February 13, 2007

A regular meeting of the Enfield Board of Education was held at John F. Kennedy Middle School, Cafeteria, 155 Raffia Rd., Enfield, CT. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Racine at 7:30 PM.

Members Present Judith Apruzzese-Desroches, Donna Corbin Sobinski, Andre Greco, Joyce Hall, Albert Harrison, Susan Lavelli-Hozempa, Charles Johnson III, Samuel McGill, Sharon Racine

Members Absent none

Also Present Dr. John Gallacher; Superintendent of Schools, Anthony Torre; Assistant Superintendent of Schools, EHS Student Representative, Ryan Stratton and FHS Student Representative Ashley Nyman

1.  Call to Order Sharon Racine

2.  Invocation or Moment of Silence Susan Lavelli-Hozempa

3.  Pledge of Allegiance Susan Lavelli-Hozempa

4.  Approval of Special Meeting Minutes – January 22, 2007, Special Meeting Minutes – January 23, 2007 & Regular Meeting Minutes – January 23, 2007

Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mr. Greco that the minutes of the special meeting on January 22nd be approved. There were no changes, additions or corrections. A vote by show of hands 8-0-1, with Mr. McGill abstaining, motion passes.

Ms. Corbin Sobinski moved, seconded by Mr. Harrison that the minutes of the special meeting and the regular meeting on January 23rd be approved. There were no changes, additions or corrections. A vote by show of hands 9-0-0, motion passes.

5.  Board Guests

a.  Athletic Fields Building Committee

Mr. Dan O’Connell, Chairman of the Athletic Fields Building Committee introduced Greg Strich; committee member Colleen Brand; Department of Public Works and Art Pongratz; Enfield Public Schools Facility Director. Mr. O’Connell presented a status report of the field’s progress. The remediation project at Fermi High School is slated to begin March 15, 2007, weather permitting, and it is expected to be substantially completed by June 22, 2007. It is anticipated that bids for the athletic project will be advertised by the end of this week pending approval and that the project at Fermi High School will start on July 2, 2007 and be substantially completed in late September. When that phase of the project is completed, the synthetic field with the track will be usable right away. The natural turf fields will not be ready until to spring 2008 allowing time to establish a good base for that turf.

On April 1, 2008 construction is expected to begin at Enfield High School and substantially completed by August 25, 2008. The synthetic track and field will be usable right away and the natural turf will be ready for spring 2009 allowing time to establish a good base for that turf.

Mr. McGill stated that everyone has been provided with a layout of the fields.

Chairman Sharon Racine thanked the committee for their update and all the hard work that has been put into this project.

6.  Correspondence and Communications none

7.  Audiences

Roy Reale, North Maple St., Mr. Reale thanked the Board for their support of Schools of Choice, specifically MLC, where his sons attend. One of his sons studies Chinese and will hopefully be able to visit the country next year. He urged the Board to continue their support for Schools of Choice and to keep the seats available. Offering choices to parents for their child’s education is what a good school system should do.

Fred Miclon, Belinda Lane Mr. Miclon stated that he had emailed a problem that has since been resolved regarding the closing of a school. He thanked Mr. Harrison, Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa and Mrs. Racine for their response. He hopes that the Board will not close the pools because the whole community would be affected by it. He stated that from the response he received, he feels confident that the pools will remain open. Mr. Miclon agrees with Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa suggestion to look at reducing the number of full time employees. She stated in her email that there are 830 full time employees that services 6483 students, including Head Start. He agrees that we need to look at the overhead and to squeeze every penny out of the budget that does not directly affect the student. He does not like to see cuts, for example, cutting music education last year by moving instrumental lessons to the fourth grade. The students are not as well prepared as they should be. His children attend H. B. Stowe and they receive music lessons 3 or 4 times a week and only receive PE two times a week. He feels classes should be better balanced.

Amalita Grimes, Till St. Mrs. Grimes stated she also supports Schools of Choice. She attended MLC’s Open House and their program looks great. They offer something different than Enfield. She hopes that the Board will maintain 10 seats next year. Mrs. Grimes asked which lawyer provided the go ahead for the graduation ceremonies to be held at First Cathedral. Mrs. Grimes asked why the Board minutes are not posted on the web site until after the next Board Meeting.

8.  Board Members’ Comments

Chairman Sharon Racine responded to Mrs. Grimes that the Board minutes are not posted to the web site until after they are approved by the Board which is usually at the next regular scheduled meeting. The Board’s attorneys are from the firm of Shipman and Goodwin. Mrs. Racine stated that in her response to Mr. Miclon’s email she told him that the closing of pools was a suggestion for a contingency plan by the BAC and the Board has not had any discussions about closing a pool. Mrs. Racine further stated in response to Mr. Miclon suggestions that if he had seen the BAC report, he would understand that the Board has trimmed the budget where it was needed in the past.

Ms. Hall stated that the contract with First Cathedral was approved through the Town’s attorney to make sure that is was all legal and fit all the requirements relative to the risk involved in any contract.

Mr. McGill congratulated the EHS and FHS girls Cheerleading Teams. They competed together and in separate events and were very successful.

Mr. McGill announced that Saturday, February 17th at Mount Carmel, the FHS Instrumental Band Association will host a family comedy night for all.

Mr. Harrison congratulated FHS Principal, Paul Newton, for being selected the Connecticut High School Principal of the Year. It is quite an honor for Mr. Newton and he graciously gave credit to everyone else he works with. Mr. Harrison stated that on behalf of the FHS family, he wishes him the best of luck representing the State of Connecticut at the National Level.

