Engine Noise and Vibration Diagnosis
Meets NATEF Task: (A1-A-6) Diagnose engine noises and vibration; determine necessary action (P-2)
Name ______Date ______Time on Task ______
Make/Model/Year ______VIN ______Evaluation: 4 3 2 1
_____ 1. When is the engine noise or vibration detected? Check all that apply.
____ At engine start (warm engine)
____ At engine start (cold engine)
____ Idle (cold)
____ Idle (hot)
____ During acceleration
____ Under heavy load
____ Under light load
____ During deceleration
____ Other (describe) ______
_____ 2. Describe the noise or vibration. Check all that apply.
____ Clicking sound (like a ball-point pen)
____ Clacking noise (like tapping on metal)
____ Rattle (like a baby rattle)
____ Clatter (like rolling marbles)
____ Whine (like an electric motor running)
____ Clunk (like a door closing)
____ Other (describe) ______
_____ 3. Check service information regarding the noise and the associated tests and procedures
that should be followed. ______
_____ 4. What is the necessary action? ______