Supply List for 2017-2018
2….pkgs. wide-ruled notebook paper1….pkg. map colors
5….pkgs. 10 count #2 pencils1….hand-held pencil sharpener
1….pairpointed scissors (Fiskars)1…. backpack (NON-ROLLING)
2….pkgs. of three glue sticks1….box Ziploc sandwich bags (boys)
2….boxes of Kleenex3….composition books (no spiral)
1….large pencil bag1….pkg. crayons
2…. container Clorox disinfecting wipes1….pkg. colored construction paper
1….pkg. markers1….pkg. Ziploc gallon bags (girls)
1….pkg. white Hi-Polymer Pentel erasers (no pencil tops)
1….pkg. EXPO dry erase markers (blue, green, red, black)
1….set of headphones (no beats or large headphones)
10…pocket folders with brads and pockets (2 blue, 2 red, 2 yellow, 2 green, 2 purple(
2….pkgs. wide-ruled notebook paper1….pencil bag
2….boxes of tissue2….yellow highlighters
5….pkgs. of 10 count #2 pencils1….pair sharp pointed scissors
2….pkgs. of three glue sticks2….pkgs. map colors
2….containers disinfecting wipes2….pkgs. pencil top erasers
1...gallon slide Ziploc (girl)3….non-spiral composition books 1...quart slide Ziploc (boys) 2….sets of EARBUDS (no headphones) 1...hand-held pencil sharpener 1….2-pocket RED plastic folder with brads
2...plastic pocket folders of any color or design
1….pkg. EXPO dry erase markers (blue, green, red, black)
Supply List for 2017-2018
2….pkgs. wide-ruled notebook paper5….pkgs. ten-count #2 pencils 2….pkgs. blue or black pens 1….pkg. red ink pens 2….pkgs. map colors 1….Ziploc sandwich bags
1…pair 7” scissors2…24 ct. crayons
1….ruler (inches and centimeters)1….pkg. Classic markers
2….pkgs. of three glue sticks4….highlighters
2….boxes of tissues4….composition books 4….pink pearl erasers 1….hand sanitizer with pump 1....Clorox wipes
1….pkg. EXPO dry erase markers (blue, green, red, black)
6….pocket folders with brads and pockets (2 red, 2 yellow, 2 blue)
1….set of headphones (no beats or large headphones)
5….pkgs. 10 count #2 pencils2…large pink or white erasers
2….pkgs. black or blue pens3….yellow highlighters
2….pkg. thin markers2….pkgs. map colors
2….pkgs. of three glue sticks 2….pkgs. wide-ruled notebook paper
1….single subject spiral notebook3….non-spiral composition books
1…3-inch 3-ring binder with dividers1…3-subject spiral notebook
1….pair of scissors2….pkgs. of three glue sticks
1….tub of Clorox wipes1….hand sanitizer with pump
1….set of earbuds or headphones1….pkg. EXPO markers (blue, green, red, blue)
10….pocket folders with brads and pockets (2 blue, 2 red, 2 yellow, 2 green, 2 purple)