ENG 104.13 / Approach to Literature

Course Syllabus

Spring 2014

Section Instructor: Jeff Martin

Location/Time: Bryan 205 / TR 2:00-3:15 P.M.

Office: Curry 335C

Office Hours: W 1-4 PM and by appointment

Mailbox: MHRA 3114


Course Description and Teaching Methods

This course is an introductory one designed to help develop your appreciation for and understanding of three of literature’s most prominent genres—fiction, poetry, and drama. To that end, we’ll spend the semester doing a great deal of reading and discussion centered around the literary technique of POV (point of view) and how writers in the three genres use point of view to pose different ways of looking at truth; the readings will cover principally American and British writers from the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. In addition to practicing close, thoughtful reading, you’ll learn some of the basic terminology of literary analysis and have numerous chances to practice it in your own writing.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for the GLT marker:

1. Demonstrate the reading skill required for the student of literary texts. (LG3)

2. Identify and/or describe some of the varied characteristics of literary texts. (LG3)

3. Demonstrate orally, in writing, or by some other means, a fundamental ability to use some of the techniques and/or methods of literary analysis. (LG 1 and LG 3)

4. Identify and/or describe some of the various social, historical, cultural, and/or theoretical contexts in which literary texts have been written and interpreted. (LG3)

Those SLOs labeled LG3 relate to UNCG’s Learning Goal #3 for General Education, which says students will “Describe, interpret, and evaluate the ideas, events, and expressive traditions that have shaped collective and individual human experience through inquiry and analysis in the diverse disciplines of the humanities, religions, languages, histories, and the arts.” ((http://web.uncg.edu/reg/Bulletin/Current/UnivReq/GECProgram.aspx)

Those SLOs labeled (LG1) relate to UNCG’s Learning Goal #1 for General Education, outlined in the guidelines for English 101.

Required Texts and Materials


·  Ensor, Lavina, Tammy Lancaster, and Scott Thomas Gibson. Lenses. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil Publishing, 2012. ISBN-13: 978-0-7380-5105-5

·  Fitzgerald, F Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner, 2004. ISBN-10: 0743273567

ISBN-13: 978-0743273565

Fuller, Charles. A Soldier’s Play. New York: Samuel French, Inc., 2011. ISBN-10: 0573640351

·  Hurston, Zora Neale. Their Eyes Were Watching God. New York: Harper Perennial Classics, 2006. ISBN-10: 0061120065 ISBN-13: 978-0061120060

·  O’Brien, Tim. The Things They Carried. New York: Mariner Books, 2009. ISBN-13: 978-0618706419

Other Materials

·  Note-taking materials (loose-leaf notebook, writing instrument, etc.). NOTE: I will periodically stop class and ask you to write for 5 minutes on a particular question and then share your responses. Keep in mind that showing up for an English class without a writing instrument is like showing up for dinner without a digestive tract—there’s not much point in coming.

·  A sturdy 3- ring binder that can serve as a place for stories printed from Blackboard and returned quizzes and papers. KEEP EVERYTHING so you can reference quizzes and papers to prepare for discussions and exams.

·  A portable stapler*

*Do not ask me for a stapler. I don’t bring one to class. I don’t even know what one looks like.

Technology Requirements

·  Online access (via library or computer lab if a personal desktop or laptop is unavailable) and iSpartan email (CHECKED DAILY)

·  Blackboard account—login/password provided when you open your computer accounts

·  Printing access (library, computer lab, home). Let me stress something here: because I’m not requiring an literature anthology (which often costs upwards of $70-$90) but will instead be posting readings like short stories and poetry on Blackboard, please do both yourself and me the courtesy of printing out such readings and bringing them to class. Never show up without your own copy of the day’s reading in front of you.


