Evaluations by IEP Students in Level 3

Class / Grammar Writing 3 / Teacher / S. Solomon
Time / 12:00-1:50pm M-F / Quarter / Fall 2014

Please put an X in the box showing your opinion. Do not write your name on this paper.

Did these things help you improve your English skills?

About the Class

/ Very good / Good / OK / Not good / Not good at all.
* The textbook(s):Please put checks for each one
- Fundamentals of English Grammar
- Ready to Write 2
* The materials the teacher prepared for the class
( handouts, class packets, videos…etc):n Please put checks for each item!
-  Writing evaluation sheets (rubrics)
-  CANVAS posting for daily work and homework
-  Grammar worksheets for HW
-  Power Points for grammar points
-  On-line grammar exercises
* The activities:
Writing your own paragraphs (in-class writings), and rewriting them to fix your mistakes (homework).
Working with a partner or in small groups on grammar and/or writing exercises
Studying grammar and doing grammar exercises in class
Doing homework in the grammar textbook and the writing textbook
Studying for and taking small quizzes (for example: irregular past verb quizzes) and big unit tests.
Grammar games
Weekly journal writing
In general, this class is______..

About the Teacher

/ Always / Usually / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
The teacher comes to class on time
The teacher is ready to teach every day
The teacher explains the lessons clearly.
The teacher wants the students to talk and ask questions.
The teacher listens to the students and answers their questions well.
The teacher corrects homework, class work, and tests in a timely manner.
The teacher makes the class a comfortable and friendly place to learn.
The teacher makes the class interesting.
The teacher gives enough review.

About You

/ Always / Usually / Sometimes / Rarely / Never
My attendance is good.
I come to class on time.
I participate in class (listen, speak, ask questions, work with a partner or in small groups).
I review the lessons every day outside of class.
I do all the homework.
My English is better now than at the beginning of the quarter.
My writing is better now.
My English grammar is better now.
I speak English in class everyday

1.  Please answer the questions below.

a.  What did you like about this class?





b.  What could the teacher change to make this a better class?


c.  Any other comments or suggestions



Thank you for your help!