Animal Technology
Course Outline
BathCountyHigh School
Teacher: Mr. Hammons
“Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve”
Animal Technology is a one-credit course that provides a solid base to all of the higher Agriculture Education courses. The main objective of this course is to provide opportunities for students to study and apply the many different facets of Agriculture Education related to Animals and Animal Science. The group and individual activities will engage students in creating ideas, developing leadership, and implementing design solutions. This course will stress the uses of Agriculture in a multitude of careers related to Animal Science. Students will also gain skills while working on their Supervised Agriculture Experience Programs relating to this course. This course also includes numerous activities that will hopefully give students a better understanding of some of the concepts in Agriculture and their uses. Agriculture content, resources, and laboratory activities encourage student applications of Kentucky Core Content.
Textbooks may be assigned to students, but they will be used in class. Also, calculators can only be used when specified. Students will encounter and master the following topics:
- Demonstrate employability and social skills relative to a career in animal sciences
- Design animal breeding programs that employ the latest reproductive system manipulation techniques.
- Design animal feeding programs that employ the latest nutrition principles and trends
- Construct a heard health program for common food animal species
- Demonstrate industry-accepted techniques for common herd health practices
- Demonstrate common veterinary best management practices for food animals
- Assess the end product of livestock production (meat & milk)
- Analysis common animal husbandry practice to discern the scientific merit behind them
- Formulation of an environmentally responsible waste management program for specific livestock production
- Maintain records on a supervised agricultural experience program & be able to summarize/analysis results for making financial decisions
- Utilize activities of FFA as an integral component of course content and leadership development
Grading Scale:
This year all Agriculture classes have the same grading procedure as the rest of the school. The grading scale for this class is as follows:
Standards Based Grading
Progress reports will be sent home in the middle of each quarter (after 4.5 weeks). These reports must be signed and returned. Students will usually receive PARTCIPATION points for participating with the class on a daily basis.
Every effort will be made on my part to teach you as much as possible; every effort should be made on your part to learn as much as possible. In order to complete this course, students must meet or exceed the following requirements:
1) Attendance/Tardies - all students should shoot for perfect attendance - “you can’t learn if you aren’t here.”
Tardy Policy:
Could you imagine our world without any rules, laws, or consequences? Imagine driving! Imagine our freedoms! Imagine our businesses! Most importantly, imagine our schools! We have rules so that we can have a safe, enjoyable, conducive learning environment. When someone is tardy, that student not only hinders and disrupts their own education, but everyone else in that class as well. BE ON TIME! If you are tardy and it is excused lay your note on top of the tardy log and sit down immediately. If you are tardy and it is unexcused, you need to sign the tardy log immediately when you enter the room and then sit down. Below are the consequences for being tardy in my class and disrupting the learning process of all my students.
First Unexcused TardyConsequences: Break Detention (10 Minutes)
Second Unexcused TardyConsequences:3 Break Detentions (10 Minutes)
Third Unexcused TardyConsequences: 1 Day ACP & Parent Notification
Subsequent Unexcused TardyConsequences: Three days ACP per NEW tardy
2) Homework - homework is an important key to learning. Students should complete all assignments. Homework assignments will be collected occasionally and those, which aren’t collected, must be kept in your notebook. All homework must be headed the appropriate way, the same as in all other classes.
3) Notebooks - another key to learning is paying attention; in order to help you pay attention more closely all students must keep a ring bound notebook (no folder type or spiral notebooks). Notebooks must contain the following in chronological order (in order according to the dates each item was given out in class):
A). All notes given in class (anything written on the board or over-head)
B). All handouts given out for explanation.
C). All homework assignments (collected and uncollected)
D). All quizzes, activities, and test
E). This course of study outline
4) Tests/Quizzes - one of the best ways for me to see if a student is learning in class is to give tests and/or quizzes. As a general rule students should expect one test and two to three quizzes on each chapter.