·  Portable digital storage (flash drive, thumb drive, jump drive, whatever you want to call it)

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is founded upon and encompasses the following five values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Violations include, for example, cheating, plagiarism, misuse of academic resources, falsification, and facilitating academic dishonesty. If knowledge is to be gained and properly evaluated, it must be pursued under conditions free from dishonesty. Deceit and misrepresentations are incompatible with the fundamental activity of this academic institution and shall not be tolerated” (from UNCG’s Academic Integrity Policy). To ensure that you understand the university’s policy on academic integrity, review the guidelines and list of violations at <http://academicintegrity.uncg.edu>. I expect you to abide by the Academic Integrity Policy.

NOTE: Any instance of plagiarism will result in a zero on the assignment and may result in failure of the course, depending on the severity of the violation and the overall value of the assignment to the final grade. A second offense of any kind, including plagiarizing, falsifying information, or cheating, will result in failure of the course.

Attendance and Tardy Policy

Students in ENG104 TR classes are allowed a maximum of 3 absences without a grade penalty. For every absence beyond those allowed, students will be penalized one-half letter grade. Students who miss 6 classes will fail the course. Let’s be clear: if you reach your 6th absence, you have failed the course. Note: Absences will be excused only with official documentation from the Dean of Students office or a doctor’s note.

You should attend every class and be on time. If you are more than 10 minutes late, I will record this as an absence.

The persistent inability to make it to class in a timely fashion may be dealt with in the form of deductions from your final class participation grade. If you miss a class, regardless of the reason, you are responsible for contacting a classmate so that you can arrange a way to get notes.

*Note: You are, by state law, allowed two excused absences due to religious holidays, which do not count toward your total 3 excused absences. If you plan to miss class because of religious holidays, you must notify me at least a week in advance of your absence.

Classroom Conduct

Students with disciplinary problems tend to be few and far between at the college level; however, if behavioral disruptions persist within a single class meeting (or, for that matter, across multiple meetings), the student in question will be asked to leave the class session with an absence for the day. Types of disruptive behavior can include any form of disrespectful comment or action directed toward me, another student, or the subject matter we are studying. I reserve the right to interpret inappropriate behaviors as I see fit and to address them accordingly; it goes without saying that remaining enrolled in my class is your tacit acknowledgment of this right. If I see the need to withdraw a student from the course because of disruptive behavior, I will follow the University’s disruptive behavior policy statement, which can be found here: http://sa.uncg.edu/handbook/wp-content/uploads/disruptive_policy.pdf

Laptops, iPads, and Other Temptations

·  Laptops and iPads: Laptops and iPads may be used in class only by students having a special need for purposes of note-taking or other classroom activities. Students with such a need should make specific arrangements with the instructor. No student may use a laptop, iPad, or electronic reader in class without a prior arrangement with the instructor. **While I applaud one’s desire to be “green” and read stories off a laptop, iPad, Kindle, phone, etc., by no means do I yet trust human nature’s even stronger desire toward distraction. Print out the materials and bring them to class. **

·  Cell Phones: Turn them off and put them away. No texting, no calls, no alarms. Many students now think it a natural course of events to text in class; however, it’s actually incredibly rude. It’s quite possible to be disconnected from your friends for 75 minutes and still survive. You might even enjoy it.

·  iPods: Turn them off and put them away.

·  Food: Please do not bring food to class. You may bring bottled water if you need liquid refreshment.

Note: Repeated violations of any of the aforementioned items will result in a substantial reduction in your participation grade and may also result in your being asked to leave the classroom (an action that will count as an absence).

Late Work

An assignment is late if you do not have it when I collect it in class. I accept late work with a penalty of 1 letter grade off for each day it’s late. I will use my discretion in the event of an unforeseen tragedy, but otherwise, no exceptions—computer trouble or printer trouble is not an excuse. If you miss class on the day that an assignment is due, you are still responsible for turning in your work that day. All late work must be turned in to my mailbox, located in MHRA 3114. I do not accept work via email.

