HIPs in the States assessment webcast 3
Visible Outcomes for Employability (chat)
10:00:59 From Charity, CSULB : Charity at CSULB
10:01:01 From Nancy : Hi, Nancy O'Laughlin, University of Delaware
10:01:05 From laurareindl : Good afternoon from Laura, Alison and Courtney from Binghamton University.
10:01:06 From Nathan : Nate Wallace from SUNY Erie Community College
10:01:34 From Celia Coochwytewa : Celia Coochwytewa from Arizona State University
10:03:04 From Caroline Coward : What happens in HIPs chat _may not_ stay in HIPs chat...
10:04:02 From Adrienne Altmann : Hello, Adrienne Altmann, Nassau Community College
10:04:19 From wilwohlc : Christian Wilwohl from SUNY New Paltz
10:04:27 From SUNY Special Events #2 : Carey Hatch, Senior Associate Provost for Academic Services has also joined from SUNY System
10:05:24 From David Goldstein : Hello from sunny (really!) Seattle!
-David Goldstein
Principal Lecturer
University of Washington Bothell
10:05:55 From Caroline Coward : HEY KEN!!!
10:06:04 From Ken O'Donnell : Shouting back, and hello everyone.
10:13:14 From Ken O'Donnell : Do you think students and entry-level employees are aware of employers' keen interest in soft skills?
10:14:26 From melyndaconner : I do not think students are aware of employers' interest. I'm not even sure they are aware of what soft skills are in many cases.
10:14:50 From SUNY Special Events #2 : Do we?
10:15:28 From Christopher Sheehan : NACE has done of great job of changing this conversation
10:15:46 From Ken O'Donnell : Yes!
10:18:56 From Caroline Coward : Higher ed needs to bake this into the matriculation process. Otherwise students will consider it an extra and generally won’t make the time.
10:20:26 From Caroline Coward : Maybe start in required FYE courses, then revisit in the senior year, to track change and maturation. (if any…)
10:20:39 From melyndaconner : Thanks, Christopher!
10:21:44 From plphilli : maybe that I'm missing something, but this doesn't fit into the model of e-portfolios I associate with HIPs
10:22:31 From Merith Weisman : Thank piphilli - I was thinking the same thing - I was imaging something more like Portfolium
10:22:36 From SUNY Special Events #2 : Maure, can you speak to how these credentials match up to NACE's Career Competencies or Lumina Foundation's Credential Engine?
10:22:38 From Merith Weisman : *Thanks
10:22:55 From melyndaconner : plphilli, one hip element is aligning learning with real-world experience, so it works there
10:23:19 From plphilli : process is the effective part of eportfolio...not product
10:23:51 From wilwohlc : Career Resources, Student Development
10:23:54 From tlblum : Career Development Office and faculty leading capstone courses
10:24:01 From spearmana : Career Servcies
10:24:06 From Ken O'Donnell : I thought of our faculty senate and department chairs, and other owners of the official curriculum. I believe these skills matter and are appropriate college outcomes, but we don't explicity cultivate them.
10:24:10 From Gillian Hannum : I would want to speak with the chair of our undergraduate curriculum committee to review our general education curriculum in terms of its development of soft skills.
10:24:10 From Jenn Klein : The Director of the Career Center (but he does not believe employers really want to spend time looking at e-portfolios-- how can I prove this to be untrue??)
10:24:12 From : faculty leading curriculum efforts
10:24:15 From spearmana : Center for Teaching & Learning
10:24:31 From Alex Malone : The head of our communications department. She teaches a course on interpersonal communications that will translate well on this issue.
10:24:32 From caroline.geary : Teaching and Learning Center
10:24:32 From SUNY Special Events #2 : Business and Industry partners
10:24:37 From melyndaconner : Curricular committees to develop competencies for degree programs
10:24:40 From Tim Grassley : the Curriculum Committee within the College of Arts & Sciences
10:24:54 From Adrienne Altmann : Curriculum Committee
10:28:01 From Deborah Keyek-Franssen : Thanks, everyone, for keeping the chat hopping!
