What is Deviant Behavior?

Directions: Below are examples of various behaviors. You are to circle the ones that you personally feel are deviant (things that you would react negatively toward). You are then to label every behavior 1-5 with 5 being the worst and 1 being not that big of deal. These labels should represent how you think society views each one of these behaviors.

flirting with a guy/girl that's taken.
stealing supplies from work.
ditching school.
Smoking marijuana underage
cheating on a test.
cheating on a bf/gf.

Cheating on your wife/husband
living in a dirty house.
being a recluse.
spying on people.
breaking into someone's house.


joining a gang

peeping tom

Beating up your child

Beating up your wife

Beating up a stranger

Animal Abuse


Sexual Abuse


Illegal Drug Use

Bullying an obese person

Teasing a mentally handicapped person

Cyberbullying a smart person

Sexual Harassment

Smoking Cigarettes

Taking an aspirin a day

Copying a friends homework

Cheating on the MCAT or LSAT

Having a child out of wedlock

Interracial marriage

Smoking while pregnant

Not loving your child

Stealing $100 from your mom

Stealing $20 from your teacher


Living with your parents until you’re over 50

Never getting married

A 60 year old woman marrying a 30 year old A 65 year old man marrying a 25 year old

Pedophile Hitting your child with a belt

Crossdressing Stripper

Picking your nose 10 year old smoking

Not tipping at a restaurant Underage drinking

Cussing out your grandma Heroine use

Teaching your 3 year old to cuss Guys going to strip club

Abortion Belching in public

Guy wearing make-up Smoking cigarettes

Stay at home dad Biting toe nails

Stealing the answer key and sharing it Not mowing your lawn

Looking off of someone else’s test Marrying your cousin