Appointments and Email Correspondence

I encourage you to make good use of my office hours. You may also use email to send questions between the hours of 7 AM and 7 PM, weekdays and weekends; expect a response within 24 hours of sending a message. I will not be available before or after these times. Likewise, when applicable (and for the sake of courtesy) I would like a response confirming that you have received a message from me. Make sure your emails to me are written in complete sentences and with correct spelling, punctuation, and title. For example, never write: “Martin, got ur email. Thx.” It’s not just because I’m an English teacher—it’s also because you need to communicate professionally and accurately in the larger world. Try this instead: “Hi, Mr. Martin, This is J.K. Rowling from your 104-13 class. Could you have a look at my thesis statement and tell me if I’m on the right track? Thank you! J.K. Rowling.”


Students with documentation of special needs should arrange to see me about accommodations as soon as possible. If you believe you could benefit from such accommodations, you must first register with the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services on campus before such accommodations can be made. The office is located on the second floor of the Elliott University Center (EUC) in Suite 215, and the office is open 8am to 5pm, Monday - Friday. Telephone: 334-5440; e-mail: .

The Writing Center

The purpose of the Writing Center is to enhance the confidence and competence of student writers by providing free, individual assistance at any stage of any writing project. Staff consultants are experienced writers and alert readers, prepared to offer feedback and suggestions on drafts of papers, help students find answers to their questions about writing, and provide one-on-one instruction as needed. Located in the Moore Humanities and Research Building (MHRA), room 3211.

The Learning Assistance Center

The Learning Assistance Center offers free services to the entire UNCG undergraduate community and is located in McIver Hall, rooms 101-104, and 150. For help with study skills, contact Erin Farrior, Academic Skills specialist. Telephone: 334-3878; e-mail: .

Grading Scale for ENG 104.16

A+ 97-100 C 73-76

A 94-96 C- 70-72

A- 90-93 D+ 67-69

B+ 87-89 D 63-66

B 84-86 D- 60-62

B- 80-83 F 59 or below

C+ 77-79

NOTE: I do not post grades on Blackboard. If you’re curious what your grade is at any given moment, you are always welcome to ask me or look at graded work I’ve returned to get a ballpark estimation. I don’t post grades on Blackboard mainly because I’m old school and think it’s good for students and teachers to talk, as the world is anonymous enough already.

Evaluation and Assignments

Participation (15%) Note: See “Criteria for Oral Communication” at the end of this section [SLOs 1 and 3]

It’s hard to have a good lit class if no one speaks. Participation means actively engaging in class discussions and participating in group work and all class exercises. Remember, as aforementioned, I will periodically stop class and ask you to write for 5 minutes on a particular question and then share your responses. Each day you should bring the assigned reading (printed out from Blackboard if it’s a short story or poetry) and two discussion questions of your own invention (with your own response at least formulated in your mind). You will be called at random to pose a question to the class for discussion in large or small groups as part of your participation grade. Be ready.

Literary Analysis (15%) [SLOs 1-4]

A 5-page, double-spaced response that will involve developing an argument and executing close, supported analysis of an assigned literary text. No late papers will be accepted.

Quizzes (20%) [SLOs 1-3]

Quizzes may be announced or unannounced and are one means of assessing if students have done the assigned readings. Point totals for individual quizzes may vary depending on the length and complexity of the reading. Some advice: just read the assignments so you don’t have to worry about these things. No make-up quizzes will be administered.

Midterm Exam (20%) and Final Exam (30%) [SLOs 1-4]

The midterm and final examinations will cover relevant theoretical and primary textual material from the course and will include multiple choice, short answer, and short essays as the means of assessment. No make-up exams will be administered.

Criteria for Oral Communication

A Superior communicative skills; excellent preparation for class discussion; always volunteers; listens and responds thoughtfully and courteously to others’ comments; student exemplifies mastery, rigor, and intellectual curiosity regarding course readings and concepts while also introducing relevant independent insights to the discussion; student demonstrates enthusiasm and takes initiative, particularly during group activities.

B Good communicative skills; solid preparation for class discussion; consistently volunteers and makes meaningful contributions in group activities; student exemplifies interest and engagement regarding course readings and concept; student demonstrates a positive attitude