10:31:02 From Ken O'Donnell : You say ePortfolios make learning visible. Could they make dispositional learning visible, of the kind Maure described?
10:32:05 From Caroline Coward : If you include Maure’s assessments in the portfolio, and track change over time, you can show dispositional learning.
10:33:18 From Caroline Coward : (But there needs to be a skills demonstration included)
10:33:48 From Christopher Sheehan : Nearly all of the NACE competencies already program and College outcomes. The argument is can students make the connections between the work they have accomplished and the competencies
10:34:08 From Gillian Hannum : Students can be asked to create portfolios that demonstrate their soft skills - some of which they develop in classes, other in jobs or internships, still others through athletics and co-curricular activities. How can they SHOW teamwork? Flexibility? My students who have done this type of ePortfolio work say that interviews are a breeze because they have already thought about the questions potential interviewers are asking.
10:35:19 From Caroline Coward : Gillian - what do former students report back after 6mos-1yr on the job? Are they using the soft skills?
10:36:25 From Gillian Hannum : We do not have a good way of systematically harvesting feedback a year or two out, but those who report back anecdotally say that yes, those soft skills have been critical - especially in terms of advancement.
10:36:33 From Caroline Coward : Cool!
10:37:26 From Caroline Coward : Could that be a needed link in this chain - systematic data gathering from graduates on the job?
10:38:08 From Nancy : If employers want employees with soft skills and students can showcase soft skills that they have gained throughout their college careers in an eportfolio, is there any evidence (data) that employers are asking candidates for an eportfolio along with their resume, cover letter, etc.
10:38:37 From Gillian Hannum : I have them search the Occupational Outlook Handbook for jobs they hope to apply for and to scroll all the way down, looking not just at the required credentials, but also at the desired characteristics listed. Then they gear their professional ePortfolios towards showcasing those elements.
10:39:45 From Caroline Coward : Nobody at my current place of employ has ever heard of an ePortfolio. We’ll go more into this at the JPL dinner at the conference.
10:40:47 From Nancy : I believe that students just going through the process of completing an eportfolio become better prepared to interview, discuss questions related to soft skills that they have, etc.
10:41:15 From melyndaconner : Nancy, in several full-time online teaching position postings I have reviewed, the universities have asked for me to submit my ePortfolio along with my CV and unofficial transcripts.
10:41:16 From plphilli : feedback is an essential part of any HIP. It offers the "quality" part that is absolutely necessary for a process/practice to be HI
10:41:27 From Caroline Coward : Nancy - agreed. I believe this is best used as a professional and personal development tool.
10:42:01 From Ken O'Donnell : How long does this institutional transformation (doing it well) take?
10:43:11 From Deborah Keyek-Franssen : Thank you, Christopher. Agreed!
10:44:18 From Nancy : Nancy O from USM here: whether employers say up front that they value ePs, I think it would be true that if a student came to an interview with a nicely edited set of work samples, the employer would be impressed by the student’s foresight and preparation, in addition to what the work samples actually showcase.
10:44:51 From plphilli : Agreed with impact becuase Students know better who they are because of the intentional reflection required to develop a good ePortfolio
10:44:57 From Ken O'Donnell : Bret - yes! Even if the employer never sees this the student will be readier for the interview.
10:45:18 From melyndaconner : Agreed. The process of creating the ePortfolio is a skill in itself. Employers who are looking for more tech saavy and self-aware employees will be interested. Employees who create them benefit in multiple ways.
10:45:50 From Maure Baker : Absolutely Nancy. Sending and bringing the ePortfolio would always be a benefit
10:46:09 From Caroline Coward : Maybe a subset of the ePortfolio could be what to bring to the interview. (work samples, etc.)
