Energy Resource Plan 1

Energy Resource Plan

[Your Name Here]

[Your School Here]

July 13, 2008

Energy Resource Plan

I. Introduction

Energy is highly needed in carrying out most of the human daily activities. Energy is needed significantly in cooking, lighting, heating and cooling, transportation, manufacturing and production, etc. Energy consumption has become part of daily routine. The negative impacts upon its consumption causing threat and harm to the people and the environment had become a global issue. The use of non-renewable fuels to generate energy is known as a major cause of pollution making the air and water unsafe causing ecolological destruction and global warming caused by the unwanted emissions. Presently, Americans citizens consume large amount of the world's energy. (“What is Energy”) This crisis is a very critical issue that needs devising a plan for resolution before the damages incurred becomes irreversible.

II. Renewable vs. Non-renewable

Renewable energy are those which source can never be exhausted such as the solar energy, geothermal energy, hydropower, biomass, and windmills. These energy sources are attainable and easily renewable, making them readily available for human consumption.

On the other hand, non-renewable energy are those coming from sources which are not easily replenished. These are currently the most commonly used energy resources. The main disadvantage of using these however are the environmentally damaging effect it causes which may require stripping off the land and depleting the environment to get these resources which are currently are highly needed to maintain carrying out human’s daily activities. These resources are mostly fossil fuels including natural gas, oil, coal, and nuclear energy which can produce high carbon dioxide emissions when burned. Humans are in dire need of these energy resources however these kinds of fuels in reality are not environmentally friendly. Consumption of large amounts of these will led to inevitable pollution which is believed to be the cause of global warming.

III. Methods to conserve and help the environment

Energy conservation can be easily done by anyone. Keeping the lights off and unplugging any electrical appliances not used is so far the simplest task which can be done even by a young child. These simple tasks however are often overlooked. The use of efficient compact fluorescent bulbs re said to save 1/4 of the usual energy used in normal bulbs. Switching the energy saver button on when using any electrical appliances such as the refrigerators, washing machines, and computers can help. Setting the washing machines in cold or warm during washing and running dishwashers when full cut down the energy consumption tremendously. Wearing appropriate clothing suitable to the weather will lessen the use of heating or cooling systems. Replacing old appliances are always advised.

Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions will greatly help the environment. There are many easy and practical ways that will greatly help such goal. Walking when going to short distance places is very simple task that can be done by anyone. The use of bikes is an environmentally friendly way of transportation which do not require burning of energy resource. Using public transportation and car pooling can greatly minimize unwanted emissions.

IV. Government efforts

The government had implemented reforms covering energy-efficient and waste-reduction measures to lower carbon dioxide emissions. Waste reduction strategies devised and reinforced in every facility are also actively applied in every residential area. Public awareness on any governmental legislation is also well addressed. Education strategies are reinforced for better understanding of the public on the issue. All citizens are fully encouraged to fully participate and get involved in all the governmental and local efforts to contend with the crisis faced.

Fossil fuels greatly helped the humans to live conveniently. Its easy availability and accessibility resulted to abusive use by humans. Non-renewable resources have been used routinely and habitually without taking into account the future consequences it could yield. People on earth needs to realize that the earth is now in danger and perhaps would become an unsuitable place to live in the future years to come. This issue needs to be looked closely in broader visions with joint efforts by all humans and the governments.

V. Conclusion

People have options what energy source to use in carrying out the daily activities. Renewable resources are readily available as well apart from the non-renewable sources. All human has a desire to live conveniently and that privilege is not withdrawn from anyone humans must have to realize and must be aware that living conveniently in the present has severe consequences that can cause a long time inconvenient life in the future generations. Life is short which humans wish to live for comfortably and conveniently but this pleasurable living can cost too much at the expense of the future generation who could suffer and take all the blows of the consequences of the actions of the early residents of earth. Everyone needs to act now and a wise decision must be made. It may need a lot of sacrifices to reduce the use of non-renewable resources but the use of renewable energy resource now may make the earth a safe and lasting place for humans of future generations to live. Every small contribution shared by helping to achieve better environmental changes can make a make a difference.

“Any small contribution can mean a lot,

Every small effort shared to save energy can do too much.”


Energy sources. Retrieved July 3 2008 from U.S. Department of Energy Website:

What is energy-forms of energy? Energy Administration Information

Retrieved July 13, 2008 from