/ Annual Unit Plan July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010 / Unit: / Letters & Humanities (includes foreign languages, prep writing, prep reading)
FKCC Mission Statement:Enriched by its unique island location, Florida KeysCommunity College provides student-centered post-secondary degrees, life-long learning opportunities, and workforce development initiatives which enhance the educational, recreational, economic, and cultural environment of the Florida Keys.
Type of Plan: / XX / Zero-Based
Budget / Self-Funded / Additional Budget Requests for Personnel,
Supplies, Equipment(attach budget request form) / Additional Budget Request for Renovations/ remodeling (attach budget request)
Division: / Instructional / Unit Director: / Alvarado-Vazquez / Budget Acct No.: / 113150 / Total Amount Requested (Only for Annual Plans requesting new/additional money): / $ n/a
Unit Purpose Statement: / The Letters and Humanities unit offers a wide range of courses for university transfer from required composition, language courses to literature and remedial reading and writing.
Unit Goal: / Support the College in its activities to increase enrollment and retention levels
Link to College Goal: / 3
Unit Objective/Project Description
(assign priority - #1 = highest) / Link to Plan / Expected Outcome / Assessment Criteria & Evaluation Methods / Assessment Results
(use of actual data to describe annual performance) / Use of Results
Enhance the quality and structure of the Letters and Humanities courses / 2 / Create a course in poetry - Introduction to Poetry through song lyrics course developed: Beatles, Dylan, Tupac, Paul Simon, & Eminem
Research the development of elective courses that will attract students and the snowbirds, or the seasonal populations – such as memoir development
Make Spanish available to upper keys students / Proof of new Poetry Courses developed and ready for Spring 2010
Proposal to develop non-Gordon rule courses that are reflective of the unique culture of the Keys
Hire credentialed Spanish adjunct for upper keys / “Intro to Poetry through Song Lyrics” course developed
“Intro to Understanding Film” being re-titled to “From Literature to Film”
Grammar course has been identified as a non-Gordon rule course for FKCC community.
Spanish adjunct hired / This objective is in progress. The course has been developed but has not been submitted to Curriculum Committee for review. The “Intro to Poetry through Song Lyrics” provides an additional elective for a student that is not a Gordon Rule course. The “Intro to Poetry through Song Lyrics” course is going to be scheduled for the Spring 2011 semester.
This objective is in progress. The instructor has also begun completing paperwork for Curriculum Committee to change the title of “Intro to Understanding Film” to “From Literature to Film”. Currently the course is listed with the prefix “FIL” for film. However, the curriculum mirrors that of an ENC “English” course and is being renamed to better reflect the course description and learning objectives of the course.
Instructor has identified a need for a Grammar course that will be a valuable addition to the list of electives in the English area for FKCC students as well attractive to snowbirds. The course focused on the fundamentals of grammar and its usage; Grammar and proper usage has been identified by instructors as skill set that requires more focus through dialog with English instructors from all FKCC locations. The instructor hopes to also draw FKCC staff and adjuncts to use this course as a refresher and addition to our campus for professional development. The instructor noted that a creative title has been identified to attract student attention of the course that is currently being developed among instructors. Staff has also proposed that a truncated version of the course be offered as a “crash course” for staff, instructors and snowbirds.
Spanish adjunct hired for tutoring for Fall 2010 semester. Adjunct scheduled to teach a Spanish course in Marathon for Spring 2011.
Investigate coordinated assessment processes across disciplines in the Humanities Dept. / 1 / Assess the feasibility of utilizing a joint portfolio as a mode of assessment / Draft a portfolio assessment plan
Conduct departmental meetings to discuss and review coordinated portfolio assessment process / English faculty have instituted portfolios and are working on cross curriculum portfolios / English instructors have been successful with this objective by instituting portfolios for the 10-11 year and are working on cross-curriculum portfolios. The English instructors have identified the need for portfolios as a tool for students to reference as a refresher during future courses they take. The faculty involved prep-writing and perhaps prep-reading in the portfolio assessment process. With a new full time English Faculty member starting in 7/10, departmental discussions began 8/10 monthly English departmental meetings.
Review course offerings to offer appropriate Spanish courses for FKCC students / 1 / SPN 2220 & Higher
Students will demonstrate persuasive knowledge of Spanish language. / Courses higher than SPN 1120-21 have not been offered during the last year due to enrollment. (There is student’s interest but not enough of them sign for classes.) / Terminated courses:
ARA 1120, SPN 2220, SPN 2220L, SPN 2221, SPN 2221L
SPN 1000, SPN 1001, SPW 2010 terminated / After reviewing and assessing program data, it was determined that 5 courses be removed from the catalog. The remaining courses are appropriate for student need and demand based on previous 5 years enrollment data trends. Courses were approved for termination by Curriculum Committee on 7/7/10.