10:46:23 From tlblum : The worry we have here is that people will use the eportfolio as a repository, but dont provide the feedback. How do we create a culture where feedback is considered the most important tool
10:46:45 From plphilli : we see this at multiple levels on our campus. our residential colleges are requiring portfolios for 1st and 2nd year students mini-capstone
10:46:58 From lreid : These two presentations are very interesting, and I think we can use a lot of the ideas. We are at the very beginning of considering ePortfolios. Does anyone have experience with using them as a tool for faculty mentoring of students across instead of within classes? I wonder if our majors could meet with faculty mentors to discuss students' learning across all of their classes, helping them to make links and value their education in the major as well as their college career.
10:46:58 From beynon : I think the key step is helping faculty explore the linkage between learning skills and employer skills
10:47:23 From lreid : Lreid=Louann Reid
10:47:51 From Deborah Keyek-Franssen : Hi, Louann! :-)
10:48:01 From Deborah Keyek-Franssen : And great question/comment.
10:48:14 From melyndaconner : I think an important step is having faculty showcase their own ePortfolios and how they use them
10:48:52 From lreid : Important point, melyndaconner.
10:49:00 From Caroline Coward : Melynda - could that be a tenure/promotion file?
10:49:00 From Deborah Keyek-Franssen : Melynda—great idea. It presupposes that faculty have ePortfolios, but what an excellent way to model behavior.
10:49:13 From melyndaconner : Sure, Caroline, why not?
10:49:26 From melyndaconner : If it is in ePortfolio format
10:49:36 From Caroline Coward : Because those are increasingly going online.
10:50:34 From Caroline Coward : Students can _demonstrate_ soft skills through experiences.
10:51:09 From Caroline Coward : I.e. they’ve led three large teams, they’ve coached others in cross-cultural experiences, etc.
10:51:51 From Ken O'Donnell : Does this conversation suggest that a well-designed HIP is one that explicitly cultivates soft skills, and creates a portfolio-ready evidence trail?
10:52:34 From plphilli : yes, and a well designed ePortfolio exercise will do the same.
10:52:38 From SUNY Special Events #2 : Does this suggest that structured reflection is the highest impact thing we're doing?
10:52:38 From Caroline Coward : Yes - it’s that “make a thing” requirement for HIP vetting.
10:57:49 From Caroline Coward : SUNY Special Events — yep, think about what you did is another HIP vetting tool.
10:59:10 From plphilli : might I also suggest that what we strive for is to produce learners. Skills are developed by practice and exposure to certain areas may help develop desirable qualities. However, it is the practice over time that really develops them to higher levels of achievement.
11:00:18 From Caroline Coward : Impact-O-Meter!!
11:02:42 From staylor : For how long after graduation can students typically keep using their university-based eportfolios, to keep building them post-graduation? Is access cut off at a certain point?
11:02:43 From Caroline Coward : Mentoring (peer or faculty) are impatful to.
11:02:46 From Caroline Coward : *too
11:02:55 From Caroline Coward : *impactful
11:04:13 From melyndaconner : staylor, it is my understanding that D2L personal ePortfolios will be available for at least 2 years if the personal account is created
11:05:17 From Jenn Klein : Staylor, Foliotek allows students to keep it for as long as they want for the alumni discounted price of $8/year
11:06:09 From kuh : For a practical application of using structured reflection in the company of peers check our the U of Iowa GROW (guided reflection on work) initiative where student employees are asked to connect what they are learning on the job with their classes and vice versa, which also gives them practice in talking aloud about what they know and can do -- the "habits of mind" or dispostion that Maure mentioned. And with more practice in sharing aloud with others what one is learning, the deeper and more meaningful the learning. So think about making campus work (and off campus as well) something akin to a HIP
11:06:21 From Caroline Coward : Could the ePortfolio companies add a feedback mechanism?
11:06:57 From Gigi : chalk & WIre provides eportfolios access to student in perpetuity.
