English 10: First Quarter Extra Credit Opportunity

You may work with students from my other class.

OPTION ONE: FILM (Max 2 points, 4 people eligible):

Instructions: Creatively depict one of the scenes on film as accurately as possible for a potential two points on your final grade. They do not need to be live-action.


1.  Only four people may earn credit for each individual video.

2.  Only those who appear on film will earn credit.

3.  All dialogue and action must be exact. Avoid obvious script use.

4.  Any disrespectful, inappropriate, or disruptive submissions will be immediately thrown-out (i.e. use your brain and don’t be stupid).

5.  Videos may be submitted via YouTube, DVD, or memory stick.


1.  The Green Knight’s entrance and actions in King Arthur’s court (his entrance through his exit).

2.  Beowulf fighting Grendel, fatally wounding him, and then hanging the arm from the rafters.

3.  Gawain’s final confrontation with the Green Knight (from his arrival at the Green Chapel through his departure from the Green Knight).

OPTION TWO: ART (Max 2 points, 2 people eligible):

Instructions: Create an image of the Pardoner from Canterbury Tales. It should have lines pointing to his various attributes with a few words explaining the feature and what it is meant to symbolize (for example, an arrow pointing to his lack of a hood, explaining what its absence means). It will look sort of like an illustration in a biology book where the parts of something are labeled.

1.  It should be FULL COLOR.

2.  It can be no smaller than ½ a sheet of poster or foam board and must be on one of these two surfaces.

OPTION THREE: RECITATION (Max 2 points, 1 person eligible):

Instructions: Memorize and recite the first eighteen lines of the “Prologue” to Canterbury Tales in Middle English with proper pronunciation. It is on page 58. You should start with “Whan” and end with “seeke.” There are many recitations of it online if you need pronunciation help. In front of the class is maximum two points. In front of teacher alone is maximum one point.