Lesson Plans


All Periods:

(Periods 234) RTL Prompt: How does Papa evolve from life before Manzanar, life during Manzanar, and life after Manzanar? How does Papa’s actions and attitude affect other characters, especially Jeanne?

(Period 5) RTL Prompt: Hoes education motivate Frederick Douglass to seek freedom? Identify three events in his life that fuel his desire to be free through the means of education.

(Period 6) RTL Prompt: Hoes does Hannah evolve from the exposition to the denouement of the novel? What events in her life cause her to change? How does she demonstrate courage?

Monday 9/23

1. Students will take a final exam on Farewell to Manzanar using their notes and novels for support.

2. Homework:

1. Write three quotes from the novel that demonstrates Papa’s evolution as a character. Focus on his life before he entered Manzanar, during his stay at Manzanar, and after leaving Manzanar. – Due 9/24

Tuesday 9/24

1. Students will learn how to write a Response to Literature essay by analyzing a sample.

2. Students will learn “Say, Show, Quote, So”

3. Students will learn how to write universal messages as well as a thesis.

4. Homework:

1. Students will write an introduction paragraph to the RTL prompt that includes the following:

1. Universal message

2. TAG (Title, Author, Genre)DUE 9/25

3. Two-sentence summary

4. Thesis

2. Students must bring their flash-drives for the rest of the week.

Wednesday 9/25 Modified Day

1. As a class, we will type the introduction to the RTL prompt.

2. Students will save their work on their flash-drives.

3. Homework:

1. Students must write the next two paragraphs for their RTL in their notebooks – Due 9/26

Thursday 9/26

1. As a class, we will type the next two paragraphs of the RTL (Bodies 1-2).

2. Students must save their work on their flash-drives.

3. Homework:

1. Students must write their 4th and 5th paragraphs for their RTLs in their notebooks (Body 3 and Conclusion).

Friday 9/27

1. As a class, we will write Body 3 and the Conclusion to the RTL prompt.

2. Students will save their document on their flash-drives and keep as a sample of a well-written RTL.

3. Homework: NONE

Saturday 9/28

1. Saturday School will be from 8-10 a.m. for students who scored Far Below Basic and Below Basic on their CST back in May. Students who are receiving an F in Language Arts will also be required to attend. Notices and TeleParents will be used to notify parents.