Three more courses have been identified and approved for termination by Curriculum Committee on 9/22/10:
SPN 1000, SPN 1001, SPW 2010
Implement English for Academic Purposes program as a recruitment measure for international students / 1 / Market the availability of EAP programs internationally
Coordinate with Marine Sciences staff to develop curriculum for students requiring EAP / Marketing materials for EAP availability to international students
Structured curriculum in marine Sciences that can be offered to international students that includes an EAP component / Marketing materials not developed
Curriculum not revised / Due to limited funding, the instructor was unable to produce marketing materials for the EAP programs. However, the instructor collaborated with advising and the Provost office to create a section of EAP 1640 – English Composition for non-native speakers. The goal was to funnel non-native speaking students from other English Composition 1101 courses into EAP 1640 to ensure the successful completion of this course. The course did not receive any enrollment. The new dorms may improve ability to market to students next fall.
Marine Sciences department did not coordinate with prep reading for curriculum development due to the oil spill in the Gulf requiring courses be taught for community members.
Encourage familiarity with resources and support services designed to enhance success / 1 / Students will access the ISLE tutoring lab or utilize my writing lab online program / Students will access the ISLE tutoring lab or utilize my writing lab online program / 2 courses utilized ISLE and MyWritingLab:
ENC 0020
SLS 1401 / Instructor brought two courses to the Interactive Student Learning Environment (ISLE) for course work and MyWritingLab:
  • ENC 0020 – College Prep Communication Skills
  • SLS 1401 – College Survival Skills
Instructor noted that MyWritingLab improved student success in course due to the availability of MyWritingLab online. It was a reinforcement tool used for students to work from home. Instructor also utilized the ISLE for students to work on the computers on MyWritingLab.
Unit Objective
(for all Instructional Units) / Link to Plan / Student Learning Outcome / Assessment Criteria & Evaluation Methods / Assessment Results
(use of actual data to describe annual performance) / Use of Results
Compilation of Program Learning Outcomes: Letters & Humanities
To provide quality education / 1 / Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to use research tools and correctly utilize the MLA formatting / Research paper with internet research and MLA web-based citation development page
Competency #8
Eng Comp II
Linnea Sheets
Class project - Formatting, documenting MLA Essay
Students must read, speak, write, and listen in groups while checking each other’s documentation.
Culbreth - Competency #1
Homework and Research Paper
Students identified primary and secondary sources of information on-line related to a literary analysis. They incorporated the relevant information into an essay, properly documented all sources, and completed the essay using MLA format
ENC 1102 Eng Comp II
CRN #10239
Competency #8 / Exemplary=6
11 students
25 students / Sheets: Students are always encouraged to utilize the internet to research the literature to identify critical analysis of the readings – share with class. Students are also familiar with web-based citation sources and are also able to draft correct citations using the book as a guide – instructor practices both methods in class. The technological challenges that instructor has identified are that students are not using grammar and spell check features in their word processing software. As a result, they are submitting writings with missing and misspelled words. Instructor is now asking them to proofread out loud and drag a pencil across the page and touch each word as they say it as a method for ensuring quality work in addition to the use of the software features.
Ansbro: Students were successful in achieving this learning outcome – the group of students who performed lower was due to nonparticipation and not an inability to utilize technology in research. The activity was powerful for those who did participate because instructor took class to library for additional reinforcement on internet research and use of technology.
Culbreth: It is essential to create a forum for students to identify how to effectively introduce borrowed information into their own work as well as master the Works Cited format.
Charleston: Learning outcome achieved - Students were able to effectively access the databases and research relevant information. They were also able to assimilate the information utilizing software and present it in a professional manner. Students who scored lower on this activity simply didn’t complete the assignment – their technological abilities were not in question.
Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to use research tools and utilize the MLA format / Students must create a work-cited page that is correctly prepared by referencing internet MLA sites - use the sites that prepare citations for students
Competency #8
ENC1102 Sheets
ENC1102 Charleston / Exemplary – 8
Proficient – 0
Developing – 2
Emerging - 1
Exemplary – 12
Proficient – 4
Developing – 2
Emerging – 2
115 students
Emerging=19 / Directing students to utilize the internet in completing their works cited page is extremely helpful in providing them with additional guidance. Also – by making the MLA citations part of HW and class discussions in addition to the actual report, helps to reinforce successful citation completion. During class discussions, students share citation discrepancies among the sites and with the textbook – they learn that thoroughness and consistency are most important in this process.
Using three assessment measures enhanced the learning experience for the students. 1)It provided an independent study for students, so they could learn andwork at their ownpace. 2)It provided internet activities, which enhancesvarious technology skillsand utilizes the FKCCLibrary's literary databases, among other internet tools. 3) It also providedan opportunity for students to incorporate research into a writtenessay, which improves their analytical, critical thinking, and writing skills.
