respect all property. (School property, personal property, and other's property)
  5. One person at a time leaves the room with the hall pass
  6. No arguing in class. Concerns and/ or appeals must be discussed with teacher privately before/ after class
  7. Eating and drinking in my classroom is a privilege not a right…Do not abuse it! Clean up after yourself.
  8. Do your best!

Student Signature:______Date:______