5). Class Participation -
a). Unexcused absences
b). Unexcused tardy
c). Forget to bring book to class
d). Forget your paper or notebook
e). Forget pen or pencil
f). Talking
Grading Policy:
As you can imagine everything you do or don’t do has an impact on your grade, so please keep up in class, and if you have problems or concerns please talk to me - you’ll be surprised at how understanding and helpful I am. I will care as much about your grades and your education as you do. All grades each quarter will be calculated using the following percentages:
Category NameWeight
Standards Based Grading
Make-up Policy:
All material missed because of an excused absence (excused/unexcused absences are my call) can be made up, but you must talk to me on the day you return to school about make up work. You will have 5 school days to makeup missed work after that it will become a ZERO there are no exceptions. Your grade is your responsibility.
a). If a homework assignment was assigned when you were in class and you miss the day the assignment was collected, then you must turn in the assignment immediately. Otherwise, you will have 5 school days to make up the homework as you missed.
b). Tests missed must be made up immediately after returning to school, unless the test wasn’t announced while you were in class or you missed more than 2 days of class that included review day. If the latter happens, you will have 5 school days to make up the test as you missed.
c).All make-up Formative and Summative Assessments must be made up in study zone.
d). Assignments / tests / quizzes missed due to unexcused absences cannot be made up! Please be cautious about unexcused absences!
Procedures and Routines:
1. Fire Drills -When we have a fire drill, all students are to leave the room quickly, turn right and go out the end door, next to the greenhouses. The class should stay together and meet across the road at the guard rail by the greenhouse. Students are not to be roaming or getting in anyone’s vehicle or you will automatically receive break detention or a discipline referral pending the severity of the issue. There I will be taking roll, those who are not present with the class will be assigned break detention.
2. Tornado Drills - when we have a tornado drill, all students must go into the hallway and sit “Indian Style” facing against the wall.
3. BathroomPass - If you an emergency occur and you have to leave the room or go to the bathroom raise your hand and I will come to your desk. If I feel you do actually need to leave (slim chance) then I will give you permission to do so. Before leaving the room you must sign out in the hall pass log and take the hall pass out of the log. When you return, you must sign back in and then immediately return to your seat. If for some reason when you leave you go to the office and are detained, it is your responsibility to have an office worker tell me where you are. YOU ONLY GET ONE HALLPASS A QUARTER - USE IT CAREFULLY.
4. Sharpening Pencils - If possible do not use the pencils that must be sharpened, instead use the retractable pencils. Pens are not a good idea for Agriculture class either. If you do use a pencil that must be sharpened then you should sharpen your pencil before the start of class. If you have to sharpen your pencil because the lead breaks, then raise your hand for permission first! I would suggest that you bring both to class with you on a daily basis.
5. Turning in Papers - All papers (every page) must be headed properly and you should have all homework ready to turn in prior to entering class. If papers are to be turned in pass the papers to the front of the row you are in. Those people in the front should then pass their stack towards the front of the room to my stand.
6. Class Dismissal - The bell in this school is NOT for the students, it is for the teachers. It lets us know when to start a class and when to dismiss it. The bell does NOT dismiss you - I dismiss this class. When the bell rings I will finish up anything that is necessary and then I will announce that class is dismissed and you may leave.
7. Teacher Absences - I do NOT like to miss school and I will try my hardest not to. If I must be out I will try to give you prior notice and let you and the substitute know what your assignment will be while I am absent.
8. Rules- All school and district rules/regulations apply. Be on your best behavior.
9. This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor to accommodate student and/or instructional needs.
This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor to accommodate student and/or instructional needs.
Classroom Rules:
If you need help, ASK!
Be respectful!
Be prepared for class.
Be in your seat when bell rings!
If you need something, raise your hand.
I have read and understand the course syllabi. By signing the course syllabus you are also giving consent to publish the students picture/work/information. I also understand that my child may be working with Animals, Tools, & Livestock at a variety of locations and hereby release the instructor of any liability. The course syllabi is a guideline to go by for the course. Disciplinary issues will change based on the BCHS student discipline policy for the current year. I certify that I have read the information described above in the class syllabi. I also understand that each individual is responsible for his/her own insurance coverage. I give permission for ______to be enrolled and attend the BCHS Agriculture Class as well as any educational trips at any location and I hereby release the National, State, and Local FFA organization and any adult in charge of the group from any legal or financial responsibility with respect to my personal or my students participation.
If you there any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me at:
Attn: Jon Hammons
Bath County High School
645 Chenault Drive
Owingsville, KY 40360
Phone: 1-606-674-8191
Fax: 1-606-674-6837
Student Signature DateParent/Guardian Signature Date