Oxford Biomedical Research Centre

Enabling translational research through partnership

Oxford University Clinical Academic Graduate School

TrainingBursaries for Health Economics Research Centre courses

The Research Education and Training Group has secured a number of funded places on the HERC’s ‘Introduction to Health Economic Evaluation’ (1 day) and ‘Applied Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis’ (3 day) courses. Each course is tailored towards health professionals and health researchers.

The WHO defines health economics as “the connection between health and the resources needed to promote it. Resources here involve not just money, but also people, materials and time, which could have been used in other ways. The underlying issue is that while the needs may be indefinite – for health, food, shelter, etc. – the resources to satisfy them are finite”.

Introduction to Health Economic Evaluation (1 day)

Applied Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (3 day)


Applications are welcome from all research staff/students currently funded by the Oxford BRC.The application should clearly demonstrate benefits of attending the requested course to both the applicant and the research area that they work in. Applicants must also ensure that the course they select is suitable for their needs and level of experience.


Complete the application form below. Specify the course, and give a short description of how this training would be relevant to your current research post and how it will contribute to your professional development, as well as how your attendance will benefit your research area. You can apply to attend both courses if they would be of particular benefit.

The application will also needto be supported with a signature from your current manager/principal investigator or academic supervisor (as appropriate) stating that they support your application and will facilitate any associated request for leave/study leave.

Signed applications should be scanned and returned by e-mail to: (Abby Hipkin, Research Education and Training Administrator).Closing Date 16th February 2015

Conditions associated with the award

At the end of the course an email should be sent tothe Research Education and Training Administratorwithfeedback of the applicant’s experience of the course (was it a good course to attend, how beneficial was it practically, would it be useful for others, has it identified other training needs or provided inspiration for further study etc.)

Training Bursaries for Health Economics Bursaries Application Form

1. Personal Information
Email address:
Title of your current post and research project/s: / Current post start date:
Current post end date:
Position: / Employer(if applicable):
Department: / Funding source for your current research position (e.g. NIHR, Local funding):
Please specify which course you would like to attend (or both):
Introduction to Health Economic Evaluation (1 day)
Applied Methods of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (3 day)
2. Personal Statement
Give a short description of how this training would be relevant to your current research and how it will contribute to your professional development (Max 500 words).

Group head/Principal Investigator/Supervisor/Manager(Delete as appropriate)

Name :______

I support this application and will facilitate attendance at the course if successful.

