Reference: North Carolina Public Law §106-554

General Purpose and Use

The Internet connects computers and computer networks worldwide, creating access and links to

an infinite number of resources and individuals. Weldon City Schools is committed to the use of electronic resources and technology to enhance the administrative, teaching and learning opportunities for students, administrators, faculty, and staff. Internet use is increasingly fundamental for students and employees to be able to electronically communicate with others, and to obtain and transmit diverse types of valuable, educational information. In continued pursuit of educational excellence, students and employees in all schools and sites have available Internet access. However, users must bear in mind that access and use of Internet an electronic communication is considered a privilege and not a right. Misuse of these resources may result in loss of this privilege, as well as possible disciplinary and/or legal action.

Guidelines and Responsibilities

Employees will:

-Recognize that Internet access is available to WCS employees for educational and work

related purposes only.

-Comply with copyright laws, federal, state and local laws prohibiting obscene or profane

language or material, and local school system rules and regulations regarding types of

material and usage.

-Recognize that the school system may monitor access to computer resources to ensure

security and performance of computer systems and networks, to review employee

performance, and to enforce applicable laws and policies.

-Supervise and facilitate student use of technology.

-Model and provide instruction in the ethical and appropriate use of technology in a school


-Ensure all student users have a signed Student Acceptable Use Policy before allowing

them to access the Internet.

-Use assigned account, ID, or password only, not sharing with any other employee or


-Keep user ID’s, passwords, and computer resources secure.

-Refrain from activities that could disrupt network functions.

-Refrain from the install, download or copy of any software, or files without permission

from district technology personnel.

-Avoid the intentional access, production, posting, sending, displaying, and or retrieving

sexually explicit, vulgar, obscene, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate materials.

-Care for computer equipment and network resources causing no damage or intentional

unauthorized changes.

-Attempt no unauthorized access into any network, system, program or account.

-Access chat rooms, e-mail, list-servs, or other electronic communication methods for

educational and work related purposes only.

-Reveal personal information across the Internet cautiously.

-Report inappropriate use of the network or security problems to technology personnel.

-Understand that files stored on school system servers and workstations will not be

guaranteed to be private or secure.

-Not use school system electronic mail inappropriately by:

o Sending email that is intimidating or harassing.

o Using email for personal business, political lobbying or campaigning.

o Sending or forwarding chain emails to individuals or groups.

o Creating or transmitting email or images that might be considered inappropriate in

the workplace, including, but not limited to, messages or images that are lewd,

obscene, sexually explicit, pornographic, harassing or offensive.

o Using email for commercial or solicitation purposes.

o Sending mass emails using school system email for any purpose except those

relating directly to instruction and school administration.

o Sending mail that may be considering harassing, threatening or an attack on

individuals or groups.

Security and Disclaimer

Weldon City Schools utilizes software that attempts to prohibit access to information and Internet sites considered obscene and/or harmful. However, employees may either purposefully or inadvertently encounter material or information not intended for educational purposes. However, appropriate and positive use of the Internet and any other assigned technology resource ultimately remains the responsibility of the user. Therefore, Weldon City Schools is not responsible for damages or losses suffered during Internet and email use and access. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of or corrupted data, service interruptions or delays, or obtaining information of poor quality, containing errors, omissions or inaccuracies, or material of questionable or harmful value in either type or intent.

As an employee of the Weldon City Schools, my signature indicates I have read

and understand this Policy for Acceptable Use, and accept responsibility for abiding by the terms

and conditions outlined and using these resources for educational purposes. I also acknowledge

that I have read and understand the contents of the General Network Security Policy.

Employee (please print): ______

School/Location: ______

Employee Signature: ______Date: ______
