The Appropriation Bill, 2012
A Bill for
An Act of Parliament to authorize the issue of a sum of money out of the Consolidated Fund and its application towards the service of the year ending on the 30th June, 2013 and to appropriate that sum and a sum voted on account by the National Assembly for certain public services and purposes
ENACTED by the Parliament of Kenya, as follows—
Short title.
1. This Act may be cited as the Appropriation Act, 2012.
Issue of KSh. 849,183,146,779 out of the Consolidated Fund for service of the year ending 30thJune, 2013 and appropriation of the money granted.
2. (1) The Treasury may issue out of the Consolidated Fund and apply towards the supply granted for the service of the year ending on the 30th June, 2013, the sum of Kenya Shillings eight hundred and forty-nine billion, one hundred and eighty three million, one hundred and forty-six thousand, seven hundred and seventy nine, and that sum shall be deemed to have been appropriated as from 1st July, 2012, for the services and purposes specified in the Schedule.
(2) The sum granted out of the Consolidated Fund by subsection (1) includes the sum of Kenya Shillings four hundred and twenty four billion, six hundred and sixty six million, forty six thousand, nine hundred and forty six, authorized by the National Assembly on the 21st June, 2012, in accordance with Article 222 of the Constitution.
Appropriations in aid.
3. In addition to the sum granted by section 2, there may be applied, for the several services and purposes specified in the Schedule, the sums specified out of any money directed to be applied as appropriations-in-aid under section 13(2A) of the Government Financial Management Act, 2004 No. 5 of 2004.
SCHEDULE (ss.2 and 3)(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in aid
Central Government
RecurrentExpenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R101 / The amount required
in the year ending 30th
June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of State
for Provincial
Internal Security
including general
administration and
planning, field
administration services, Administration Police
Services, Government
Press, Kenya Police
and General Service
Unit …………… / 59,779,722,483 / 693,000,000
R102 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and
expenses of the
State Houses;
Nairobi, Mombasa
and Nakuru: State
Lodges; Sagana,
Kisumu, Eldoret and
Kakamega. The
estimate also
includes expenses
related to presidential
press services, and
policy analysis and
research ...... / 1,385,328,390 / 2,000,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R103 / The amount required in
the year ending 30th
June, 2013 for salaries
and expenses of the
Ministry of State for
Public Service,
including general
administration and
planning and
training institutions …... / 9,085,901,228 / 46,000,000
R104 / The amount required in
the year ending 30th
June, 2013 for salaries
and expenses of the
Ministry of Foreign
Affairs including
general administration
and planning,
diplomatic representation and
international organizations ………. / 8,579,004,098 / 971,655,692
R105 / The amount required in
the year ending 30th
June, 2013 for salaries
and expenses of the
Office of the Vice-
President and Ministry
of Home Affairs,
including general
administration and
planning, Prison
Services, Probation
and After Care
Services and Betting
Control and Licensing
Board …………….. / 14,238,009,559
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R106 / The amount required in
the year ending 30th June, 2013 for the
salaries and expenses
for the Ministry of State
for Planning, National
Development and
Vision 2030 including
general administration
and planning, statistical
services, regional
cooperation, data
collection, policy
analysis and research.. / 2,622,712,066 / 72,000,000
R107 / The amount required in
the year ending 30th June, 2013 for the
salaries and expenses
for the Ministry of
Finance including
general administration
and planning, financial
policy, Debt
Management, Directorate of Public
Procurement, Government Information TechnologyServices,
banks and financial
institutions, Insurance
Kenya Revenue
Authority,Department of
Government Investment
and PublicEnterprises,
parastatals reform
programme andKenya
Investment Authority / 20,556,576,204
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R108 / The amount required in
the year ending 30th June, 2013 for salaries
and expenses of the
Ministry of State for
Defence including
general administration
and planning, and
expenses of the Kenya
Armed Forces ...... / 70,040,420,100
R109 / The amount required in
the year ending 30th June, 2013 for salaries
and expenses of the
Ministry of Regional Development Authorities including
general administration,
planning and regional
development …… / 793,502,092
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R110 / The amount required in
the year ending 30th June, 2013 for the
salaries and expenses
for the Ministry of
Agriculture including
general administration
and planning,
regulatory management of inputs
and outputs in
agriculture, promotion
of agriculture and
private sector
facilitation of
agriculture extension
services and extension
research, information
management for
agriculture sector
monitoring and
management of food
security, crop and pest
control and protection
of natural resource
base for agriculture .. / 9,048,734,947 / 175,000,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R111 / The amount required in the year ending 30th June, 2013 for salaries and
expenses of the
Ministry of Medical
Services, including
general administration
and planning,
equipment, curative
health, health training,
Kenyatta National
Hospital, Moi
Teaching and Referral Hospital, medical
supplies and grants to non-governmental hospitals ………… / 36,086,580,886 / 3,823,880,713
R112 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for salaries and
expenses of the
Office of the Deputy
Prime Minister and
Ministry of Local
Government, including general
and planning and
grants to local
