End product Wing Lok

Minor Interconnected Citizens of Global Health, march 2016
Fieke Dokman
Eva Heij
Lieke de Kort
Sophie van ‘t Hoff
Sonia Boukachni
Mariska Mundy
Anisia Santos
Romana Mahangoe
Lisette Rombouts


Stakeholder: Michael Choi

Tutor: G.A.J. Foendoe-Aubel

Class: GZH-HNS.6

Tutorgroup: A

Date: 7th of march 2016


End product Wing Lok 1

Contact 3

Stakeholder 3

Tutor 3

About the stakeholder 4

About the assignment 4

End product for the Wing Lok project 5

Other deliverables 5

Community assessment 6

Reflection 6

Contents Lieke 8

Contents Sophie 20

Contents Anisia 32

Contents Mariska 54

Contents Romana 72

Contents Lisette 94

Contents Sonia 122

Contents Eva 133

Contents Fieke 143


Name / Email-address / Student number / Telephone number / Programme
Fieke Dokman / / 13001612 / 06-39656643 / Nutrition and Dietetics
Eva Heij / / 13103296 / 06-18861798 / Nutrition and Dietetics
Lieke de Kort / / 13077503 / 06-41057283 / Nutrition and Dietetics
Sophie van ‘t Hoff / / 13028537 / 06-27484483 / Nutrition and Dietetics
Sonia Boukachni / / 13015850 / 06-38030911 / Nursing
Mariska Mundy / / 13108247 / 06-40256317 / Nursing
Anisia Santos / / 13088777 / 06-53652440 / Nursing
Romana Mahangoe / / 13065599 / 06-29062733 / Nutrition and Dietetics
Lisette Rombouts / / 13047639 / 06-18999054 / Skin Therapy


Name / Email-address
Oscar Spauwen /
Michael Choi /


Name / Email-address
Gwendell Foendoe Aubel /

About the stakeholder

Wing Lok is a project dedicated to the Chinese elderly in the Netherlands. The core team of the project consists of people who are daily involved in caring for their parents. The project is led by the core team and several volunteers. The core group is led by Michael Choi, the manager of the project. For now, the project is part of the Consulto foundation.

Wing Lok aims to develop itself into an interactive digital platform. This platform will provide care information for the Chinese elderly and their caretakers in Dutch, Chinese and English.

About the assignment

The assignment of this project is to work out the following diseases/conditions:

·  Cancer (1 to 32)

·  Eye disorders (1 to 38)

·  Psychiatry (1 to 19)

·  Depression

·  Skin conditions / psoriasis

·  Parkinson

·  Colds and flu

·  Sleep problems

These diseases/conditions will be worked out on the basis of the following six questions:

1.  What is this disease or condition? (description of the disease/condition)

2.  How could you recognize this disease? (describe the symptoms/causes)

3.  What to do if you have this disease? (describe the treatment or pathway to get help)

4.  What are the consequences (if not treated)? (describe whether you need to act quickly and if the disease/condition is curable or not)

5.  Who to contact? (hospital, GP, organization)

6.  Where could you find more information (mention source(s) of information, for example http://www.alzheimer-nederland.nl/ )

The information for the content of each disease/condition must preferably come from the specified external organization (see the xls-file on Blackboard). Each group member should verify if the information from the external organization may be copied for the content of the particular disease/condition. This always has to be done in accordance with their conditions, disclaimer, copyright etc. If no permission is given to copy the information of the external organization, the text has to be rewritten in your own words.

The content need to be described in comprehensible Dutch, in a formal and objective tone. If time permits the content also needs to be described in English. It needs to answer the questions of the Chinese elderly and their caretakers. Each disease/condition should be concisely described and should cover no more than one A4, giving a good and clear answer to each of the six questions above. The following font should be used: Arial 12. The content will be uploaded to the Wing Lok platform.

Two group members will get in touch with https://www.zorgportaalrijnmond.nl/web/guest/Medisch-abc and http://www.encyclo.nl/ to determine which organisation is willing (and in what form) to share their ‘definitions’ for each disease/condition with the Wing Lok project at no cost.

