Meeting Date: 092817Meeting Place: LLCCPD Conf. room
Meeting Time: 1330 hours / Facilitator: Gary Armour, EHST Chair
Recorder: Brad Gentry, EHST Vice Chair
Attendees:Gary Armour, Brad Gentry, Karie Longhta, Dave Bretscher, Jeris Creasey, Todd McDonald
Absent:Tony Rothering, Carrie Darr, Heather Voyles
AGENDA / WHONew Member Introductions / Remaining Vacancies / Armour, Gentry
New Business: First Aid Kits and Maps for College Vehicles / Armour
Meeting opened with introduction of new member, Jeris Creasey, Classified Staff Representative. Gentry provided Creasey with a copy of the Charter, and went over pertinent operational guidelines.
Gentry initiated discussion regarding our two remaining team vacancies, which include the Educational Service Area representative and the Professional Staff representative. These positions have been vacant since last spring, and several requests have been put into SGC to fill them. Longhta, who also serves on the SGC, said she would make inquiries as to filling the openings.
Gentry then initiated discussion regarding the team’s elected positions; namely that elections were not held last May, as they are supposed to be according to Charter, because at the time we had three vacancies and wanted to wait until those were filled before electing officers. He asked team members whether they thought we should continue on to the next election cycle, or hold an election at our October meeting, after [hopefully] getting the remaining vacancies filled. Armour felt we should plan on holding elections at the next meeting. After a short discussion, members present agreed that we would schedule elections for the October meeting.
McDonald requested that the team consider adding Tim Ervin, the College’s new Director of Construction and Environmental Health and Safety, to the team as a “by position” representative. This was discussed briefly and all members present felt this was a good ideal. Longhta said we would need to send the request to the SGC for approval. Gentry concurred, and said he would prepare the request and forward to SGC.
Armour started discussion on New Business. He relayed that a community member had brought a concern to him regarding providing first-aid kits in College vehicles. The community member had said that on a recent trip in a College vehicle the need arose for a band-aid for someone in the vehicle and they could not find a first-aid kit. In addition, Armour felt it might be a good idea to also provide each vehicle with a paper Illinois road map, as some destinations have poor cell service. Longhta stated that they had already purchased basic first-aid kits for the College vehicles, and she thought they should be delivered anytime, if they weren’t in fact already here. She said she would look into procuring State maps also.
At the conclusion of the meeting Gentry stated he was waiting to hear from Rothering as to what the best times were for him to meet. Once he had that information he would email everyone to determine the best meeting day/time for scheduling purposes.
Meeting concluded at approximately 1415 hours.
Action Items / Assigned To: / Due Date
Contact SGC re: filling of existing vacancies / Gentry
Send request to SGC re: adding Tim Ervin to team as “by position” rep / Gentry
Check on feasibility of providing hard-copy Illinois road maps in College pool vehicles / Longhta
Schedule new monthly meeting day/time / Gentry/Voyles