Engelsk for døve og sterkt tunghørte. Mellom- og ungdomstrinnet.
You will need:
§ a large plastic cup
§ a raw egg
§ vinegar
Now do this:
1. Place the egg in the cup, then pour in enough vinegar to cover the whole egg.
2. Look closely at the egg shell. What do you see?
3. Leave your egg in the vinegar overnight.
4. Take the egg out of the cup and wash it carefully.
What happened? Answer these questions:
1. What does your egg look and feel like now?
2. Does your egg resemble:
a) a balloon filled with water
b) a tennis ball
c) a golf ball
How does it work?
Vinegar is an acid, and can slowly dissolve the shell of a chicken egg.
After about a day, much of the hard shell is dissolved, leaving just the egg membrane behind. The membrane is like a rubber skin, holding the egg together!
Vinegar - eddik
Egg shell - eggskall
To cover – å dekke over
To feel – å kjenne på
To resemble – å ligne på
What happened? – hva skjedde?
Acid – syre
Why – hvorfor
Because – fordi (skyld)
To dissolve – å oppløse seg
To leave – å etterlate
A membrane – en membran
Rubber skin – gummiaktig hud
Make a report of what you have done and your discovery using this report form.
You can write and draw. Label your drawings.
EXPERIMENT number ___.The name of the experiment:
The name of the scientists:
This is what I used:
This is what I did:
This is what happened:
I think this happened because:
EXPERIMENT 2. Bursting Balloons
Now do this:
1. Blow up and tie off a balloon.
2. CAREFULLY hold it over a candle flame.
3. What happened?
4. Now fill a new balloon with water, and tie it off.
5. Hold it above the candle flame at the same height.
6. What happened?
A balloon – ballong
Matches – fyrstikker
Blow up a balloon – blås opp en ballong
To tie off – å knytte
Water – vann
Air - luft
Carefully – forsiktig
Why do you think this happened? Discuss this with your friends.
Make a report of what you have done and your discovery.
Use the report form.
A sneak preview of the scientific answer:
The balloon pops if the wall of the balloon gets hot enough to melt.
When the balloon is filled with air, the balloon wall definitely heats up enough to melt and the balloon pops.
When the balloon is filled with water, the water keeps the balloon wall cool. The balloon wall does not get hot enough to melt so the balloon does not pop.)
You will need:
§ Paper
§ A pencil
§ A ruler
§ Scissors
Now do this:
1. Use this pattern to make a whirligig. Cut on the solid lines, fold on the dotted lines.
2. CAREFULLY, drop your whirligig from a window, and watch it twirl, round and round!
3. Now you can change the design any way you like and make different whirligigs: tall and skinny, short and wide, long blades, wide blades etc.
4. Have a race with your friends: who can make the whirligig that takes the longest to fall?
What happened? Answer this question:
What shape of whirligig fell most slowly?
Was it:
tall and skinny
short and wide
short and skinny
Why do you think this happened? Discuss this with your friends.
Scissors – saks
A ruler – en linjal
Cut – klipp
Solid lines – ubruttet linjer
To fold – å brette
To drop – å slippe
Twirl – snu rundt og rundt
Tall – høy
Skinny – tynn
Short – kort
Wide – bredd
Long – lang
A race – en konkurranse
Takes the longest to fall – tar lengst tid til å falle på bakken
Light – lett heavy - tung
Make a report of what you have done and your discovery.
Use the report form.
A sneak preview of the scientific answer:
Air pushes on the blades of the whirligig when it falls, making it twirl round and round.
If the whirligig is heavy, or has thin blades, air can't push it up as well, and it falls faster.
A light whirligig with wide blades catches more air and falls slowly.
(Use thin paper to keep your whirligig in the air longer).
Tilpasset fra Dragonfly TV
Elevens egen vurdering
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§ Hva har du lært?
§ Likte du å arbeid på denne måten? Hvorfor?
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