End of the Iron Dream
Wargamer #42
Compiled from Wargamer insert and Wargamer #45
Rule Book Errata:
2.4 Note: delete the final sentence beginning "Shock".
3.3 In line 4 change "and" to read "all".
5.0 Hitlerite player, step 4: line 2 change "German player" to read "German Unit"
10.11 add new sub-para: "if a hex contains any portion of the marsh, rough or mountain symbols, then the entire hex is considered to consist of that type of terrain.
15.8 Line 7 "does not negate" should read "does negate" 15.14 line 4 in the parenthesis "the scenario" should read "the Let History Judge" scenario...
17.9 Line 1 between the words "hex" and "of" insert the word "empty"
18.1 Line 2, change "against" to read "between" 18.19 Add "retreat stacked units one at a time.
20.3 Change to read "Non-Yugoslavian soviet-controlled units may only enter Yugoslavian clear terrain hexes and the "Y" hexes.
26.14 Add "the 65th z.b.v. may never be the target of a Heavy Bomber Strike." 28. Delete the 3 lines totaling the counters. Map the following are blocked hexsides : L15/K15: L16/K16; K17/J17; L15/K16; J18/I18; K16/K17; K18/j17 (seven in all).
German Naval movement chart: add another die roll modifier +1 if a German unit is evacuating off a beach and is embarking from a hex next to an enemy unit.
Turn record chart: Add the Following:
Turn 4 Jul II: OKH appears at Berlin and the German player must permanently remove one supply unit to get it. US 13th Corps.
Turn 21 Apr I German 18th Mtn Corps appears at the German/Danish border (Hexes AA19 OR AA20) If neither of those hexes is German controlled, this unit never arrives.
Turn 22 Apr II- nothing.
Turn 23 May I-end of game.
Unit Errata
5th SS Mtn Corps should not have an "8" in its upper left-hand corner, it should have a "Y" there as it is part of the initial Yugoslav garrison.
58th PZ Corps should have an "F" in its upper left-hand corner as it starts in southern France.
There is no 59th Panzer Corps.
The German 34th Inf Corps and the Rumanian 1st Army need dots in their upper left-hand corners.
The Soviet 2nd Shock Army is missing its I.D. number on its front side, it does appear on the reverse side.
The British 13th and the P2 Corps should have "I" in their upper left-hand corners as both those units start in Italy. The British 61st Corps should actually be the C1 corps. German FLAK Corps should have "S" (not "5") as their attack factor.