authorities ………. / 1,421,992,100 / 21,499,900,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R1I3 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
the salaries and
expenses of the
Ministry of Roads
including general
administration and
planning, roads,
transport and staff
training services ...... / 2,683,327,977 / 25,694,950,000
R114 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
the Ministry of
Transport, for salaries
and expenses
including general
administration and
planning, Kenya
Railways, Kenya
Ferries Services,
Kenya Civil Aviation
Authority and Kenya
Maritime Authority ….. / 1,573,279,575 / 2,672,250,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R115 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June 2013, for
salaries and
expenses of the
Ministry of Labour,
including general
administration and
planning, industrial
relations, directorate
of occupational health
and safety services,
human resource
planning and
development, directorate of industrial
and vocational training
and micro and small
scale enterprises
development………. / 1,649,429,827 / 89,000,000
R116 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of
Trade including
general administration
and planning,
promotion of trade,
internal and external
trade services, Export
Promotion Council,
Private Sector
Development, Special
Economic Zones,
Business Premises
Rent Tribunal and
Kenya Institute of
Business Training …. / 1,964,122,075 / 289,097,088
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R117 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of
Justice, National
Cohesion and
Constitutional Affairs,
including general
administration and
planning, Law Reform
Commission, National
Anti-corruption Steering Committee,
Directorate of Legal
Affairs, Truth, Justice
and Reconciliation
Commission, National
Cohesion and
Integration Commission, reforms
and legal training...... / 1,727,580,184 / 121,000,000
R118 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of
Gender, Children and
Social Development
including general
administration and
planning, children
services, gender and
social services……… / 4,732,702,436 / 10,500,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R119 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of
Livestock Development including
general administration
and planning,
regulatory management of
livestock, livestock
development and
veterinary services …. / 4,264,743,121 / 24,000,000
R120 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
for the Ministry of
Water and Irrigation,
including general
administration and
planning, rural, urban
and special water
programmes, flood
control and land
reclamation, development of
irrigation schemes
including Bura
Irrigation Scheme,
National Irrigation
Board and National
Water Conservation
and Pipeline
Corporation ……… / 4,179,067,778 / 1,967,722,596
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R121 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
the salaries and
expenses of the
Ministry of
Environment and
Mineral Resources,
including general
administration and
planning, mineral
development, department of
Resource Survey and
Remote Sensing, and
Environmental Management and
Protection ……… / 2,511,842,894 / 508,400,000
R122 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
the salaries and
expenses of the
Ministry of
Cooperative Development and
Marketing including
general administration
and planning,
provincial administrative services, co-operative
supervision and
promotional services,
co-operative audit
services and
cooperative education
and training program... / 1,210,969,795 / 13,000,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R123 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and
expenses of the
Cabinet Office
including general
administration and
planning, National
Economic and Social
Council, Office of
Public Communications, coordination and
liaison services and
Directorate of
e-Government…….. / 1,316,525,557
R124 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of East
African Community
including general
planning, regional
integration and
contribution to regional
and international
organizations, publicity and advocacy for EAC integration…. / 1,175,709,573 / 1,000,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R125 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the State Law Office
including general
administration and
planning, legal
services and
Registrar-General's services ……….. / 1,601,189,243
R126 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of running the
Judiciary, including
general administration
and planning, Judicial
Service commission,
Supreme Court, Court
of Appeal, Council on
administration of
Justice, Auctioneers
Licensing board,
Judicial Training
institute, High Court
of Kenya, Magistrates
and Kadhis Courts … / 11,630,816,925
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R130 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of
Energy including
general administration
and planning,
renewable energy
development, electric
power development
and petroleum
exploration and
distribution………. / 2,482,259,088 / 220,000,000
R131 / The amount required
for the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and
expenses of the
Ministry of Education
including general
administration and
planning, early
childhood education,
primary education,
schools for the
handicapped, secondary education
and adult education … / 40,785,635,336 / 3,011,590,400
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R132 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and
expenses of the
Ministry of Information
and Communications
including general
administration and
planning, information
and news services,
Kenya News Agency,
rural press film
production, Kenya
Institute of Mass
Communication, Kenya Yearbook
Board, Brand Kenya,
Film Commission,
Kenya Film
Censorship Services
and Media Council of
Kenya …………. / 2,324,034,376 / 17,000,000
R134 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission including