End product for the Wing Lok project

Description of the following 96 diseases/conditions:

o  Cancer (1 to 32)

o  Eye disorders (1 to 38)

o  Psychiatry (1 to 19)

o  Depression

o  Skin conditions / psoriasis

o  Parkinson

o  Colds and flu

o  Sleep problems

Other deliverables

Project contract

Agreement between the project group and the stakeholder about the assignment, terms and conditions of the Wing Lok project. This contract contributes to good cooperation and includes information about the assignment, the people involved and the agreements between the group and the stakeholder.

Project plan

In this plan the project contract is translated into a more specific project plan. It contains information about the aim of the project, the end products and other deliverables, the planning and the task division. Just like the project contract, the project plan contributes to effective cooperation, clear agreements and task division.

Community assessment

The community-based assignment is a community analysis of the target group (the Chinese elderly in the Netherlands) in the form of a three to five minute video clip. For this video clip the community will be identified and interviews will be conducted with key figures in the community. Finally, all relevant information will be presented in the video clip. Through this engagement, we are familiar with the target group and the characteristics of the culture.

Research report

The research report will answer the main and sub questions (see chapter 3.1 of the project plan). In this eight to twelve page document we will report on the results and the conclusions of our research including the background, aim, method, results and conclusions of our research. By conducting the research report we will get a better vision into the needs and wishes of the target group.


The end product should be pitched to the stakeholder. We have to convince them that we came up with the best execution of the project contract. The presentation includes an outline of the research, the way we incorporated these results in the end product and recommendations on how the partner could apply the end product.

Individual reflections on international competencies

Each student has to write a concise reflection, describing the most important competences which are developed during the assignment.

Community assessment

The community assessment clip was created with general information about Chinese culture and it included some fragments of interviews that were conducted. The interviewees all had a Chinese background and the focus of the interviews was to gain more insight into the Chinese healthcare system. The questions were also about how Chinese people cope with sickness and what their view is on healthy living. The answers they gave us, combined with the information we found, helped us to deepen ourselves in the Chinese culture and this resulted in us connecting. In this way we were able to adjust the information of the website to our target group.


Last course was dedicated to internationalization. The aim was to actively get to know other nationalities and cultures through a project assignment, a community assessment and a research report. We performed the project assignment for our stakeholder Michael Choi, who is currently in the process of setting up an interactive online platform for the first and second generation Chinese in the Netherlands. Our task was to provide the website with reliable and relevant information on specific diseases/conditions and contact information of medical institutions and health care providers. Using this information, our stakeholders seeks to facilitate a more accessible health care for Chinese immigrants in the Netherlands.

Looking back, we have experienced the past ten weeks as very educational and fun to do. First of all, the school provided us with a change to get in contact with a real stakeholder in an international setting. Through the project assignment he offered, but especially throughout the development of a short community based video clip and by conducting interviews for the research report, we got insight into the Chinese and their culture as well as their needs and barriers regarding the Dutch health care. It was nice to immerse ourselves in this interactive way into another culture.

The assignment gave us the chance to get to know and work with other students from different programmes (Nutrition and Dietetics, Nursing and Skin Therapy). This approach partly simulated an interdisciplinary work environment, where many of us will be working in later in our careers, and therefore gave us an opportunity to practice this form of cooperation.

This project called for an more independent approach since we had a lot of personal contact with the stakeholder and had to schedule all our appointments, agreements and contact moments with the stakeholder ourselves. To ensure the project would run smoothly we started by making a project contract and a project plan, containing information about the assignment description, the end products, the planning and the distribution of tasks. This helped us to create structure during the project. Finally, the designation of one contact person (Fieke Dokman) for all communication with both the stakeholder and the tutor and the usage of a shared Dropbox folder for all project-related files, helped to properly organize the project.

For the past ten weeks almost all communication was in English. Because the English language was not as well controlled by all group members, we sometimes experienced some troubles understanding each other. However, this has not negatively affected the project or the communication between the group members and between the project group and the stakeholder. This was due to the fact that all obscurities were discussed until they were clear to everyone. The communication within the project group was also promoted because at the start of the project a joint WhatsApp group was created.

Unfortunately, the assignment of our stakeholder gave little room for our own input, since information had to be collected on predetermined diseases/conditions on preselected websites. The stakeholder preferred the use of a format containing six questions and the literal use of the information from the giving websites (solely after getting clear consent from these websites). On the other hand, in the community assessment and the research report was enough room for us to explore our own ideas and interests and get to know the target group.

