HOP Information Literacy Common Interest Group

Conference Call Report (Draft)(Revised 7/23/04)

July 13, 2004, 3:30-5 pm


1. Review IL CIG Charge (5 mins)

The Charge to the Campus Interest Group on Information Literacy includes:

Survey the campus libraries to determine what information literacy activities are currently underway, the scope of those activities, and the progress to date.

On the basis of the information gleaned from the survey, consider how those activities might lead to collaboration and cooperation among the campuses, sharing models that have been successful.

Propose models for a UC Libraries Information Literacy Program that will support and strengthen the campus library programs.

Propose training, workshops, or other mechanisms for promoting and enhancing information literacy programs for the University of California Libraries for the future.

We reviewed the charge and decided that we did not need a new charge for 2004/05. Our 2004/05 activities will focus on “promoting and enhancing information literacy programs for the University of California Libraries for the future.”

2. Review Accomplishments to Date

  • Survey of Campus Instruction Activities
  • The Google Generation: Recommendations for Incorporating Information Literacy into the UC Experience
  • Information Literacy Workshop Proposal and UL response
  • Websites

We reviewed our 2003/2004 accomplishments.

3. Review expectations for reporting on 2004/2005 activities

Each CIG is expected to submit an annual report of the previous years activities to the appropriate chair of the All-Campus Group by October of each year. Each group also submits a statement of annual goals and objectives for the coming year. Donald Barclay is the Chair of HOPS and we will submit our annual report and statement of goals and objectives to him by October, 2004. It was further clarified that the term of the CIG’s is from July 1, 2004-June 30, 2005.

Action: The report, The Google Generation: Recommendations for Incorporating Information Literacy into the UC Experience, written by Carol Hughes, will serve as our annual report for 2003/04. We will submit a statement of goals and objectives to Donald by October 15, 2004, based on the goals and actions identified during this conference call.

4. Websites

  • We currently have (at least) 3 websites devoted to UC Information Literacy. They are

  • created/maintained as the official page by SOPAG

  • created/maintained by Debbie Murphy

  • created by LAUC IL Task Force (Sarah McDaniel as co-chair), LAUC voted to turn it over to us
  • What is the purpose of these sites?
  • Do we need three or can they be merged?
  • Future upkeep and enhancement


1. We will maintain the HOPS Information Literacy Common Interest Group website for the purposes of documenting and facilitating the work of our group. Although it may contain links to other IL websites, we are its primary audience and users.

2. The LAUC website and the IL CIG website will be merged. In addition, we will examine the CDL Instructional materials website ( and determine how to incorporate information from that site as well.

3. The external website, whatever its other content, will expand to include links to information about individual campus information literacy programs and activities.

Action: Debbie Murphy (UCSC), Ellen Meltzer (CDL), and Sarah McDaniel (UCB) will draft a proposal for an external website for UC Information Literacy. The proposal will included information about the intended audience, purpose of the site, suggestions for content, and a timeline for development. In addition, they will include a recommendation about where the site will live/who will maintain it. They will share this proposal with the IL CIG by September 15.

5. Discussion: Identify Goals, Objectives and Activities for 2004/2005

The group identified three themes that will focus our activities for 2004/2005.

  • Information Literacy Best Practices
  • Information Literacy Assessment Activities
  • Collaboration and Partnerships

Theme 1: Information Literacy Best Practices

Discussion Summary: We would like to create a forum to share Best Practices in Information Literacy among the UC Libraries. The purpose of this forum is share information about

  • information literacy activities on each campus
  • broader information literacy initiatives and activities
  • professional development opportunities.

We agreed that this forum should include an emphasis on the use of digital learning objects and instructional technology to promote information literacy principles in instruction. We also want a forum that will provide professional development for participants (as well as share information about further professional development opportunities).

Action: We created a task force of volunteers to write a proposal for an Information Literacy Best Practices Workshop (tentatively titled “eLinks to Information Literacy”) to be jointly sponsored by CDL and SOPAG[EJM1].. We will submit the proposal to SOPAG through HOPS, asking that they identified appropriate sponsors (CDL? SOPAG?) for the Workshop.

The task force members are:

Eleanor Mitchell, UCLA, Chair

Jane Faulkner, UCSB

Geeta Yappa, UCR

Ellen Meltzer, CDL (consultant)

They will have a draft proposal to share with the IL CIG by September 30, 2004.

Theme 2: Information Literacy Assessment Activities

Discussion Summary: While there is interest in information literacy assessment, and assessment in general, on each campus, there is not a common philosophy of assessment that is comparable across campuses. Some campuses are interested in longitudinal studies, some would like to see comparisons on student performance with other institutions, others are interested only in the performance level of their own students, while still others would like to target specific populations, such as transfer students or students in particular majors, for assessment. However, all agree that assessment is essential if we are to demonstrate the impact of our activities on student learning for administrators and others.

Action: Kari Lucas, UCSD and Cathy Palmer, UCI will survey each campus to learn their information literacy assessment activities. They will gather information about information literacy assessment tools, both externally and internally developed, and create a “Consumer’s Report” that provides detailed information about the existing tools. The goal is to have the “Consumer’s Guide” completed by July 1, 2005. They will develop a timeline of activities to meet this deadline.

Theme 3: Collaboration and Partnerships

Discussion Summary: Successful instruction does not occur in a vacuum. In order to be successful, library instructors must partner and collaborate with others. The IL CIG members would like to establish stronger links to groups such as HOPS, CDL, and with subject specialists. In addition, there are partners outside the Libraries who can help us leverage our individual efforts. For example, several instruction librarians from UCLA are attending the MERLOT ( Conference in Costa Mesa to learn more about creating and sharing digital learning objects.

Action: No specific action was identified to address this theme, although Eleanor will report back on the UCLA experience at the MERLOT Conference.

5. Webcast Proposal: Select a theme of common and/or wide interest, such as Information Literacy Assessment or Information Literacy Best Practices and host a webcast.

Discussion: We decided to wait on this proposal. We need a more fully developed program or product before we provide a webcast.

6. Wrap-up and Next Steps

See Action items identified for each theme.

Cathy, Eleanor and Elizabeth will submit a list of the HOPS IL CIG goals and activities for 2004/2005 to Donald, as Chair of HOPS, by October 15, 2004.

Cathy Palmer, recorder

[EJM1]1I can’t promise that CDL will co-sponsor the workshop without discussion here at CDL. Also, I had thought we said that HOPS would be a co-sponsor since this is a HOPS subcommittee.