general administration
and planning,
expenditure related to
research, education
policy and preventive services, investigations, asset
tracing, legal services
and assets recovery .. / 1,581,748,800 / 9,000,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R135 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of State
for Special
Programmes including general
administration and
planning, relief and
rehabilitation, national
disaster operations,
National Aids Control
Council and disaster
emergency response
coordination ………. / 5,365,088,286 / 3,000,000
R136 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and
expenses for the
Ministry of Lands
including general
administration and
planning, land
adjudication and
settlement, Survey of
Kenya, Lands and
Physical Planning
services …………… / 2,416,503,564 / 9,414,750
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R140 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
the Ministry of State
for Immigration and
Registration of
Persons for salaries
and other expenses
including general
administration and
planning, refugee
services, field
administration services, civil
registration, national
registration of
persons, immigration
services and Kenya
citizens and foreign
nationals management
service ………… / 4,297,387,132
R141 / The amount required
in the year ending 30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of State
for National Heritage
and Culture including
general administration
and planning, Kenya
National Archives and
Documentation Service, Non-
Governmental Organization Coordination Board,
National Museums of
Kenya, National
cultural services and
Kenya Library
Services ………… / 1,719,203,335 / 27,600,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R142 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of
Youth Affairs and
Sports, including
general administration
and planning, co-
ordination of sports,
National Youth
Service and youth
development and
training …….. / 6,192,556,278 / 86,000,000
R143 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of
Higher Education,
Science and
Technology, including
general administration
and planning,
technical education,
higher education
support services,
university education
and National Council
for Science and
Technology ………. / 29,640,211,993 / 16,018,186,144
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R144 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
for the Ministry of
Housing, including
general administration
and planning,
government estates
management, housing
development and Rent
Restriction Tribunal …. / 1,696,297,266 / 485,000,000
R145 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the National
Security Intelligence
Service including
general administration
and planning,
operations, training
and expenditure
related to liaison
services …………. / 13,414,000,000
R146 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and
expenses of the
Ministry of Tourism
including general
administration and
planning, development
and promotion of
tourism, Kenya Tourist
Board, Kenya Utalii
College and Bomas of
Kenya ………. / 1,496,325,199 / 11,000,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R148 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Office of the
Prime Minister
including general
administration and
planning, coordination
services, public sector
reforms, performance
contracting, Efficiency
Monitoring Unit and
Inspectorate of State
Corporations ………. / 1,640,771,584 / 1,400,000
R149 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of
Public Health and
Sanitation, including
general administration
and planning,
equipment, preventive
medicine and
promotive health and
oversight over
sanitation services … / 14,615,502,409 / 57,800,000
R155 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses of the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, including general administration and planning, forestry development and wildlife service ...... / 3,917,689,917 / 2,305,070,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R156 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
the salaries and
expenses of the
Ministry of Fisheries
Development, including general
administration and
planning, and fisheries
development ……… / 1,278,539,226
R157 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and
expenses of the
Ministry of Nairobi
Metropolitan Development for
general administration
and planning,
development of
Nairobi metropolitan
Infrastructure, development of
efficient water supply,
waste management
system and slum
up-grading ………. / 324,173,725 / 1,000,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R158 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and
expenses of the
Ministry of
Development of
Northern Kenya and
other Arid Lands
including general
administration and
planning, land
resource management, infrastructural development, livestock
development, industries and water
supply ………….. / 634,472,430
R159 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
the salaries and
expenses for the
Ministry of Public
Works; including
general administration
and planning, supplies
branch, Architectural,
Electrical and
Mechanical Departments ………. / 1,945,494,159 / 18,000,000
SCHEDULE—(Contd.) (ss.2 and 3)
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4)
No. / Service or Purpose / Supply / Appropriations
in Aid
Recurrent Expenditure / KSh. / KSh.
R160 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Ministry of
Industrialization including general
administration and
planning, industrial
development, Kenya
Bureau of Standards,
Kenya Industrial
Research and
Development Institute,
Kenya Industrial
Property Institute and
Kenya Industrial
Training Institute ……. / 1,979,287,919 / 151,500,000
R163 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
the Directorate of
Public Prosecutions
for recurrent
expenditure including
general administration
and planning ……. / 892,235,245
R165 / The amount required
in the year ending
30th June, 2013 for
salaries and expenses
of the Commission for