September 12, 2006

A regular meeting of the Enfield Board of Education was held at JFK Middle School, Cafeteria, 155 Raffia Road, Enfield, CT. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Racine at 7:30 PM.

MEMBERS PRESENT Judith Apruzzese-Desroches, Donna Corbin Sobinski, Joyce Hall, Albert Harrison, Susan Lavelli-Hozempa, Samuel McGill, Sharon Racine

MEMBERS ABSENT Charles Johnson III, Andre Greco

ALSO PRESENT Dr. John Gallacher; Superintendent of Schools, Anthony Torre; Assistant Superintendent of Schools, EHS Student Representative, Ryan Stratton and FHS Student Representative Ashley Nyman, Town Councilmen, Kenneth Hilinski, Scott Kaupin, Kenneth Nelson, Brian Peruta

1. CALL TO ORDER Sharon Racine


3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Susan Lavelli-Hozempa


Ms. Hall moved, seconded by Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa, that the minutes of August 22, 2006 be approved. There were no changes, additions or corrections. A vote by show of hands 5-0-2, with Mrs. Apruzzese-Desroches and Chairman Sharon Racine abstaining, motion passes.


A.  Fields Referendum Building Committee Report

Art Pongratz introduced the members of the Fields Referendum Building Committee present tonight as follows: Sam McGill, Board Liaison, Ken Nelson, Town Council Liaison, Jack Kasmarski, Public Works Liaison, Dan O’Connell Chairman and Vince McDermott from Malone & McBroom Design Contractor. The project includes multi-purpose fields at both high schools, synthetic surfaces, new bleachers, lighting and new drainage of the baseball and soccer fields. Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa questioned what the plan is to replace the clay drainage system at Enfield High School. Mr. McDermott stated that the Public Works department has been making upgrades to the fields over the past few years. A study of the soil by a Soil Scientist Team recently reported to the Town Council that the drainage system installed in 1961 was an ineffective method for the type of soil at EHS. They recommended completely re-grading the fields so the run-off is more effective and a strong maintenance of the fields. A tow drain will be installed at the base of the steepest part of the slope and connected to the existing drainage system for discharge away from the fields.

Chairman O’Connell stated that the Public Works has worked very well with the committee to keep the costs down. The timeline for the fields is as follows:

Fermi High School - by the end of Fall, 2006 designs will be complete and the bidding process begins for FHS. Construction will follow the soil remediation process hopefully finished by June, 2007. The goal is to have the 2007 Thanksgiving Day Football game on FHS fields. A full grass growing season is needed for the other fields so they can be used in Spring 2008.

Enfield High School – Construction will begin in the Fall of 2007 with the stadium portion ready by the Fall of 2008 and the grass seeding for the remainder of the fields to be ready by Spring 2009.

Chairman Sharon Racine stated that the timeline is indicative of at least EHS being available for graduation in 2007. There is no answer yet regarding FHS because of the soil remediation project. Chairman O’Connell stated that steps will be in place to provide safety for everyone while in the construction phase. The Public Works Staff will be very aggressive with a dust monitoring program while in the construction phase.

B.  IT Update

Mrs. Corbin Sobinski introduced the members of the IT Committee present tonight as follows: Councilmen Brian Peruta, Ken Hilinski, Scott Kaupin, Chairman Sharon Racine, Dr. Gallacher and Town Manager Matt Coppler. Mr. Peruta stated that at a meeting last week, a presentation was made that involved the merging of Hartford’s city and school technology departments. The presenter was involved in the entire procedure and offered his expertise to the IT Committee as follows: Set priorities in a strictly operational order with the first being public safety, i.e. police, emergency teams. Next was wide spread outages like a whole school being down or a district being down. From there the priorities would be listed by the Partnership Board that would be set up. Funding would be shared by both the BOE and the Town Council. Focus Groups would be set up for training and communications on both sides. He suggested including the collective bargaining groups of the unions from the onset.

Mr. Kaupin stated that the Partnership Board would be comprised of the two top staff members of the Town and Board of Education and they would be the drivers of the process. He felt it removed the politics from the process and would allow it to be successful venture. A resolution would need to be developed by both the Town Council and Board of Education establishing this venture.

Chairman Sharon Racine stated that both Dr. Gallacher and Mr. Coppler have already started meeting almost weekly on issues facing both entities so the Partnership Board would be easy to start up.

Mr. Hilinski stated that the Partnership Board’s first task would be to hire an IT Consultant that reports only to the Partnership Board. The next component would be to combine funding and set up in a budget strictly for IT and the last component of the Partnership Board would be to set the priorities that Mr. Peruta spoke of earlier. The IT Consultant hired would be a high level executive capable of objectively gathering information needed to help the Partnership Board bring a consensus to the IT Department issues. The IT Consultant hired in Hartford was also the Chairman of the Partnership Board. The same concept could work in Enfield as well.

Mr. Kaupin stated that the presenter is no longer in Hartford because of Hartford’s charter change but the merger of the two IT Departments is still continuing and functioning. Mr. Kaupin further commented that this merger of our IT departments would allow for a better utilization of our resources. The efficiency savings would be most beneficial to our town.

Chairman Sharon Racine commented that this plan would help keep us ahead of technology expenses by using the town’s 757 Plan for funding technology. The funds would not have to be spent down every year like the public school budget is now. Technology funds could be carried over like a CIP budget. Chairman Sharon Racine stated that the formation of this partnership responds to her concern that the needs of the school system technology requirements will be met.

Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa expressed concern that the town is creating another layer of bureaucracy.

Mr. Kaupin stated that he feels the Partnership Board will put an end to the budget woes and end of the year spending down of funds. He feels it will allow us to become more efficient with running the two departments because it will require us to make a long term plan and commitment. Conceptually, budgeting will be similar to a CIP budget, and set up the same as the Social Services Department. Funds will not fall back into the fund balance at the end of the year which will allow for better long range planning.

Ms. Hall stated that the Board has made a commitment to this partnership by voting to allocate funds for the hiring of a consultant. The Partnership Board concept will hopefully continue to meet the needs of the school system which was not the case prior to the Board forming their own IT Department and breaking away for the town.

Mr. Hilinski agreed with Ms. Hall and further referenced Mrs. Lavelli-Hozempa’s concern by stating that the Partnership Board will be using the management we have more efficiently rather than creating more layers. He feels times have changed and both the Town and the Board are ready to start a new era of cooperation to move things forward.

Dr. Gallacher stated that he and the Town Manager will get together and develop a resolution and some information on the direction of the Partnership Board for the Town and Board to consider at their respective meetings.


1. A memo from EnviroMed Services, Inc. to Art Pongratz, Director of Facilities referencing the Labeling of Ceramic Glaze Products used in the Enfield Public Schools;

2. A memo from North Central District Health Department to Dr. Gallacher referencing Elementary Schools Post Lead Clean Up Dust Wipe Reports and reports that the following schools can use the Art Room again: Alcorn, Enfield Street, Hazardville Memorial, Prudence Crandall and H. B. Stowe;

3. PK -6 grade enrollment status as of September 8, 2006


Steve Francoeur, Hillside Ave; Mr. Francoeur addressed his concerns on the new bus stops on his street. He stated that the bus goes directly past his home and stops 50 feet away from his house to pick up three children, two of which are his, on private property. There are no sidewalks which means in the winter the children will be standing on the road or the snow banks. He asked the Board to consider having the bus stop back 50 feet to pick up the children at their home. There are no other children at the end of the street and it does not make sense. We are putting all the children on his street at risk.

Gina Sullivan, Spier Ave; Mrs. Sullivan wished to express her frustrations with the new bus route changes. She feels the communications about the changes were poor and until a week before school started she hadn’t heard anything. She felt parents could have been notified by mail. The school system has everyone’s address. She still has not received any information from the transportation officer since last Thursday. She is also very disappointed with the parent turnout tonight considering the voice mail of the transportation officer has been full for the past several days. She feels that if anyone had actually driven the routes you would have seen how ridiculous some of these changes are. She is also curious about some of the “exceptions” that were made. She feels that if “exceptions” are made, it should be done equally across the board.

Jennifer Krasinkiewicz, Queen St. Mrs. Krasinkiewicz stated her concerns about the changes in the bus routes. For several years the buses came down her street, sometimes twice, and now they do not come down her street at all. She is concerned about the safety and welfare of her child. She realizes we are trying to cut costs in the town, but to jeopardize the safety of a child is a bit extreme. There are only four children on Queen Street and they are being asked to meet at the corner of two streets. There are no sidewalks and no safe place to wait for the bus. She urged the Board to re-evaluate the bus schedule and make the necessary changes.

Maria Guerretta, Queen St. Mrs. Guerretta stated she has the same concerns regarding the bus route on her street. She stated the first day, 5 children missed their bus. She also has an issue with her 4 year old daughter who attends St. Bernard’s school. The transportation officer did not respond to her calls, but called her daughter’s daycare to say that the rules are a 4 year old can walk the same distance as that of a 12 year old. First of all, she feels that she should have gotten that message, not her daycare service. Secondly, the daycare provider has other children to care for and cannot watch her daughter go to the bus stop. With the tuition she pays to St. Bernard’s her daughter should not have to walk to the corner to get a bus. She urged the Board to look at the situation and at least allow the bus to stop at Dune St. to let her daughter off closer to her daycare.

Nikki Price, Enfield St. Mrs. Price stated that she is disappointed that Terra Nova was cut from the budget. She is also disappointed to read in the newspaper a quote from a Board Member that said it “was purely and economical reason” for the cut. She feels that educating a child is not just a matter of economics. Not one price tag is for every child. Every child learns in a unique way and it could cost more for one child than another. She also feels that every Board Member across the United States should know that no child is asked to be born into a family with problems. It is the responsibility of this society to protect and educate every child any way that they can.

Mrs. Price stated that it is wonderful that you are considering merging the two separate IT departments into one if it means giving the schools more computers and the students more access to the computers. She would like to know though, who will be reporting to who? State Policy clearly states that the Superintendent of Schools cannot report to the town government.


Chairman Sharon Racine commented that the bus route changes have been an ongoing discussion since the demographic study began quite awhile ago. The point of the route changes were to make for better efficiency along with fuel cost savings, but not at the expense of student safety. Each concern is being addressed and she asked for patience while this transition is taking place. The transportation officer and the Superintendent have been going to all areas of concern. Adjustments have been made and we will continue to make adjustments for the safety of students. Not all requests will be honored. The buses are making lesser stops which do translate into less fuel costs. Dr. Gallacher will look into the 3 parents concerns here tonight. Chairman Sharon Racine commented that Dr. Gallacher will not be reporting to the Town Manager; however he will be working together in a Partnership with the Town Manager to better facilitate the technology needs of our school system and that of the town.