Chapter 3: Mesopotamia pg. 51-83

Name Date Teacher

During the next unit, we will be exploring one of the world’s most ancient civilizations, Mesopotamia. You will be working on this INB inside class and at home. Remember INBs count toward your grade.


Directions: Define the following vocabulary words. Use your S.S. glossary for assistance. Sketch a picture of each word to help you remember the meanings. Write definitions and pictures on the paper attached.

  1. Fertile Crescent 10. Silt 19. Irrigation
  2. Canals 11. Surplus 20. Division of labor
  3. Rural 12. Urban 21. City-State
  4. Gilgamesh 13. Sargon 22. Empire
  5. Polytheism 14. Priests 23. Social hierarchy
  6. Cuneiform 15. Pictographs 24. Scribe
  7. Epics 16. Architecture
  8. Monarch 17. Hammurabi’s Code
  9. Nebuchadnezzar 18. Alphabet

Questions Projects

PAGE / QUESTION / COMPLETED / Must Do / Free Choice
57 / Reading Check / 17
59 / Reading Check
64 / Reading Check
66 / Reading Check
68 / Reading Check
69 / Reading Check
75 / Reading Check
77 / Reading Check
79 / Reading Check


1.  Attach the worksheets and quizzes.

2.  Keep track of the new ideas and innovations that the Mesopotamians developed and the impact those new ideas had on their world. Do any of them still have an impact on us today?

3.  Complete the activities found on pages 54 and 55.

4.  Observe the map of the Fertile Crescent found on page 57. Make a poster: Sketch a diagram that depicts the causes of settlement in the Fertile Crescent and the results of this settlement.

5.  Sketch a small farming community in its early stages. Be sure to remember to have a key to identify: houses, water, and other features. Be sure to show the irrigation system to your community. Where would you store your food surplus?

6.  Draw a chart with 4 columns and 4 rows. Label the columns: fresh water, flat plain, good soil, and transportation. Label the rows: river valley, seacoast, jungle, and desert. Complete the chart by rating whether each location provides each criterion for settlement and farming.

7.  Create and complete a 3 column graphic organizer chart. Label the columns: Government, Religion, Society. Title the chart: The Rise of Sumer.

8.  Write a news report or a commercial, from Sumer, reporting what happened when an innovation was introduced into this society. Get reactions from all social levels. (~ 200 words)

9.  Copy your group’s “Code of Laws”, with their consequences.

10.  Make a TT chart comparing our current laws and punishments with Hammurabi’s.

11.  You are a philosopher who believes in the Phoenician alphabet or Lydian coined money. Write a speech (~200 words) convincing the people why they should use either of these innovations.

12.  Create your own ‘Code’ of writing. Create a ‘Key.’ Write a simple sentence using your ‘Code.’

13.  Draw the social levels of Mesopotamia onto a 3-step pyramid-style drawing. Delineate each step as the class levels. Draw and name the type of jobs/people who belonged in each of the 3 social class levels.

14.  Create a half-page dialogue between Gilgamesh and Enkidu (pages 72-73) that takes place just before the battle and describes the two characters planning their attack.

15.  Create a book jacket for a book titled: Invasions of Mesopotamia. The book jacket should have the title and a picture/illustration on the front cover, a brief summary of the book’s contents on the inside flaps, author and publisher on the spine, and comments about the book’s influence on the back cover.

16.  You are a Phoenician trader and ship owner exporting and selling/trading the goods and products to other nations. Create a poster advertising your wares. Or create a dialogue or speech ‘hawking’ your wares. Be sure to list the items

17.  8 Characteristics of a Civilization. 1) Stable Food Supply; 2) Highly Developed Culture; 3) Architecture; 4) Art, Music, Law, Religion; 5) System of Government; 6) Writing; 7) Specialization of Labor; and 8) Social Levels. Use 1 sheet of your INB, front and back, to do this assignment. Divide the front and back of the sheet into 4’s. Label each section with the 8 Characteristics of a Civilization. Illustrate/Collage and name what things define these characteristics today.