• EN110, Text Citation Exercise
Materials: A Pocket Style Manual, or other style guide; laptop or computer
Using A Pocket Style Manualor other style guide for reference, work to rearrange each of the below entries into one, correct, properly formatted Works Cited page. Note that each example is out of order.
- Begin my looking at your source material. Decide what type of source it is: book? journal article? magazine?
- Find the “Directory of works cited materials” (the source index for each formatting style) in your style guide and go to the page for the specific source you need.
- Format each entry into the proper order according to the order as outlined in your style guide.
- Once you have each entry properly formatted, find the “Sample list of works cited” page example in your style guide. Using this page as reference, place each entry into a proper Works Cited page, one page for MLA and one page for APA.
Title: Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination
Place of Publication: Boulder
Year: 2006
Author: Neal Gabler
Publisher: Knopf Doubleday
MLA Style (Single author):
Gabler, Neal. Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination. Knopf Doubleday, 2006.
APA Style(Single author):
Gabler, N. (2006). Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination. New York: Knopf Doubleday.
- Title: Curing the Crisis: Options for America’s Health Care
Place of Publication: Boulder, CO
Author: Michael D. Reagan
Year of publication: 1992
Publisher: Westview Press
- Author: Amanda
Title of Blog Post: Running With Your Other Half
Dates Posted: May 22, 2013
Title of Blog: Peanut Butter and Adrenaline
Publisher/Sponsor: Wordpress
- Article Title: Cyberbullying: Causes, Effects, and Remedies
Issue: 5
First Author: Diane Hoff
Pages: 652-665
Date: 2009
Volume: 47
Journal Title: Journal of Educational Administration
Second Author: Sidney Mitchell
- Author: Sara Boboltz
Title of Web site: The Huffington Post
Article Published: June 25, 2014
Title of Short Work: These Quotes From Students Nail Everything That’s Wrong With School Dress Codes
- Page: 110
Title of Article: Trump to Seek $54 Billion Increase in Military Spending
Dates Posted: February 27, 2017
First Author: Michael D. Shear
Title of Newspaper: The New York Times
Second Author: Jennifer Steinhauer
- First Editor: Jack Zipes
Place of Publication: New York, NY
Third Editor: Lynne Vallone
Author of Selection: Charles Perrault
Year: 2005
Second Editor: Lissa Paul
Page: 343
Title of Selection: Little Red Riding Hood
Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company
Title: The Norton Anthology of Children’s Literature