Energy Audit Services
Request for Qualifications
Unincorporated Troup County
CHIP Housing Rehabilitation Program
The Troup County Board of Commissioners (County) is soliciting Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) from energy audit service providers or other agencies / organizations (herein throughout this RFQ referred to as “Service Provider”), which currently perform or are qualified to perform energy audits for single-family, owner-occupied homes.
The County has received federal Community HOME Investment Program (CHIP) funds from the Georgia Department of Community Affairs to assist very low-income homeowners with making code-related repairs to their homes. As a requirement of this program, an energy audit must be performed prior to rehabilitation work for each project.
The Service Provider chosen to perform the tasks delineated under the Scope of Services must be Building Performance Institute (BPI) Certified; qualified to operate any necessary machinery and equipment; and have a minimum of twelve months experience performing energy audits, including a minimum of five completed energy audits.
The Service Provider is to perform energy audits using Blower Door Tests, Duct Blaster Tests, and Combustion Appliance Zone Tests (with combustion appliances). Additionally, the Service Provider is to produce a detailed report of findings from such initial tests, including pictures; produce a summary of recommended work to improve the energy efficiency, prioritizing items for maximum benefit; and provide technical assistance to Program Administrators and Contractors as needed.
The Service Provider shall provide a separate price for each item specified on the RFQ form, which is included with this document, based on the following format:
ServiceCost Basis
- Energy audit to include Blower Door Test,per single-family housing unit
Duct Blast Test, and CAZ Test, including
report of initial findings with pictures
- Summary of recommended work, prioritizedper single-family housing unit
- Technical assistance to Programper walk through
Administrators and Contractors
Price shall be inclusive of all costs incurred by the Service Provider. No separate reimbursement for travel or other costs are permitted.
The Service Provider shall specify the name(s) and experience of each person who would perform the items identified in the scope of services, herein.
The Service Provider shall provide evidence / documentation of all required certifications for each individual performing requested services.
The Troup County Board of Commissioners will execute a contract for these services. The following are important provisions that will be contained in the contract.
- Conflict of Interest
The Service Provider agrees to avoid all instances wherein he / she might have a potential and / or actual conflict of interest regarding his / her own personal activities.
- Termination for Cause
The County may terminate its contract with the Service Provider, for cause, upon ten (10) days prior written notice to the Service Provider indicating the Service Provider’s default in the performance of any term of the contract.
- Termination for Convenience
The Countymay terminate its contract with the Service Provider, for its convenience, at any time by written notice to the Service Provider. In the event of the County’s termination of the contract, the Service Provider will be paid for those services actually performed up to the point of the termination effective date. Partially completed performance of the contract will be compensated upon a signed statement of completion submitted by the Service Providerwhich shall itemize each element of the performance and which, upon review and approval by the Program Administrator, will be paid.
Preference will be given to businesses that are qualified Section 3 or Minority- / Women-Owned Businesses. Preference will be given by adding an additional ten (10) points to the application scoring for Section 3 or Minority- / Women-Owned Businesses. Service Providers will be required to submit documentation confirming their status as a Section 3 or Minority- / Women-Owned Business, if such status is claimed, before points will be assigned to the application.
All questions or requests for additional information should be directed to Nancy Seegar, County Planner, by email at or you may call Nancy Seegar at 706-883-1650. The deadline for receiving questions is 4:00pm on Monday, February 09, 2015.
All RFQs must be received at the Troup County Government Building no later than 4:00pm on Tuesday, February17, 2015. Any RFQ received after 4:00pm will not be accepted. Whether the RFQ is sent by mail or commercial express service, the Service Provider is responsible for the actual delivery of the RFQ to the Countybefore the deadline time.
One (1) original and one (1) copy of your RFQ should be submitted. All RFQs shall be submitted in a sealed envelope / package. The envelope / package shall be addressed to Nancy Seegar, Troup County, P.O. Box 1149, LaGrange, Georgia 30241, and the following clearly printed on the outside: your company name, ENERGY AUDITS, and date.
The following documents should be submitted as Service Provider’s RFQ response:
- RFQ Application Form
- Building Performance Institute (BPI) Certification Documentation
- Certificates of Insurance (liability and worker’s compensation)
- References
- Documentation of Section 3 or Minority- / Women-Owned Business Status, if applicable
All responses to the RFQ will be evaluated to assess the Service Provider’s qualifications, experience, quality of work, ability to meet program schedules, and Section 3 or Minority- / Women-Owned Business status. Rating factors and their corresponding values are as follows:
Cost of servicesup to 40 points
Experienceup to 15 points
Time frame for completing tasksup to 15 points
Referencesup to 10 points
Section 3 Businessup to 10 points
MBE / WBE Owned Businessup to 10 points
Total Possible Pointsup to 100 points
The Countyreserves the right to reject any and all RFQs, to waive technicalities, and to award to the lowest responsive and responsible party, as deemed in the County’s best interest. Cost of deliverables, energy audit experience, knowledge of HUD and CHIP guidelines, and Section 3 or Minority- / Women-Owned Business status are factors that will be considered in the award. The Countydoes not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access to its programs or activities.
General Information
Company Name:
Name of Authorized Individual:
Business Phone: Cell Phone:
Name(s) and experience of person(s) who would perform items in the Scope of Services (attach a resume for each person listed):
Name(s)PhoneYears of Experience
When was your firm established? (date)
How many years of experience does your firm have performing energy audits?
Approximately how many energy audits has your firm completed?
Has your firm had experience working with the Community HOME Investment Program (CHIP)? Yes No
If yes, please attach a list of CHIP funded projects your firm has worked on.
The Program Administrator will email a request for services for each home that is to be assessed. Once a request is received, how many business days will it take your firm to complete an energy audit and provide to the Program Administrator the following?
Initialreport and summary of recommended work: business days
Response to requests for assistance from Program Administrator: hours
Prices to Perform Services
The Countyrequires that pricing remain firm throughout the duration of the contract.
Energy audit testing with report of initial findings$per housing unit
Summary of recommended work, prioritized$per housing unit
Technical assistance to Program Administrator$per housing unit
Sample Documents
Please provide a sample of an Initial Report / Subsequent Findings and a sample of a Summary of Recommended Work with your RFQ response.
Application Attachments
Submit the following items as your completed response to the RFQ. Failure to return a complete application and all required documentation may result in the RFQ response being deemed non-responsive and automatically rejected.
- Troup County RFQ Application Form
- Addenda (if any)
- Resume for each person who would perform services
- BPI Certification Documentation
- References
- Certificates of Insurance
- Sample Documents
- Documentation of Section 3 or Minority- / Women-Owned Business status (if applicable)
The Countyshall be the sole determinant of technicality vs. non-responsive.
TroupCountyrequests a minimum of three (3) references.
Company Name: Phone:
Contact Person: Completion Date:
Brief Description of Project:
Company Name: Phone:
Contact Person: Completion Date:
Brief Description of Project:
Company Name: Phone:
Contact Person: Completion Date:
Brief Description of Project:
Signature of Authorized IndividualDate