Position: / Department:
Name: / Supervisor:
Appraisal Period from: / Appraisal Period to:


Communication about performance between supervisors and employees throughout the review period is the single most important purpose of the performance appraisal process. Each employee needs to know what is expected of him/her at any given time and to receive ongoing feedback on his/her performance progress. The Performance Appraisal Form provides the opportunity to identify and reinforce performance strengths and to pinpoint and plan for correcting performance deficiencies.


  1. The supervisor and employee discuss and record progress on the above throughout the year. At a minimum, the supervisor and employee should meet quarterly to discuss the Performance Appraisal Checkup Form. Indicate below that the Checkup Form was completed at least on a quarterly basis.

□ First QuarterDate Completed: ______

□ Second QuarterDate Completed: ______

□ Third QuarterDate Completed: ______

  1. The employee should complete the Performance Evaluation-Employee Input Form, if instructed to do so by the supervisor in preparation for the evaluation meeting. The following steps should occur on a timeline that allows for completion of the Employee Performance Appraisal Form by November 30 of each year.
  2. The supervisor should complete the evaluation form with thoughtful comments and suggestions.
  3. The supervisor schedules a private meeting with the employee, providingample time for the employee to review the draft evaluation in advance of the meeting.
  4. The supervisor reviews with the employee the key job duties, standards and the performance dimensions on which the employee will be evaluated for the next evaluation period. The evaluation is updated as appropriate as a result of the meeting.
  5. Any employee receiving a performance dimension rating of effectiveness of not strong must have an attached performance improvement plan approved by the next level supervisor. Interim follow-up evaluations are required.
  6. After both supervisor and employee have completed and signed the form; it is forwarded to the Department Head and City Manager for final signature.

Original to City Manager by November 30. Supervisor and employee each retain a copy.






<Not Strong---Strong>

Customer Service

Excellent customer service is defined as service that treats customers with a friendly attitude and tries to resolve their problem or question as efficiently as possible.

To customers, the effective employee is courteous and responsive;patient and helpful; conveys a professional image while fulfilling position duties, both inside and outside the organization; communicates clearly and effectively; demonstrates effective listening;is open to the ideas of others; gives and receives feedback in a positive manner; and represents the City in a timely and knowledgeable fashionand creates a positive image for the organization.



Teamwork and Collaboration

The effective employee collaborates with other employees and/or departments; acts as a resource for others by willingly sharing job knowledge and information to improve overall City operations; and identifies and solves problems in a constructive manner.

The employee supports policy decisions and change; respects the organizational structure and chain of command; works with and assists other employees and/or departments; supports team goals; shares job knowledge and information; builds cooperative relationships; develops innovative approaches and ideas; suggests solutions to problems; takes proper care of city property, equipment, and vehicles.



Technical Skills

The effective employee acquires, maintains, and expands knowledge oftheir job, job procedures and policies, job requirements and the business; applies appropriate technical skills to complete work goals and objectives; works within budgetary constraints while meeting objectives; and manages City resources in a fiscally responsible manner.

The employee maintains necessary certifications and training for job position; demonstrates knowledge of required technical skills; applies appropriate technology to complete job tasks; seeks input from others to improve overall job performance; seeks additional training and education to improve performance; understands and complies with job policies and procedures; effectively plans and utilizes available resources.




To create the best possible work environment, the City of Gunnison employees commit to the values listed below. City employees will emulate the following values:

We will consistently provide open, honest, timely communication with our colleagues and customers.

We value trust and respect.

We value creativity and innovation.

We value life balance between work and family.

Teamwork and collaboration are essential in achieving community results.

We are accountable for our actions and the organization recognizes and thanks us for our achievements/We Celebrate Success!



Work Goals and Objectives

The effective employee achieves results for the City of Gunnison by setting priorities among tasks, setting reasonable time frames to complete either individual goals, team goals, or training goals, managing all available resources (including financial) to accomplish goals, and coordinating work goals with others.

The employee prioritizes work goals and objectives according to City and departmentalstrategic plans; sets realistic time frames to complete work goals; researches and plans work assignments to enhance performance and ensure quality; sets short-term and long-term goals to meet objectives; coordinates work goals and objectives with others; identifies available resources to assist with work goal completion; keeps supervisor informed of progress; completes work goals and objectives within established time frames; anticipates problems and works to overcome them; monitors expenditures and budgetary guidelines to successfully complete work goals.


Comments and specific examples for goal achievement during the current evaluation period



Goal establishment for the upcoming evaluation period


Communicates a positive view of the future and influences actions toward its achievement; inspires others to fulfill their potential; delegates decision-making authority and responsibility appropriately; empowers others to take initiative and solve problems; sets high standards of excellence; models personal accountability; provides feedback, guidance and support to others; leads by example; and works to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of City services.

(supervisors only)

The supervisor models behavior that supports the City’s purposestatement and strategic results; plans and assigns work to others in an effective and equitable manner; provides employees with clear directions and available resources to do their jobs; communicates constructive performance feedback to employees on an on-going basis; coaches employees to meet their potential; creates a collaborative and supportive work environment ; anticipates and resolves problems; confronts issues; makes well-analyzed decisions that result in positive outcomes



Summarize strengths, talents and areas for development. Use back of page or attach additional pages as needed

Check One:

□Recommended for step increase/Acceptable review
□Recommended for step increase/Performance Improvement Plan needed (requires Department Head consent in advance)
□Not Recommended for step increase/ Performance Improvement Plan needed (requires Department Head consent in advance)
Use back of page or attach additional pages as needed

Employee ______Date ______

The employee’s signature does not necessarily mean the employee agrees with the above but indicates the employee has had an opportunity to examine and discuss the Appraisal with his/her supervisor.

Supervisor ______Date ______

Department Head ______Date ______

City Manager ______Date ______