SOA Minutes JAN 2018 Working group meeting

Monday Q3

Attendance Jerry, Stefano, Vince (chair)

Reviewed default DMP.

Agreed to accept.

Motion to accept default DMP – moved Jerry, Second Stefano Vote: 2/0/0

No further action required according to GOM

Reviewed agenda – contact Claude Nanjo re DSS report

Care Coordination service – OMG RFP will be discontinued at next meeting as submitters that had come forward previously, no longer wish to proceed. Patient Care are continuing to work on care coordination and will meet Thursday Q1, VM to attend.

Monday Q4

Presiding Chair: Vince.
Recorder: Jerry

Status Reports:

Vince reported on state of PASS Audit.

No major report on DSS.

Quick status on Cross Paradigm. (Ken Lord missing). Discussion of soliciting a White Paper from Ken and check on the status of his work.

Ken reporting on Care Coordination in OMG. Original Submission Team dropped out. There is renewed interest in implementation and a reboot is likely to reoccur at the next OMG meeting. In Q2 Thursday this a Care Coordination

The Order Service is in OMG and submission. The catalog component is slowing stuff down some. Initial catalog design proved out in the connectathon. OO is concerned about the direction of FHIR handling of orders. Status of the

UCS and EPS NIBs need to be done in the next four weeks. Jerry to submit.

Stefano reporting on the HL7 Enterprise Service Architecture (HL7-ERSA). Get Stafano’s presentation.

Ken HSPC Road Map (Get pointer to the roadmap).

Healthcare workflow and OMG (Orchestration) – BPMN Field guide. Public review in March at the OMG. Links to the document available from Ken. There was a discussion of FHIR workflow group.

Cloud Planning Guide status – Ken provided background. Bo attempted a reboot of the process but it has fallen of the radar. There appears to be interest in continuing the effort. One issue is how to do the leg work. Potential use case: initial development, moving a system, providing a service. Concerns are expressed about how quickly the content might go out of date. Cloud Standards Customer Council document – Practical Guide to Cloud Computing. Chairs to review and consult. Q2 Wednesday set be on cloud.

Tuesday Q1 SOA joint with FHIR-I

Chair: Vince

Attendance: Attila Farkas (Infoway), Brian Wight (Mayo), SagyMintz (Allscripts), Kevin Olbrich (McKesson), Danielle Friend (EPIC), Kevin Shekleton (Cerner), Josh Mandel (FHIR)

Lloyd driving workflow

FHR Specification Section 12.7.5 – workflow – in STU 3 and current build. Section needs filling out with benefits and limitations– due by March 4 for STU3

Also section 12.7.6 needs fleshing out with service options

Discuss pre-conditions, post-conditions, error handling

has expired.

Don’t need to schedule a joint quarter for future unless there is a proactive need.

Tuesday Q2

Attendance ?

Order Service

REST API modelling languages – RAML – Mulesoft and SWAGGER – Open API Microsoft etc

RAML tooling is available free from the Mulesoft site

Define objects, datatypes (state) and behaviour, define RESTFUL invocation tree.

Tooling to translate model into code – still immature but openAPI rapidly improving.

RAML is a better conceptual/modelling tool but SWAGGER is closer to implementation

Order service being modelled in RAML – tooling to translate to OpenAPI

Current order model is in Enterprise Architect but getting it to generate XMI documentation is proving difficult – this is what OMG want.

Catalogue and order service is now integrated.

In the Order service the order workflow is a blackbox. Workflow in FHIR is being developed as a polling model not an event driven model. In FHIR “order” is now a constraint on Task.

FHIR and Workflow

Recast FHIR sections 12.7.5 and 12.7.6

Workflow patterns to discuss:

  • Failure to fulfil or partial fulfilment due to resource exhaustion
  • Authorisation issues
  • Insufficient information in the input resource(s) or pre-conditions not fulfilled
  • Multi-step workflow
  • Use of V2 interface as a fulfilment engine – what are the failure modes?
  • How to specify pre and post conditions and enforce or fail based on them?

Contrast direct REST vs service implementation

Tuesday Q3

Attendance ?

ERSA – Tie to current HL7 artifacts and workgroups – show how it can be used to map an HL7 periodic table for HL7 internal and external architects.

Need to better exposition “so what” especially for the HL7 internal audience.

Propose change name to Health Service Reference Architecture.

Approach ArB and Modelling and methodology for co-sponsorship

Jerry Goodnough to consider whether the Order catalogue could be used as the service catalogue

Wednesday Q1

Chair: Stefano Lotti

Present: Stefano Lotti, Vincent McCauley, Nicole Bigelow () , Jerry Goodnough

Discussion of Pub/sub service and Universal Communication Service (UCS)

Presentation of functionality of pub/sub and UCS by JG using powerpoint from the HSSP wiki pub/sub area.

No substantive comments have been received on the pub/sub STU. The STU period expires in May, 2018

Motion: Proceed to normative ballot for current STU of PUB/SUB Project ID 1051

Proposed JG, Second VM

Vote: 3/0/0

No substantive comments have been received on the UCS STU. The STU period expires in May, 2018

Motion: Proceed to normative ballot for current STU of UCS Project ID 1052

Vote: 3/0/0

NIBS for UCS and PUB/SUB completed and submitted for May 2018 ballot cycle

SOA Q2 Wednesday

Chair: V. McCauley

Attendees: Vincent McCauley, Stefano Lotti, Jerry Goodnough, Kevin Olbrich (), Ken Rubin ()

Discussion of cloud planning guide

What value does a document from HL7 add to those available from Amazon and the Cloud Council?

-Health care specific requirements for cloud services

-Issues moving from dedicated local implementations to cloud and the opportunities to leverage common infrastructure e.g. terminology services, security services.

-Recast as modernisation using the cloud

Kevin Olbrick is interested in leading the Cloud guide project. He will confirm after talking with his manager. Ken will help with rounding up people who have previously expressed interest from Microsoft and DCX including Bo Dagnall. JG and SL intend to participate.

Call times to be setup once group is formed and agrees a time and frequency.

SOA Q3 Wednesday

Chair: Jerry Goodnough

Attendees: Nicole Bigelow, Ken Rubin, Vince McCauley

Health Service Reference Architecture

Ken – update on HSPC roadmap. Enterprise Service Architecture is on the “to do” list

See HSPC roadmap

Also there is a sandbox for at the HSPC for conformant applications

Service Reference Architecture could be mapped to the HSPC roadmap to assess completeness and fitness for purpose.

Email to be sent to HSPC (via Ken)endorsing the roadmap and proposing cooperation in mapping with the HSRA

SOA Q4 Wednesday

Chair: Vincent McCauley

Attendees: Nicole Bigelow, Ken Rubin, Jerry Goodnough, Stefano Lotti

Health Service Reference Architecture continued

HSRA PSS edited

Motion: Approve and submit to the Steering committee and TSC the HSRA PSS

Proposed JG, seconded KR

Vote: 4/0/0

SL to action

VM to book rooms for Germany as for this WGM

Meeting adjourned