11:07:00 From Christopher Sheehan : Digication is free to all alumni at ASU, and I mean all
11:08:10 From Nancy : We have encouraged students to use what they want. At the University we support things like Google Apps – so we will support Google Sites, if they want to use that. Then students own them and are in control of them.
11:08:10 From Caroline Coward : Question - how portable are ePortfolio artifacts between platforms? If I do my undergrad with X, can I upload that stuff into system Y for grad school?
11:09:23 From Gillian Hannum : It is a great tool for showing Study Abroad experiences.
11:09:27 From David Goldstein : Community-based learning: Artifact created with community partner, such as a digital video or brochure.
11:09:34 From Caroline Coward : Internships - skill acquisition, leadership demonstration, turning the internship into a job.
11:09:48 From wilwohlc : Education Abroad - cross-cultural understanding, critical thinking, problem-solving, flexibility, tolearnce of ambiguity
11:10:42 From Ken O'Donnell : Study abroad and undergraduate research
11:10:43 From caroline.geary : Undergraduate research- would really let students show how they worked through challenges to advance a project.
11:10:48 From Caroline Coward : Undergraduate research - STEM identity all over the place!!
11:10:51 From Nancy : I have seen eportfolios used in Service Learning. We have seen them in undergraduate research, capstones, FYEs. etc. They use the eportfolio to document these other HIPs.
11:10:54 From : Applied Learning - techincal and skill-based competencies, teamwork, communication
11:11:16 From Brandi Gilbert : Internships- showing confidence in career choice, critical reflection on how they know it's a good job/field for them
11:11:37 From Adrienne Altmann : Study abroad and internships
11:11:46 From : COIL - Collaborative Online International Learning - communication, problem-solving and team work in cross-cultural teams
11:11:55 From SUNY Special Events #2 : How might you use this in writing intensive courses? Has anyone?
11:12:48 From wilwohlc : Good question above
11:12:57 From wilwohlc : Reflecting on the writing process
11:13:03 From Gillian Hannum : It's a great tool for the process of writing. Many undergraduates see writing as a one shot deal (paper is due, they write it and turn it in) rather than an editing and revising process. ePortfolio can catalog the process.
11:13:17 From wilwohlc : Agree
11:13:21 From : Writing intensive courses could enable students to provide artifacts of competenties of different types of writing - technical writing, pursuasive writing, etc.
11:13:25 From Caroline Coward : Double knee replacement!!
11:13:27 From Tim Grassley : You can also use it to highlight work you’ve completed:
11:13:39 From David Goldstein : Reflection is everything.
11:13:40 From plphilli : process not product
11:13:40 From Adrienne Altmann : reflecting on soft skills
11:13:42 From : ePortfolios enable structured reflection
11:13:45 From Gillian Hannum : Connecting the dots.
11:13:45 From caroline.geary : eportfolios enhance other HIPs
11:13:45 From Ken O'Donnell : prizing soft skills
11:13:55 From melyndaconner : Structured reflective practice
11:13:56 From Tim Grassley : competency-based learning
11:14:04 From Ken O'Donnell : connect soft skills to faculty awareness
11:14:07 From lreid : peer response powerful
11:14:20 From lreid : will talk to director of center for teaching and learning
11:14:25 From David Goldstein : I will share some ePortfolio resources with my ePortfolio capstone students (seniors) this term.
11:14:48 From melyndaconner : I will share this with my boss, TBR Exec. VP of Student Success, Heidi Leming
11:15:06 From caroline.geary : I will share with the pathways coordinator
11:15:31 From : share with our COIL Director
11:15:32 From SUNY Special Events #2 : Thank you!
11:15:36 From staylor : talk with colleagues who have been looking into eportfolios
11:15:37 From : Thank you!
11:15:37 From SUNY Special Events #2 : *clap*
11:15:41 From Adrienne Altmann : thank you!
11:15:43 From Caroline Coward : *clapping*
11:15:43 From Christopher Sheehan : Thank you!