Minutes of the CITLA Board Meeting
May 5, 2010
Warwick Campus
Attending: Dale Boyle, Sarah Cichon, Paula Domenico, Naglaa Gaafar, Karen Kortz, Jeanne Mullaney, Cecile Roberti, Ruth Sullivan, Kira Trainor, Marla Wallace
- Committee Report for Governance
Jeanne distributed a Committee Report form that all committees are asked to submit under the new governance system. To complete the form, the committee made the following decisions: Jeanne is committee chair; Marla is secretary. The committee name (Center for Innovative Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Advisory Board) was confirmed and will proceed to VP Morgan for approval. Jerry Hatfield’s mission statement was included as the committee’s official statement. Terms of membership will be 1-3 years, staggered to ensure smooth turnover. Membership is voluntary, with one or two members from each division. Officers are selected by nominations and votes. The committee expects to meet four times per year. Decisions will be made using a combination of voting and consensus. There is no CITLA Web site yet, though Joann Warren has volunteered to create one. The committee nameneeds to be approved by VP Morgan and President DiPasquale before work on the Web site can begin. The committee meetings will be available by teleconference so that all campuses can be accommodated. There are no subcommittees at this time.
- CITLA Survey Results
Marla distributed the compiled results of the CITLA surveys that were distributed on Professional Development Day. There were 10 responses, with some recommendations for speakers and topics. The committee will continue to solicit ideas from the college community by providing evaluation forms at CITLA events and providing a space on the Web site for suggestions and feedback.
- Plans for Fall
Ideas included a kick-off event; creating a clearinghouse for teaching/learning resources; a culminating event with a featured speaker.
- Topics
Possible topics for CITLA events include: creating multiple choice questions; addressing different learning styles in the classroom; effective use of PowerPoint. There was strong interest in the subject of multiple intelligences, with Tom DiPaulo suggested as a speaker.
- Space
CITLA will maintain a physical space in a small room at the Warwick campus library. Ideas for the space included computers for faculty development; books, journal articles, and reports; and videorecordings of speakers from CITLA events.
- Funding
There may be funding for a CITLA coordinator. This funding could be used in the form of release time, or in hiring a 19 hour/week coordinator. There may also be funding to purchase clickers. Those who use the clickers could be asked to attend workshops on their use, and report back about their experiences in the classroom.
- Learning Styles Events for Fall
There was a discussion of planning a series of events in the fall semester centered on the theme of learning styles and multiple intelligences. There was general agreement on a scenario such as:
Week of September 20 or 27: A formal presentation on the topic, possibly with an invited speaker.
Week of October 4 or 11: An informal workshop on the topic; hands-on with the opportunity to create materials.
Week of October 18 or 25: An informal brown-bag roundtable, where participants can report on their experiences
- Next Meeting
The Board will meet again in September. No date has been set.
Respectfully submitted,
Marla Wallace