Completing a research essay, and the various steps and skills that go into the process, is critical for college students.
To provide quality education / 1 / Students will be able to think critically and analyze ethical and moral issues identified in current events or literature / Students read and discuss multi-ethnic poetry:
English Composition II
(Diana Kilpatrick)
Competency #4 / Exemplary=2
6 students / This is the first time that instructor used new course textbook, Backpack Literature for ENC1102, and has found it very good. The book’s procedure is to introduce poetry in the middle of the semester and instructor used to always teach poetry at the end. She found, however, that by following this outline, students were able to identify and articulate issues surrounding diversity with more ease. Now the course begins with short story analysis and then poetry in the middle – by following this outline, how diversity influences literature and writing style can be processed with greater clarity. Drama is the last topic for the semester and since diversity has already been deeply explored, it is anticipated that writings on the dramatic readings regarding masculine and feminine ideals, familial strife, and racial identity will be at another 100% above C.
500-word paper #2
Think Activity: 2.1; 2.2; 2.3
Achieve familiarity with ways socio-cultural diversity can create personal barriers to critical thinking
Critical Thinking – Yaple
Competency #4 / Exemplary =17
24 students / Performance with this exercise is very positive –activity enriched by broadening the number of handouts and adding additional reading material that the students integrate into their responses. The students had used the Japanese and Latino case studies – but have now added the African American case study to enhance educational experience.
Improve verbal and critical thinking skills by discussion & formal debate over active vs. passive euthanasia.
PHI 2600
Intro to Ethics – Yaple
Competency #2
The class will debate the ethical issues surrounding euthanasia in the U.S.A.
500-word paper #13 summarize your personal thoughts on the four reading assignments. Also contrast and compare these case studies. / Exemplary=10
34 students
Developing=4 / The 10 students who received exemplary grades were those who conducted the actual debate – they were prepared to debate either side and therefore were well-versed in the content. Those who received a B were the jury in this exercise and therefore did not receive the extensive comprehension of the material. They were, however, very familiar with the fallacies of the argument and were assigned to identify them throughout the exercise as they worked as a group. The instructor implemented 2 debate activities in subsequent semesters so that students get to experience both the jury and the debaters.
There was 100% improvement in the grading for the second writing activity for euthanasia – the number of A’s went from 10 to 20. The debate was a wonderful building activity for establishing solid arguments for both sides of the issue.
1 / 500-word paper #9 answer questions text p.46 & questions text p. 50 (8 in all)
“The Nature of Ethical Disagreement”
500-word paper #10
Answer questions (4) text p.75; Optional Assignment: apply Stevenson’s ideas to the case history “Testimony” and summarize your thoughts in 100 words.
PHI 2600
Intro to Ethics – Yaple
Competency #4
CE on the basis tenants of morality
HUM1020 Intro to Humanities
Dona Syman
Competency #6
Class participation and homework - students discussed the moral and ethical issues of war, the current war situation, and wrote essays in their journals about these dilemmas.
ENC 1102 Eng Comp II
CRN #10239
Competency #6
Journal/ Quiz
C/C short fiction in terms of gender, race, and culture
Competency 4
Essay on writers viewpoints and student personal viewpoints.
Competency #6
students wrote an essay where they analyzed a problem and proposed a solution
Competency #2 problem solving
Eng Comp I
Class Project to Illustrate Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”
Analysis of Oedipus Rex: CP, OP, PO
11181 & 10073
Competency #2 Problem Solving / Exemplary=19
34 students
34 students
13 students
25 students
29 students
Emerging=2 / Satisfied with the results – demonstrate that the assignment is still challenging – no changes made due to success.
Student performance is consistent – students have been able to demonstrate an understanding of the learning outcome. Instructor continued to supplement the text with news articles, case studies and other current materials so that students can more readily apply the issues to their lives and life experiences.
This is typically an activity that the class receives higher standards of performance. The instructor has the impression that the majority of students did not comprehend the chapter regarding the basic tenants of morality. To prevent this in the future, students are informed that they will be expected to contribute to a lengthy class discussion, which encouraged them to be better prepared and acquainted with the basic tenants.
Learning outcome achieved - There were several military students in class and that generated lengthy class discussions regarding war and the moral and ethical considerations associated with war. This was helpful for the non military students in class – all students were responsive to this topic and had passionate viewpoints. Instructor also utilized literature from the 1800’s to current day regarding war, which enabled students to trace historical perspectives on war and compare and contrast perspectives, including their own.
The Journaling part of this activity reflected much more thought and demonstrated student achievement of this outcome. The journaling lead to class discussion on diversity in literature and also helped to reinforce the outcome. The instructor also utilized a quiz to determine student knowledge, but its results did not demonstrate student awareness of diversity in literature as well as the journaling and class discussions. However, will continue to use the quiz because it encourages students to complete the reading assignments.