EMUNI University – AppForm-SS2009-institutions



(2nd EMUNI Summer 2009)

Application form for co-organizing institution

Call / 01.12.2008
Submitted to / EMUNI University, Sončna pot 20, 6320 Portorož, Slovenija
Application deadline / 05.01.2009
  1. Institution’s data and contacts for project


Full legal name
Legal Address
Street - Number
Postcode / City
E-mail / Website

1.2Legal representative

Title / First name
Family name

1.3Person responsible for the project

Title / First name
Family name
Function in organization
Telephone / Fax
Mobile / E-mail address

1.4Person responsible for the academic part of the project – professor coordinator

Title / First name
Family name
Function in organization
Telephone / Fax
Mobile / E-mail address
  1. EMUNI Summer School course

2.1General information about the course

Name of the course
ECTS credits
Type and hours of work / face-to-face tuition: / h
e-learning: / h
individual work: / h
Website where the information for the course are published
Name of the Study Program
Degree of the course (encircle) / • Master • Doctoral

2.2Location, term, language and costs

Location where the course will be carried out / name of institution:
Term of face-to-face tuition (2-3 weeks) / from / to
between 1st June to 30thSeptember 2009
Language of the course (encircle) /
  • English
  • French

Deadline for the assessment of student`s final work?
Do you provide accommodation and meals for participants? / • yes / • no
If yes, please state the costs per course for / accommodation: / EUR
meals: / EUR
The cost of the fee / tuition fee: / EUR
registration: / EUR
How does institution intend to promote seminar among students?

2.3Professors from partner institutions[1]

Family name / First name / Name of HE institution / Country / Website
  1. Financial plan

Complete the following tables:

Expenses for professors / Founds from EMUNI University (in EUR) / Own resources
(in EUR) / Other resources
(in EUR)
transportation costs
accommodation costs
Subtotal (in EUR):
Other costs
Subtotal (in EUR):
Grants for students
registration fee
tuition fee
transportation costs / -
accommodation costs
Subtotal (in EUR):
  1. Declaration by the legal representative of the applicant institution and signature

We agree with the conditions stated above and hereby confirm that information given in this application and attachments is correct.

Date / Signature and Stamp
  1. Obligatory attachments
  1. Course specification,
  2. CVs of professors from applicant and partner institutions (recommended is Europass form),
  3. short CVs of professors (up to 100 words) which will be published on our website.

This application form with obligatory attachments should be submitted by e-mail to no later than January 5, 2009.

The application will be evaluated by EMUNI Commission. Institutions will be notified about selection via e-mail. The list of selected institutions will be published also on on January 30, 2009.

For more information please contact:

Ms. Blanka Palčičon

/ 05 671 36 04
/ 05 671 36 05

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[1]Please note: each course should be delivered by 2 to 3 professors, at least 1 professor coming from the EU and at least 1 professor from the non EU countries (members of the Union for the Mediterranean).