Mr. Johnson commented that he understands Mr. Reale’s concern to keep Schools of Choice a viable option for our students. We need to give our students every opportunity to learn in different locations and with their own methods. He has also received many emails about closing the pools and stated that it was only a suggestion by the BAC as a contingency plan in case we did not receive adequate funding.

Mr. Johnson addressed the arts programs in our schools. He would like to see music classes reinstated in the third grade. Enfield has a great following by the community in instrumental music. Our students do a tremendous job. If you take away music in the early years, all you are doing is delaying their abilities later on. It is a school’s duty to give students every opportunity to succeed.

Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa congratulated Mr. Newton. Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa agrees with Mr. Reale on Schools of Choice and will continue her support of them. Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa stated that in her email to Mr. Miclon, she expressed her frustrations as a Board Member. More often than not, when something is cut in the school system it is at the expense of the student. It is very frustrating as a Board Member that staff and benefits do not get looked at closely or evaluated. She understands that there are contractual obligations but there is so much more the Board could be doing. She would like to see more focus on reducing staff and benefits and less focus on cutting services to our students.

Mrs. Corbin Sobinski thanked Cox Communications for the grant they gave to the ERfC on Wednesday January 31st for the ‘Making of Technology’ program. The students gave a great presentation to Senator Kissel, State Representative Jarmoc, Board of Education Chairman Sharon Racine and herself.

Chairman Sharon Racine commented that we have many corporate friends to education. We owe a lot to Cox Communication for coming through with that grant. Mrs. Racine congratulated Mr. Newton and looks forward to the National competition.

Mrs. Racine welcomed the Adult Education Civics class is in attendance tonight along with their instructor, Mr. Jim Malley.

Mrs. Racine stated that all Board Members have received email communications regarding FHS graduation this year. Mrs. Racine has a petition signed by 29 students of FHS against the choice of First Cathedral. Mrs. Racine stated that while the Board continues to try and please everyone, it is impossible. There was a survey done at FHS and over 90% of the students chose First Cathedral as their graduation site for this year. Mrs. Racine appreciates the hard work that went into this petition and will share it with the rest of the Board.

Superintendent’s Report

As presented in the Board packet.

a.  Presidents’ Day/Winter Vacation

b.  Magnet School Participation - Big Picture High School

9.  Board Committee Reports none

10.  Approval of Accounts and Payroll

a.  For the Month of January 2007

Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mr. Harrison, that the Enfield Board of Education accepts the Superintendent’s certification as follows:

“I hereby certify that in the month of January for FY 2006-2007, total expenditures amount to $6,872,519.44, broken down between payroll totaling $4,098,660.43 and other accounts totaling $2,773,859.01. All payments have been made in accordance with the approved budget and are properly accounted for within the books of accounts. Copies of approval for check invoices are properly documented.”

A vote by show of hands 9-0-0, motion passes.

Mr. McGill moved, seconded by Mr. Harrison, that the Enfield Board of Education accepts the Superintendent’s certification as follows:

“I hereby certify that in the month of January for FY 2005-2006, total expenditures amount to $28,908.07 broken down between payroll totaling $0 and other accounts totaling $28,908.07. All payments have been made in accordance with the approved budget and are properly accounted for within the books of accounts. Copies of approval for check invoices are properly documented.”

A vote by show of hands 9-0-0, motion passes.

11.  Unfinished Business

a.  Policy Revision #4114.1 School Personnel – Final Reading

Mr. Harrison moved, seconded by Ms. Hall that the Enfield Board of Education approve, as a final reading, the revisions to Policy #4114.1 School Personnel as presented with a revision date of February 13, 2007.

A vote by roll call 9-0-0, motion passes.

12.  New Business

a. Adopt Board’s Proposed Budget FY07-08

Chairman Sharon Racine stated that she endorses the proposed increase of 3.3% that closely follows the ‘Maintenance of Effort’ concept proposed by our Town Manager.

Ms. Hall stated that this budget does not include following through with the TLC program in all the elementary schools that the Town Council expects us to do. Ms. Hall asked if that is the only amount in the textbook line. Dr. Gallacher stated that the textbook amount of $35,408 comes from the savings in the non-certified salaries of approximately $35,000 added to the budget line a year ago of less than $1,000. The $350,000 CIP for textbooks from the Town Council is not addressed in this budget. It is not known whether we will receive that again this year due to the ‘maintenance of effort’ concept. Dr. Gallacher stated that if the Governor’s budget is accepted he hopes that the educational cost sharing dollars flows into the Board’s budget and then we can address items such as the TLC Program and textbooks.

Ms. Hall commented that she has concerns that the Board is proposing a budget that does not meet our needs. If the Governor’s budget is adopted and there is an increase in the educational cost sharing, that does not necessarily mean it will be reflected in the school budget. It will be credited towards the school account and whatever the difference is between that and our budget will be what the town portion will pay. The Town Council will not be giving us more funds; they will be reducing the percentage that the town will pay towards our budget. Ms. Hall stated that the Town Council expects us to include the remaining cost of the TLC labs in our budget.

Dr. Gallacher stated that to address the TLC labs, it will cost an additional $263,000 for next year. That figure includes the cost of 1.3 FTE Reading Teachers to supervise and monitor the additional TLC tutors in the buildings that have only 1 Reading Teacher. The current staff of Reading Teachers already has a full schedule of students to service. The Reading Department Chair feels to adequately operate the TLC labs we need to add these additional positions to the schools that have only one Reading Teacher.

Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches stated that it was her understanding the TLC program would not be at the expense of another item in the budget but a commitment by the Board to complete all nine schools. Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches thought this would be included above and beyond the fixed cost budget.