In an extended research report we had to do some research about the target group we had to work with during the course. In this report we did some research about Chinese immigrants in the Netherlands and there utilization of the Dutch Health care system. This research helped us getting to know our target group a little bit more. Eventually we could use the knowledge from this research for the assignment we had to do for the stakeholder. Our research question was: ‘why do the first generation Chinese Immigrants in the Netherlands experience barriers when approaching or taking part in the Dutch Health care system?’.

Contents Lieke

Acute lymfatische leukemie (ALL)

Wat is acute lymfatische leukemie?

Acute lymfatische leukemie is een vorm van bloedkanker. Deze vorm van kanker ontstaat in het beenmerg. Een ander woord voor bloedkanker is leukemie.

Hoe herken je acute lymfatische leukemie?

Er zijn drie soorten mogelijke oorzaken van acute lymfatische leukemie, deze oorzaken hebben allemaal hun eigen bijbehorende klachten.

·  Klachten door een tekort aan rode bloedcellen

Een tekort aan rode bloedcellen heet bloedarmoede. Een ander woord hiervoor is anemie. Het veroorzaakt klachten als:

-  vermoeidheid

-  bleekheid

-  kortademigheid en hartkloppingen

Andere mogelijke klachten zijn:

-  zwarte vlekken voor de ogen

-  duizeligheid

·  Klachten door een tekort aan bloedplaatjes

Door een tekort aan bloedplaatjes bloeden wondjes sneller en langer. Dat kunt u merken aan:

-  spontane bloedingen

-  onverklaarbare blauwe plekken

-  bloedend tandvlees

-  overvloedige menstruaties

-  puntvormige bloedinkjes in de huid, vooral op de benen

·  Klachten door een tekort aan normale witte bloedcellen

Door een tekort aan normale witte bloedcellen ontstaat er een groter risico op infecties in bijvoorbeeld:
- mond-keelholte

-  luchtwegen

-  urinewegen

Wat te doen bij acute lymfatische leukemie?

Er kan gekozen worden voor een van de volgende behandelingen:

-  Chemotherapie

-  Stamceltransplantatie

-  Doelgerichte therapie

-  Heel soms: bestraling

Wat nu?

Tijdens of na de behandeling kunnen klachten ontstaan. Mogelijke gevolgen waar u mee te maken kunt krijgen zijn:

-  angst voor terugkeer van de ziekte - somberheid

-  onzekerheid over het verdere ziektebeloop - vermoeidheid

-  veranderingen in uw uiterlijk - concentratieproblemen

-  ongewenst gewichtsverlies of gewichtstoename - verandering relaties

-  een andere beleving van seksualiteit

Wie is het aanspreekpunt?

Raadpleeg een huisarts wanneer u klachten heeft. De huisarts zal u wanneer nodig doorsturen naar het ziekenhuis voor onderzoek.

Meer weten over acute lymfatische leukemie?

Voor meer informatie kunt u kijken op de volgende website: https://www.kanker.nl/bibliotheek/acute-lymfatische-leukemie/

Acute myeloide leukemie (AML)

Wat is Acute myeloide leukemie (AML)?

Acute myeloïde leukemie is een vorm van bloedkanker. Deze vorm van kanker ontstaat in het beenmerg. Een ander woord voor bloedkanker is leukemie. De afkorting van acute myeloïde leukemie is AML.AML is de meest voorkomende vorm van acute leukemie bij volwassenen. De ziekte komt ook bij kinderen voor.

Hoe herken je Acute myeloide leukemie (AML)?

Er zijn drie soorten mogelijke oorzaken van acute myeloide leukemie, deze oorzaken hebben allemaal hun eigen bijbehorende klachten.

·  Klachten door een tekort aan rode bloedcellen

Een tekort aan rode bloedcellen heet bloedarmoede. Een ander woord hiervoor is anemie. Het veroorzaakt klachten als:

-  vermoeidheid

-  bleekheid

-  kortademigheid en hartkloppingen

·  Andere mogelijke klachten zijn:

-  zwarte vlekken voor de ogen

-  duizeligheid

·  Klachten door een tekort aan bloedplaatjes