Product: Salts SecuPlast Hydro Tape
Applicant: Ainscorp Pty Ltd
Date of SPAP Meeting: 29 – 30 July 2013
- Proposed Listing on the Stoma Appliance Scheme
The applicant, Ainscorp, sought listing of the Salts SecuPlast HydroTape in Subgroup 9(a) of the Stoma Appliance Scheme (SAS) Schedule. The product was proposed for listing at a unitprice of $19.90 (per roll; one roll per pack) with a maximum monthly quantity of four units.
- Comparator
The applicant nominatedone of its own products currently listed in Subgroup 9(a), Salts SecuPlast Hydro (SAS code 9853N), as the comparator. This product is listed at a unit price of $1.458 (per strip; 30 strips per pack), with maximum monthly quantity of 60.
- Background
The Stoma Product Assessment Panel (SPAP) first considered the proposed product at its meeting in March 2012. For the Panel to fully consider the proposed product for listing on the SAS Schedule further evidence to support the use of the product in stoma care was required.
- Clinical Place for the Product
The proposed product is made from the same hydrocolloid as Salts SecuPlast Hydro strips and can be used as an alternative to strips. The proposed product is in the form of a roll which allows cutting of precise length enabling more efficient usage of the hydrocolloid. The proposed product would be used to reinforce a hydrocolloid wafer or baseplate to offer more security to ostomates.
- SPAP Comment
Clinical Analysis
The Panel noted that although the proposed product may provide an alternative for pouch adhesion, the application contained limited clinical effectiveness information in relation to the use of the product in stoma management. In addition, it was considered that the absence of curvature in the product may inhibit the scope for optimal performance and would lead to more tape being required due to overlap to ensure coverage of the margins of the baseplate. The Panel noted that this product would be better suited when a straight cut-to-fit alternative is required.
Economic Analysis
The Panel accepted that the nominated product could be listed at the price proposed. The savings to Government would be $7.88/month/maximum quantity when compared to the appropriate comparator (Omnigon Welland Hydroframe).
Financial Analysis
There will be no impact on SAS expenditure as a consequence of listing this product.
- SPAP Recommendation
The Panel recommended that Ainscorp Salts SecuPlast Hydro Tape, be listed in subgroup 9(a) of the SAS Schedule at the price of $19.90 per unit with a maximum monthlyquantity of four units.
The Panel further agreed that this product should be listed with a ‘R2’ restriction, ie that no authority for an increase in the monthly allocation can be granted.
The Panel also agreed that the clinical need for tapes in stoma management should be investigated further as part of the Group 9 Review.
- Context for Decision
The SPAP helps decide whether stoma products should be subsidised and, if so, the conditions of their subsidisation in Australia. It considers submissions in this context. An SPAP decision not to recommend listing or not to recommend changes to a listing does not represent a final SPAP view about the merits of a particular stoma product. A company can resubmit to the SPAP following a decision not to recommend listing or changes to a listing. The SPAP is an advisory committee and as such its recommendations are non-binding on Government. All SPAP recommendations are subject to Cabinet/Ministerial approval.
- Applicant’s Comment
Ainscorp accepts the SPAP’s recommendation.