Oak Bluff Home & School Association

Executive MeetingMinutes

Monday,January 16, 2017 at 6:30pm, OBCS


Heather Jensen (Chairperson) Jennifer Houser (Vice-Chair) Kimberly Wiebe (Treasurer) Pamela Lee (Principal) Marilyn Mann (Teacher Rep) Nancy Zettler (KindergartenRep) Sally Zacharias (Early Yrs Rep) Jen Palichuk (Fundraising) Shelley Gerbrandt (Secretary)

Absent:Deja Vandal (Middle YrsRep)Shannon Russell (Parent Rep)

Planned Agenda:

  1. Call to order: 6:35pm meeting start
  1. Review/approval ofNovember’smeeting minutes: approval motioned by H.Jensen, 2ndby J. Houser
  1. Principal’s Report
  2. Will be meeting with our RRVSD secretary treasurer regarding possible funds available in the budget for our future sound system.

The system we have been looking at it is approx. $10,000

  • Kindergarten registration night is Feb. 8th
  • Microwavesin all rooms are getting dated, will look into replacement options
  • For the first time in 5 years we are pleased to report we have an OBCS boys’ basketball team
  1. Staff Report
  2. Early years visited the WSO, this year was slightly different from past yearswithout Manny Tuba and

with Max the boy

  • Artists in the School: we have KC Adams coming in to share Seven Scared Teachings Clay Pots;

Mrs. Harder’s room will be used for the week for our artists, their classroom will be located in the library for the week

  1. Treasurer’s Update
  2. Current balances:

Chequing account: $11,746.95

Business (savings) account: $ 2,384.78

-To our teachers: part of our annual fundraising is for class related items that support your class and benefit your students i.e. books, field trips etc.

-$20 per student is available, please submit your receipts to be reimbursed to Kimberly Wiebe before the end of April.

  • Requestto pay C. Glowatski $200 for reviewing our previous year’s books, approval motioned by J. Houser, 2nd by N. Zettler and unanimously approved by the committee
  1. Fundraising Update
  2. Glenlea plant fundraiser is scheduled forthe spring - order forms to go out the week of February 20, due by April 9 – with a delivery date May 18. Pick-up time is planned to startafter the last afternoon bus leaves (just before 4pm) to 6pm,more details to follow closer to the date. Orders can be handed in or placed on-line. On-line orders are encouraged. Color catalogues will be with the order forms
  3. No Manitoba Moose tickets were purchased for the first game, no further options for this event to be offered this year
  4. Fundraising for next year tabled until the February 13thmeeting
  1. Other Matters/reports
  1. Alternative Lunch Options:

-Roxy’s lunch order dates coming up:January 19th & 31stand February 14th

-Looking at February 28th and March 15th with Roxy’s as well – more info to follow

-March 24th – Subway lunch to be confirmed

-Will continue to explore other healthy and affordable lunch options

-Positive feedback has been received with past lunches – thank you OBCS families for supporting the hot lunch program!

  1. Sound System Update:

-J. Palichuk has reapplied for the S’Cool Life Fund grant in January. RRVSD may be able to cover some of the costs for the requested system from the budget (discussing).

  1. Staff Appreciation Planning
  2. Available members of the committee and volunteers will makea home-made hot brunch for the OBCS staff during the in-service on Friday February 3rd– anticipating17 people
  3. OBCS families – if you would like to let your child’s teacher or any one of the staff now how much they are appreciated please feel free let themknow now or anytime during the year
  1. Other:n/a
  1. The nextHome & School meetings are tentatively scheduled for:

Monday February 13th, 2017 (Executive Meeting)

Monday March 13th, 2017 (Public Meeting)

Monday April 24th, 2017 (Executive Meeting)

Monday May 15th, 2017 (Executive Meeting)

Monday June 19th, 2017 (Public meeting, AGM)

Meeting adjourned at 7:53pm by H. Jensen

Minutes submitted by S.Gerbrandt

The committee alwayswelcomes parent feedback and involvement. We realize that everyone may be very busy and unable to attend the meetings that are held but we would love to hear from you (if you wish to attend any posted monthlymeeting please feel free – please just let one of us know in the event there is a date change). If there is anything that you would like to see from the committee or wish to comment on, please email your comments / concerns to Shelley Gerbrandt at . If you are interested in being added to our volunteer list to be contacted when extra hands/help may be needed please email Shelley.

Please note: If you would like to donate in lieu of fundraising or make a donation “just because” please write a cheque to the Oak Bluff Home and School Association and drop it off at the school office, thank you for your support!

NextMeeting ~ Executive Meeting on Monday, February 13th@ 6:30 pm